I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1127 The Strongest Master and Apprentice

"That's Zhu Xian?!"

"When did it have such power?"

The faces of many extreme powerhouses changed. Even though they were separated by the barriers of the planes, they could only see a phantom, and they also felt the piercing cold killing intent.

It was as if there were thousands of small invisible swords touching every inch of the body, causing slight pain.

Even the Lord Tongtian's eyes froze, realizing that the evil weapon that had been away from him for three thousand years seemed so strange.

Strictly speaking, the Immortal Execution Sword can only be regarded as half an extreme imperial weapon, which is slightly inferior to ordinary imperial weapons.Only that killing intent is really terrifying, if it is used properly, it may have a miraculous effect on killing a disciple.

The real scary thing about the Jade Immortal Sword lies in its ability to set up the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

Zhuxian, Trapping Xian, Juexian, Killing Xian, supplemented by Zhuxian formation diagram, known as the first killing formation in the way of heaven.

But things are different now.

The terrifying sword qi and murderous intent even spread to nearly one-third of the big universe planes through the stars projected by the various planes!

Hundreds of millions of creatures from all planes were terrified, thinking that the end was coming.

Wanzhu Tu, Poling Zizhu, Wanlonglian, Xuantian Demon Sword, four pieces of extreme emperor soldiers were smelted in one furnace, and the Zhuxian Festival was trained to an unprecedented level.

The most powerful and extreme emperor soldier, the best in the world!

Many extreme powerhouses are jealous and wish to seize it immediately and take it as their own.

"Looks like Lin Fei is finished." Tai Yi sneered.

It can be seen from before that the pair of master and apprentice are almost equal to each other, and it is difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior.

Now that Lin Yuan has the retrained Zhuxian Sword in his hand, what can Lin Fei use to resist it?

"Not necessarily." Di Jun sang against him, "There are thousands of good fortunes in the Great Desolate Continent. With the means of the Ten Thousand Saints, there is no reason why you can't train the ultimate emperor soldiers."

After his words fell, there was another rolling dragon roar in the Great Desolate Continent.

It was a hundred-foot-long metal mad dragon, its huge body was made up of metal weapons, covered with sharp barbs.

Heavenly Sin rose into the sky, and his violent killing intent was no less than that of Zhu Xian.

The tremors of the stars in the sky forced all the extremely powerful people to be speechless, and they took action one after another to stabilize the projection connection between their respective planes and the Great Desolate Continent.

"Is this really the emperor weapon that can be trained in the early stage of Ji Dao?" Tai Yi couldn't help but open his mouth, even now it's hard to accept the reality.

"It's rare, you also feel ashamed of yourself." Di Jun smiled slightly, as if making fun of him for being too arrogant and arrogant.

"Is there any benefit for you to dismantle me?" Tai Yi looked unkind, and said in his heart that if he was not watching the battle, he would fight you for [-] rounds.

"It doesn't matter if you don't demolish your platform, let's talk about the golden dream..." Di Jun was instantly refreshed, and he was about to start a long speech again.

"Stop!" Taiyi was terrified when he heard this, and immediately changed the subject, "Look, they're fighting!"

At this moment, the extreme powerhouses of the entire multiverse were horrified.

Lin Fei stepped on the sky, and Lin Yuan controlled Zhu Xian, and they rushed to kill each other.

Six Paths, Destruction of Heaven!

Two phantoms of the fairy world emerged, covering the sky above the boundless prehistoric desolation.

There are sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, Qionglouyuyu, and fairy palaces layer upon layer.

All collapsed and collapsed in an instant, condensing into an inescapable blow that runs through and through.

"The Great Desolate Continent has suffered disaster." A strong man of extreme dao was shaken and murmured.

As far as the power created by the two of them is concerned, even in the highest plane, at least two river systems must be wiped out, right?

However, the horror scene he imagined did not happen.

With outrageous meticulous control, the pair of master and apprentice limited the mighty power of this blow to within a square inch, which made countless extremely strong men stand terrified and stunned.

The more advanced the cultivation base, the more able to understand its horror.

A sharp light flashed past, as if the destructive aura that was about to destroy the entire plane was overwhelming, like a mortal who saw the end of the world and could not keep calm.

The two masters and apprentices have already passed each other, standing on the peak where the other party was standing before, standing with their backs facing each other.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, and stretched out two fingers to touch the left cheek.

There is blood between the fingers.

On his cheek, there was a finger-length wound.It was obviously injured by a sharp weapon, and it opened and closed like a baby's mouth, with blood oozing from it, winding like a small snake.

And not far behind Lin Yuan, Lin Fei stood calmly, and the sin of heaven wrapped around the entire mountain like a coiled dragon.

As the cold wind blew, a strand of long black hair fell off his temples and flew up.The incision where the hair breaks is smooth and even.

Many immortal emperors changed their faces because of it, and there were layers of turbulent waves in their hearts, and it was hard to believe what they saw.

Such a horrific blow, but the result was that one had his face cut and the other lost a strand of hair?

Are you kidding the universe? !

But even though Lin Fei was only cut off with a strand of long hair, it still terrified Ye Wudi and others who saw the projection on the battlefield!

They have seen it with their own eyes, Lin Fei just killed a strong man in the late stage of Jidao in seconds, it was almost like crushing an ant to death.

But at this moment, in the same situation, even using the same trick, he was cut off a strand of hair.

Similarly, many extremely strong men who had intersected with Lin Fei were also terrified, and their eyes on Lin Yuan became more and more shocked.

Damn... to be able to fight Wansheng Tianzun to such an extent, isn't the Six Paths Demon Lord pretending to be it?

Lin Fei sighed secretly in his heart, but there was no fluctuation on his face, he just turned around calmly, and said lightly: "The world is extinct?"

If it is said that this level of fine-grained control is still indistinguishable, then it will be raised to another level.

"The world is extinct." Lin Yan nodded slightly, and waved to the side.

Almost at the same time, the sound of swords and dragons rang out.

Zhu Xian and Tian Zui soared into the sky at the same time, leaving their respective masters to fight in the high places of the starry sky.The two fierce soldiers were extremely tyrannical, and the time, space, and mass energy were all annihilated.

Zhu Xian burst out ten thousand invisible sword qi, raging in the void.The sin of heaven disintegrated on the spot and turned into thousands of black icy lights.

Glittering, criss-crossing, fighting constantly.

The sound of gold and iron intersecting one after another, making the void scream and tremble, forming an absolute death field.


At the same time, both the master and the apprentice punched out, and a terrifying scene of the sky collapsing and the ground collapsing suddenly emerged, as if the entire prehistoric world was shattered and perished under one blow.

Fist to fist, bone to bone.

The arms of the two made thousands of booming and cracking sounds almost at the same time, and their flesh and blood were instantly mutilated, and their figures flew away.

Those extremely powerful people who have deeply felt the dominance of Wansheng Tianzun only feel that the world has changed.

Because Lin Yuan still hadn't fallen into a disadvantage, the injuries of the two were almost the same.

The wind blew over Lin Yuan's long hair, obliquely covering half of his face, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

"Master," he said softly, "you taught me so well."

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