I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1122 Master and Apprentice?Father and son?

Lin Yuan was brutally humiliated, and his surroundings were filled with mocking and joking faces.

Palace Master Shuiyun's attitude is very tough, even Song Wei can't stop it.

In her opinion, Song Wei is just an 11-year-old girl after all, who doesn't understand anything: "You are still young, you will understand later, I am doing it for your own good!"

"Classics" will last forever.

Even thousands of years later, there are still many parents who use this banner to harm their children in the name of "for your own good".

But in all fairness, the Palace Master really didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

Song Wei is born with the body of Taiyin, the future arrogance, destined to be brilliant.Lin Yuan is a wild boy with no future at all, yet he dares to have unreasonable thoughts about her?

In this way, Lin Yuan was thrown out of Shuiyun Palace, and the palace owner also gave Song Wei a profound ideological education.

Lin Fei appeared next to Lin Yuan out of thin air, but found that the latter's gaze was almost strangely calm, and he looked up at the palace on the top of the mountain.

"Do you want me to help?" Lin Fei asked.

Lin Yuan didn't answer, but instead asked: "Master, what do you think they would do if they knew my current state?"

Lin Fei said lightly: "I immediately regret that I invited you to join Shuiyun Palace, raised my hands in favor of your marriage with Song Wei, and tried my best to facilitate this matter. If you agree, Mo Baiyun's face will die with a smile."

Is it so real?

Lin Yuan smiled, and then asked, "Then what if I don't agree?"

Lin Fei continued: "Within a hundred miles away from the mountain gate, if you don't have my protection, you will definitely die."

The human heart is always narrow.

Lin Yuan's talent is so terrifying, it's so terrifying that it makes people sleepless at night.

If someone offends this kind of arrogance and cannot use it for himself, then there is only one way to deal with it.

Leave no trouble.

Moreover, Lin Fei also told him a cruel fact: "Mo Baiyun got murderous and asked Zhao Zheng to get rid of you."

Lin Yuan's face was slightly cold.

He can't understand!

Because in the wild jungle, the real enemy is only wild beasts.People are huddled together to keep warm, and they have tried their best to survive and live even a little bit better.

But now he was just getting closer to Song Wei, and he actually caused a murderous disaster? !

Zhao Zheng did appear, but was surprised to find that no trace of Lin Yuan could be found, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

It's really weird!

Facing Mo Baiyun and Zhao Zheng who wanted to kill him, it was obviously impossible for Lin Yuan to have the slightest affection.

So Lin Fei said a word to him: "Consolidate your current cultivation base within one month, and perfect the alchemy, then you are allowed to go to Shuiyun Palace again."

Under Lin Fei's preaching, Lin Yuan practiced the "Shangqing Tongtian Dao Jing".

He lacks too much, and he is simply trying to make up for all kinds of cultivation knowledge.The use of true energy and divine thoughts, various magic tricks when facing the enemy, refining tools, alchemy, identifying natural materials and earthly treasures, etc.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yuan is rising rapidly.

After [-] days of training, the state has reached the best level, and [-] days of condensing the golden core.

Just forty days later, Lin Yuan reappeared in Shuiyun Palace.

The Shuiyun sword array was broken.

Zhao Zheng, who once wanted to kill him, was rubbed against the ground by him and almost died.

Mo Baiyun was terrified and terrified, he didn't know what to say when he saw such a young Jindan expert.

Song Wei was also deeply shocked.

Lin Yuan took the initiative to speak up, questioning Mo Baiyun when he asked Zhao Zheng to kill him.

Song Wei turned pale and looked at Mo Baiyun in disbelief.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Lin Yuan even broke all records and cultivated the golden core early, she panicked.

Even in front of Song Wei, Mo Baiyun wanted to kill him.

At that moment, Song Wei's heart was ashamed.

The majestic God Transformation expert personally took action, no matter how proud Lin Yuan was, he could only die.

But only a faint sigh was heard.

Mo Baiyun vomited blood and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, all of his profound cultivation vanished into thin air.

The divine bone lost its divinity, the Nascent Soul exploded, the sea of ​​Qi was exhausted, the sea of ​​consciousness collapsed...

Because of Lin Fei's appearance, the entire Shuiyun Palace fell into endless shock and fear.

If Mo Baiyun and Zhao Zheng didn't regard human life as nothing, and would kill Lin Yuan and Song Wei because they got close, it wouldn't be the case.

Lin Fei just took away Song Wei and Lin Yuan, and brought them into the Feiyun Sect.

But soon he discovered that letting go like this is not enough.

Children's self-control, really can't have too much hope.

As they get to know and get along better, the relationship between the two is getting closer.But a body of the sun, a primordial source who had accompanied him in the chaos, spent a lot of time chatting together, going to the grass at night to watch the stars, and going to the city to play during the day.

Song Wei just said that she wanted to eat fish, so Lin Yuan went directly to Taosha River, which is rich in spiritual fish, and returned after a long time, and then grilled fish for Song Wei.

Lin Yuan wanted a good sword, and Song Wei pestered Feiyunzong's maid for three days and three nights.All kinds of booing and asking for warmth, pinching shoulders and backs, serving tea and water, washing and cooking, regardless of whether she needs it or not, even eating and sleeping.

The most frightening thing was that when the maid in the later stage of transformation went to the toilet, she looked up and saw Song Wei lying on the door of the hut, and greeted herself with a bright smile: "Hello, sister fairy!"

The maid was on the verge of collapse, but she still didn't dare to say harsh words to Song Wei, so she had to "hand in the sword to keep the peace".

Lin Yuan did have the drive to practice, and Er Niu's tragic death reminded him to become stronger and protect the whole village.

But now it is different.

The whole village is safe, and he and Song Wei are together every day.

It is also impossible for Lin Fei to stay in Feiyun Sect and even the earth every day, sometimes stay in Yuxu Palace for two days, sometimes travel around the fairy world for two days, and leave across the universe plane at every turn.

When he returned to Feiyun Sect, he was greeted with complaints from everyone.

If it were any other master, seeing the disciple who had the most high hopes so lazy, he would be so angry that he would directly hit the mandarin duck with a stick.

But Lin Fei didn't.

He just found Lin Yuan, sat down with him on the grass under the starry sky, and talked like a father and son.

Lin Yuan lowered his head, facing him shamelessly.

But Lin Fei just said softly: "Lin Yuan, you can't live your whole life under my halo."

Lin Yuan was stunned, apparently the master's reaction was beyond his expectation.

"The sky can't crush me, the earth can't bully me, all the people in the multiverse will worship me, isn't that what they told you?" Lin Fei rubbed his hair, "Maybe one day, I too will perish. "

"At that time, everything you care about will disappear. Including the people in the village, including Song Wei."

Lin Yuan's face changed slightly: "No, Master is the strongest in the entire multiverse!"

Lin Fei smiled: "It's a fact, I don't deny it."

"But you left out two words—one of them."

"Yuan, maybe one day I will die. I take you as a disciple because I want you to guard this world and continue all the good things you want to cherish."

"When Ye Daoran and I die together, the entire multiverse will be in chaos, and then you will inherit my legacy..."

"Illuminating the multiverse, arbitrarily arbitrarily eternal."

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