If there are two streamers in the field, they are ever-changing, cutting through the sky fiercely, interlacing from time to time.

It is as if weaving a net of sky and earth with light, cutting the sky and the earth apart.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with a vast ocean of thunder, as if the entire sky had collapsed.

Countless creatures in the entire Great Desolate Continent have long been frightened out of their wits, and the nearby monks ran as far as they could, staying away from here as if they were dead.

Watch the game?Does not exist, unless it is too long!

However, even so, the aura emanating from there still terrifies and terrifies all races.

With each collision, the boundless earth trembled, causing the hearts of countless monks to stop suddenly, and all signs of life were lost for a moment.When he woke up, he was dripping with cold sweat and his face was pale.

A spectacular situation appeared in Bafang.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

Countless streams of blood shot up into the sky, and a large number of monks from all races were burning with blood and flying in all directions!


Run as far as you can, don't look back!


There was another loud noise, and the universe rumbled and trembled, and the densely packed monks who fled from the distance unexpectedly stiffened at the same time, falling from the sky like dumplings into the water.

The sound of thumping was endless, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

At the same time, the strong Jinxian under Lin Yuan also ran into members of the Central Heavenly Court.

To the surprise of Cai Beiyu and others, the opponent did not intend to start a war, but just confronted them.

It seemed that Lin Yuan's order was to hold them back and prevent Cai Beiyu and others from intervening in this battle.

On the battlefield that attracted the eyes of countless extremely strong men, the pair of master and apprentice simultaneously cast Jiuxiao Thunderbolt, both figures were enveloped by the infinite thunder, and then swung a fist.


Amidst the loud noises, there was no terrifying scene of mountains and rivers being shattered or the earth collapsing.Even the flowers, grass, sand and stones on Shuangjian Peak have not been affected in the slightest.

The two people's fine-grained control of power has been fully exerted to the limit.

All the terrifying power that could destroy the vast galaxy entered the opponent's body.

Lin Fei and Lin Yuan's bodies emitted terrifying sounds like ten thousand thunderbolts exploding, and just hearing it made one's scalp tingle.Their qi and blood were violent and surging, flowing like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, washing away their limbs and bones, and they unexpectedly unleashed such a terrifying power.

When the two retreated to their respective peaks, the scene that everyone expected Zhongshan Peak to burst into powder in an instant did not appear, not even a single pebble was shattered—they didn't even bother to transmit the power, let this world bear it for themselves Even a trace!

This self-confidence and arrogance are exactly the same, which makes the extreme powerhouses of the heavens and the world speechless.

"Okay!" Lin Fei spit out a word, showing extremely happy emotions, his eyes were burning, "As expected of my good apprentice, he never let me down!"

From the beginning to the present, his control and application of every ounce of power has reached perfection.

One move at a time, there is no flaw at all.

However, many extremely powerful people want to scold their mothers.

What a shit!

You two freaks, why did you fight so fiercely, and haven't suffered any minor injuries?Even if you scratch the skin a little, it can make me feel better, and I feel that the gap with you is not so exaggerated!

However, after a long silence, Emperor Tiandi Jun, still staring at the picture in the sky with his deep eyes, suddenly said, "Do you feel like the master is checking the achievements of the apprentice's practice?"

Donghuang Taiyi let out a "huh" and said in a deep voice, "From the beginning until now, they haven't done anything serious yet."

Lin Fei began to check Lin Yuan's cultivation results without any need for words, and the key point was that the latter was very cooperative, performing various supernatural powers one by one according to his wishes...

The greater the power, the stricter the test for the subtleties.

Lin Yuan can now control the mighty power at the level of the "Second Hegemony", but he may not be able to perfectly control the "One Destroyer".

You know, his opponent is Wansheng Tianzun.Even if there is only a ray of energy dissipated, and if it is even a tiny bit away from perfection, it will only end in defeat.


The two people in the arena suddenly activated the Thunderbolt Nether Sky Basher at the same time.Even across the plane of the big universe, many extremely powerful people are terrified. There is no doubt that this blow can easily destroy a vast and boundless space galaxy.

Destroyed, wherever it passes, satellites, planets, and stars will be wiped out, leaving only the power of thunder and ghosts to fill the empty river system!

Both of them pressed their wrists together, and pushed their palms forward violently, delivering this devastating blow.


After a collision, the energy storm raged, and it was completely invisible.

Lin Yuan's long jet black hair danced wildly in the wind like a dragon and snake, his face was stern, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.The whole person is like a heavenly sword unsheathed, with majestic momentum and killing intent, wanting to pierce through this supreme plane!


Surrounding him, 99 black flaming mad dragons suddenly appeared.He was lifelike and powerful, but exuded a monstrous and fierce demonic energy, which completely enveloped his figure and covered it with a layer of black light.

Like the king of darkness who dominates everything, his majesty cannot be violated.

Heavenly Demon dances wildly.

"Used the tricks taught by the master, and now you use your own supernatural powers?" Tai Yi sighed softly, and had to admit that Lin Yuan was truly a peerless genius.

Lin Yuan's face was calm, and Lin Fei's figure was reflected in his dark and deep eyes.

He pointed like a sword, slightly lowered his raised right arm, and pointed it straight in front of him.


The group of dragons roared like crazy like demons, rushing towards Lin Fei recklessly.

At a glance, the sky is full of majestic and mighty dragons, which are extremely oppressive.

The two of them showed all kinds of supernatural powers, from "Rakshasa Divine Art" to "Heavenly Demon Divine Art".

Heavenly Demon Annihilation!

Heavenly Demon Sovereign!

Heavenly Demon Seven Steps!

Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art!

However, in such a terrifying confrontation, the two still fought inextricably.Not to mention the winner, the two of them didn't even scratch their skins.

Lin Fei's right hand was as white as jade, and he pressed it in the void.


The sky was filled with bright white light, and a Yang fish emerged, and there was a little true Yang where his palm was pressed down.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan stretched out his left hand, as black as ink, and pressed it in the air.


A terrifying black hole emerges, and even light cannot escape, being swallowed up in it, exuding a chilling aura, bottomless.Immediately afterwards, the black hole transformed into a yin fish, and there was a little real yin where his five fingers were close together.

The two of them launched a Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram almost at the same time, and even the Six Paths of Reincarnation unfolded with a clatter, bursting into pieces instantly, and being absorbed by the Tai Chi Diagram.

In the silent collision, black and white yin and yang diffused.


A sound of the Qingyue sword resounded throughout the entire Great Desolate Continent, and the murderous aura soared to the top of the sky, making the heavens and stars tremble.

Zhu Xian unsheathed.

Lin Yuan was serious.

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