I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1151 The Wheel of Life and Death is under my control!

The nine extreme powerhouses of the Starry Sky Dragon Clan felt the terrifying coercion coming to them as soon as they arrived at the first floor of the Samsara Tower.

Like a mouse seeing a cat, like a person with fear of heights standing on the edge of a [-]-story building without guardrails, an uncontrollable feeling of fear arises spontaneously.

"Universe within half a step!" the Dragon Emperor said in a startled voice, his golden pupils shrinking sharply.

At this moment, they even thought of retreating.

But immediately after, the Dragon Emperor gritted his teeth, and said ruthlessly: "There is no way out! If Ye Daoran proves the inner universe, we will all die, and no one can recover!"

"Success or failure depends on one action, go!"

The nine extremely strong men crossed the two-story ancient tower in one fell swoop and came to the core battlefield.

The first scene I saw was that the powerhouses from all directions surrounded Ye Daoran in the field as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

But Ye Daoran didn't seem to take them seriously, but looked at Hongjun with burning eyes.

Hongjun frowned, and said with a sneer, "You even want to devour me?"

Ye Daoran spoke bluntly, and said in a deep voice: "That's right! You should understand that it's useless to devour even the most powerful people in the last half-step. I've seen it in the Reincarnation Tower. Don't you hate this way of heaven?"

"Then leave it to me and let me destroy it!"

But Hongjun is different from those diehards under his command, why should he make a wedding dress for him?

Furthermore, both of them are strong in the universe within half a step. For each other, who is not a great fortune?

"In my opinion, it's better for you to die and let me achieve the inner universe." As soon as Hongjun's words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

What's wrong with this?They were still in the same camp before, and now civil strife has begun?

"You are not my opponent." Ye Daoran shook his head, with a cold and mocking arc on his mouth, and proudly glanced at Zhu Qiang, "Let's go together, this deity will clear away all obstacles today!"


All the extremely strong people in the audience changed their faces, deeply shocked by his arrogance.

"Ridiculous! Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Even if it is the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, he thinks too much of himself!"

"Half-step inner cosmic Hongjun, plus many extreme monks, and two inner cosmic treasures, killing you is easy!"

Different from the shock and anger of many powerful people, Lin Fei, Hongjun, Patriarch Styx, and Jidu Luohu had extremely solemn expressions, as if they understood something.

"No, we don't have a cosmic powerhouse within half a step." Lin Fei said in a deep voice, causing many powerhouses to look over in shock.

"Hahaha!" Ye Daoran laughed heartily, and teased, "Those who know me are none other than Wansheng Tianzun!"

With a solemn look on his face, he clasped his palms together suddenly: "Reversal of life and death, reincarnation!"


The power of the six paths of reincarnation rotates, filling every inch of space in the tower.

All the extreme powerhouses were terrified, and at one point they were almost out of their wits - they actually felt the overwhelming breath of death, as if they would perish in the next moment.

But immediately afterward, they felt the coming of a great will, protecting themselves and blocking all great powers out.The strange power that was enough to cause them to die immediately seemed to disappear without a trace.

"Heaven's protection!"

"I understand, we are extreme monks recognized by Heaven, so we will not be affected!"


Amidst the exclamation of exclamation, many extreme powerhouses looked at the three innate demon gods in unison.

The figures of Jidu Luohu and Minghe Patriarch were fading rapidly, as if they were about to disappear completely from the world.

And Hongjun's expression also changed, even though the speed of dissipating was slower, it was irreversible.

"You don't really think that it's easy to ask the gods, but it's hard to send them away?" Ye Daoran sneered, "You are reborn against the sky, and the heavens don't like it. I can let you live again, and then I can make you perish again!"

"The reincarnation of life and death is under my control!"

When the audience heard this, their hearts beat wildly.

"Finally fetching water from a bamboo basket, all in vain..." With a long and faint sigh, Hongjun's figure completely disappeared, like a pencil drawing erased by an eraser, never to be seen again.

"Next, it's your turn." A playful look flashed across Ye Daoran's eyes, overlooking these extremely powerful men who should have shocked the world.

Everyone's heart was heavy, and they felt unparalleled pressure.

But things have come to this, they have only one way to go.

"Kill!" With Lin Fei uttering the word in a deep voice, the chilling aura raged violently between the heaven and the earth, and all the extremely powerful people in the audience moved together.

Siege Ye Daoran!

"Yuanshi, help me with the Pangu banner, don't let Ye Daoran use the reincarnation tower!" Lin Fei shouted violently, grasping the most critical issue at the moment.

In the hands of the powerful in the universe within half a step, the power that these treasures can display will increase exponentially!

They complement each other like a tiger with wings added.

If a sliver of real inner cosmic power is displayed, then everyone will be turned into ashes together...


With a long chime, the Chaos Clock flew up to the top of the Tower of Reincarnation, shrouded in the divine light that soared into the sky.

It swayed constantly and the bell rang continuously, making the entire Tower of Samsara tremble.

There is also a Pangu flag fluttering to accompany it, and the two burst out endless chaotic breaths, intertwined and inseparable, completely fixing the entire reincarnation tower!

If you look from the outside, you can feel that the entire ancient pagoda is shrouded in the atmosphere of chaos, without any power manifesting.

However, Ye Daoran didn't take it seriously, shook his head slightly and said: "It's just a group of ants, and there is no need for the reincarnation tower."

After the words fell, he swept his sleeves away.

Time and space seem to be confused, and the whole field seems to be divided into six fields with different time flow rates.

In this way, isn't the ultimate move that everyone used together originally divided into six rounds of offensive?

"Half a step difference, why is it here?!"

"Even Hongjun couldn't do it to this extent, what kind of freak is he, Ye Daoran!"

"My God! 3000 years ago, the Ten Thousand Saints killed such an existence? This... this is really—unbelievable!"

It was just Xiaolu's hand, but it made the audience terrified!

Facing the killing move of the Second Emperor of Dongtian, Ye Daoran even nodded his head slightly in leisurely mind, and commented with a little appreciation: "It's not bad."

Wherever the Dao Realm of Absolute Beginning passed, everything collapsed into a thin sheet of paper.

There is no up and down, only front, back, left, and right.

But at the moment when it enveloped Ye Daoran, the Dao Realm of Absolute Beginning collapsed in an instant, and all the condensed space-time energy burst out and restored, as if nothing had happened before.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Daoran calmly pointed out a finger.


The heavenly way of Hexu collapsed, and the second emperor of Dongtian vomited blood and flew backwards.


The Qiankun Sun Moon Clock slammed into the face with endless divine power, Ye Daoran didn't even bother to take a look, and stretched out his hand to block it.

Then hold it.


The sun and moon clock shattered on the spot, and countless fragments shot out.

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