At this moment, Ye Daoran looked like the leader of the terrorist team.

And the way of heaven will not stop him from doing this, and he may even clap his hands and applaud his approval-hurry up, how good is it for the two of you to die together?

Tiandao sent the Chaos Clock, making it clear that he wanted to push both sides towards mutual destruction.


Absolute deadlock!

It's like a confrontation between police and robbers. Seeing that the police are about to take down the gangsters, the latter suddenly issued a warning: You have two nuclear bombs, and I have one.OK, you are tougher than me.But if it explodes here, no one will live!

"The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry?" Lin Fei sneered.

"Successful and defeated, who cares about the process?" Ye Daoran resolutely opened his mouth, and then looked at the many strong men under his command, and said vigorously: "I want to aspire to the inner universe, are you willing to help me?!"

After his words fell, the audience burst into an uproar.

As the twin flower emperors, Ah Zi's face turned pale, and she looked at Ah Qing nervously for a moment: "Sister, Ah Zi doesn't want to die, Ah Zi wants to be with my sister forever!"

But Ah Qing's face was full of excitement and excitement, like the craziest evil believer, her breathing became rapid, and she looked at Ye Daoran with incomparable reverence: "Ah Zi, you can merge with your lord, From now on, we will not distinguish between you and me, it is our honor!"

She looked at Ah Zi, and said in a bewitching voice: "When I become one with Your Majesty, we will be together forever."

"But—" Ah Zi was so anxious that she was about to cry, "But we will die, and we won't know anything after we die!"

Ah Qing showed seriousness, held her small face in her arms, bowed slightly and said, "Ah Zi, you said that if it was my sister, you would not hesitate even if you were to die, right? "

"If you are disobedient, then my sister will not want you!"

"Our rebirth was also bestowed by Your Majesty, but now we just gave it back to him, so what's wrong? It's our honor to help Your Majesty win the Multiverse!"

Ah Zi panicked immediately, hugged Ah Qing tightly and said, "Sister, don't leave me behind, I will obey you in everything!"

And while the Twin Flower Emperors were talking, Lai Feitian had already moved.

He left Ye Wudi who was fighting with him, and immediately tore through the void and was about to escape to Ye Daoran, laughing wildly: "Those who have achieved great things in ancient times must have brave men who dare to sacrifice under their command! My lord, I will help you!"

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Throughout the ages, there have always been batches of people who got together for common ideals and beliefs, turned themselves into bones, and pushed their leaders to the throne.The strong ones may keep their names, but more people just disappear, not even leaving their names in history.

It is an illegal church that is evil and anti-human, and its leader has people who support him to the death.The role of Telexi made an entire era on Earth terrified.

Lin Fei's eyes turned cold, and he immediately ordered: "At all costs, stop Ye Daoran from devouring others!"

After the words fell, he teamed up with the injured Daoist Sanqing and launched a fierce offensive against Ye Daoran again.

With his cultivation at the early stage of Ji Dao, the Chaos Clock can only be used for self-protection at most, but with Zhu Xian Tian Sin in hand, it can be regarded as both offensive and defensive.

But behind Lin Fei, the situation is not so good.

Ye Daoran's strong men wanted to break through at all costs, and it was difficult to be retained.

Except for Ye Wudi, Dongtian Erhuang and Haotian's team, Xiantian Lingzun, and Starry Sky Insect Emperor who held back their opponents, Ye Daoran's extreme powerhouses all paid a certain price to break through the siege, and moved towards him with a strong belief in life and death. near!

Under Ye Wudi's ruthlessness, the universe sun and moon clock shattered time and space, and it was like desperately entangled with Lai Feitian.The latter was frightened and angry, and found that there was no way to escape by the law of time and space. The land within a radius of one kilometer was completely locked, and unless such a situation was broken, it was absolutely impossible to leave.

"I am the disciple of the Ten Thousand Saints, the Great Emperor Ye Wudi!" Ye Wudi yelled violently, the power of the gods surged into the sky, the voice of the avenue roared, and the image of the Taoism of the prehistoric peoples suddenly appeared around him, accompanied by the phantom of the sun and the moon kill out.

In such a monstrous extreme power, he directly picked up the Qiankun Sun Moon Clock and smashed it at Lai Feitian like a desperate hooligan fighting fiercely!

That's right, it's smashing, like smashing a brick.

Lai Feitian's expression was so wonderful that it almost said "I'm fucking stunned".Even with all eight arms moving and full of divine power, it's hard to escape being hit by a brick... bah, being slammed on the cheek by the sun and moon clock.


Lai Feitian's face was distorted and deformed, his figure flew out obliquely, his jaw bones were completely shattered, and he opened his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood, with a few teeth mixed in it.

Perhaps it is some kind of inheritance.

When Lin Fei used the Chaos Clock, he knocked Ye Daoran's teeth away in the same way.

And now his disciples have beaten Ye Daoran's disciples' teeth away.

Ye Daoran's divine sense captured this scene, and also recalled some bad memories, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"How is it? Do you feel familiar?" Lin Fei asked on the spot, which caused Ye Daoran's face to be gloomy, and his attacks became more brutal.

too strong.

Daoist Sanqing had already been injured to his original source, and his condition had declined, and at this moment he was beaten until he vomited blood.From time to time, the Chaos Clock made roaring and trembling sounds, sweeping in all directions, causing Lin Fei's blood to surge, his mind buzzing like a beehive.

The two emperors of Dongtian are completely worthy of admiration, because they acted as the main force, and with the cooperation of Haotian, they even held back Patriarch Styx and Hongjun to death.

Needless to say, the masters of the two innate creatures, it is no surprise that they can hold back powerful enemies.

But the other strong men under Ye Daoran obviously don't have such powerful opponents to stop them.

"Your Majesty, we are here!"

Accompanied by Ah Qing's coquettish shout, many extremely strong men rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

"Okay! This deity will remember your sacrifice!" Ye Daoran showed his madness, and immediately repelled the leader of Tongtian who stood in front of him, dancing wildly with silver hair, like a demon god who devours the world, he did not hesitate to destroy the six incarnations to stop Lin Fei and others .

Many extreme powerhouses turned themselves into pure energy forms, slammed into him brazenly, actively dissipated their good fortune, and merged into the boundless original dark vortex.

"Your Majesty, with our hope, step on the entire multiverse under your feet!"

"It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see the emperor alone in charge of the heavens."

"I have to meet the emperor in this life, there is no other request."

In the divine sense of a supremely strong man, all the strong men under the command of Tiandao were horrified.

"Stop him!" Daoist Sanqing was shocked and angry.

But Lin Fei was silent for a moment when he cut off the last incarnation of heaven and humanity, and then solemnly uttered four words: "It's too late."

Ye Daoran already has the embryonic form of the inner universe in his body.

At this moment, a terrifying aura enveloped all the higher planes.

Like the Great Desolate Continent.

it's dark.

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