I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1161 Surprise or surprise?

The heat in the world was unbearable, and the strong wind pressure even made the traitors who survived blindfolded and unable to stand up.

Shadow Sword looked up, only to feel that his eyes were extremely stinging, and his face was twisted under the strong wind, even his gums were exposed, and saliva flew out!

"The light of the firefly, dare to compete with the bright moon?" Lin Fei raised his head calmly, stretched out his staff and drew an arc.

This staff is about one meter long, and its whole body is silvery white.There is an energy crystal inlaid on the top of it, which has the effect of strengthening and increasing the arcane.At this time, it exudes a cold and frosty atmosphere, and there are even floating ice crystal particles that are visible to the naked eye, lingering around.

Wherever it passed, an arc-shaped frost barrier immediately unfolded.


With a loud noise, a boulder burning with blazing flames hit it, shaking open a large cobweb-shaped crack and making it sag inward.Although it shattered with a "crash", it also bounced the flaming boulder away.

Facing the falling frost fragments shrouded in white cold air, Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, as if he had expected this to happen.

Seeing such a detail, Ao Lantian was horrified, and an absurd thought emerged—could he have calculated everything, not only to block this blow, but also unwilling to waste even a single bit of energy?

"Impossible!" He categorically denied his thoughts, feeling that he was completely delusional.

Lin Fei and Heitie blocked two of the falling flaming boulders, while the others crashed to the ground, causing the ground to collapse and tremble violently, and a huge flaming mushroom cloud rose up.

These flaming boulders broke into several pieces, and then they were pieced together to form a lava giant burning with hellfire. It was as high as three or four floors, and the size of a car was only a fist, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Roar!" They roared, and ran wildly, every step made the ground collapse, and the mountains shook and the ground trembled.

However, Lin Fei just sneered and cast the Gravity Technique without thinking.

Two thousand times the gravity!


In an instant, several rock giants stopped in their tracks.The huge size and height almost caused their structure to collapse, and in the sound of "clicking", a large piece of root-like stone cracks spread.

What's more, they fell to the ground with a bang, as if they were pressed to the ground by invisible giant hands, and they couldn't get up no matter what!

Strong and weak are relative, not absolute.These lava giants do have exaggerated destructive power, but the larger they are, the greater the damage caused by gravity.

Arcanists' spells cover a wide range, as long as they know how to change flexibly, they can deal with various enemies and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The gravity field spread indiscriminately, making everyone present feel extremely heavy.For those with lower cultivation bases, even the physical body could no longer bear it. The bones and flesh and blood seemed to be squeezed forcibly, and they shattered inch by inch, making a shrill scream.

Humanoid life less than 130 catties is still like this, those lava giants are so heavy but not completely collapsed, which is enough to show how powerful Ao Lantian's summoning technique is.

After Lin Fei performed this technique, there were only three people standing in the audience.

Ao Lantian's heart was beating wildly, and he looked at Lin Fei with a horrified look like seeing a ghost.

Damn, why are you so fierce? !

Naturally, Lin Fei and Heitie couldn't give him a chance to breathe and launch another fierce offensive.

Heitie cast the necromancy technique, and there was a sudden gust of wind.In the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, thousands of energy ghosts condense into shape, riding on flame skeleton horses, forming an army of undead roaring and charging.

Lin Fei condensed the rune matrix again, and the staff in his hand burst into bright thunder, rushing towards him like a thunderbolt that ruled everything.


With a loud noise, the thought power barrier in front of Ao Lantian was crushed, and his chest exploded immediately, leaving a bloody mess.

Not only that, but the war cry of the undead and the electromagnetic waves made his sea of ​​consciousness in chaos, and it was impossible to form a rune array to fight back.


"I was wrong, Lord Hou, I know I was wrong!" Ao Lantian screamed miserably, tears streaming down his face, no longer the arrogance he had shown off before.

But in vain.

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, he bullied himself up, and stretched out three fingers to stab his forehead like lightning.

Between his fingers, there is still a thin layer of wind blades.


Lin Fei's fingers were as sharp as blades, pierced into Ao Lantian's forehead, and took out the illusory energy-entangled arcane core!

With the removal of the arcane core, Ao Lantian's cultivation base was almost useless, and he could no longer resist the destructive power, and the thunder and breath of the undead spread instantly from the wound.He didn't even utter a scream, and turned into flying ash and scattered.

The space ring left behind was also taken away by Lin Fei.

Those traitors were so frightened that their faces were pale and their livers were torn apart.

Without hesitation, Heitie used the combination of runes to show the power of telekinesis under the empty grip.


The heads of these people exploded like watermelons, red and white things splashed, and the fingernail-sized cores of the alchemy shone with light, all of which were held in the hands of black iron.

"Time is running out, take everyone in the mansion and let's go!" After Lin Fei finished speaking, he grabbed all the prisoners from the air.

He ignored the fear and struggle of these captives, threw them into the arcane spaceship together with the subordinates of the Marquis Mansion who had not rebelled, and walked away.

The arcane spaceship stopped in front of Ao Lantian's mansion, and the two jumped from the air immediately.

"Hey, what are you doing, Young Master, General Heitie?" The two guards who guarded the gate were laughing, and they didn't pay attention to them at all.

"Get out." Lin Fei yelled coldly, and the two were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Don't you know how to write death if you dare to make trouble in Lord Ao Lantian's residence?" The two guards were stunned, they didn't expect Lin Fei to be so arrogant.

Heitie's face turned cold, and without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and held it, causing the two of them to spontaneously ignite and turn into fly ash in an instant.

"Two watchdogs, dare to be rude to Lord Hou?" He sneered, for this kind of waste, they didn't even bother to get their arcane core.


With a loud noise, the gate of Lantian Mansion was shattered, and the restriction was completely broken, which shocked the entire mansion.


"Looking for death, how dare you trespass on the Lantian Mansion!"

But immediately after, there was an endless energy storm raging, and there were screams and howls from it.

At the same time, in front of the main gate of the Hou Mansion, the four first-rank officials were chatting and laughing, discussing how to squeeze Lin Fei later.

"Hey, I'm afraid that Ao Lantian came one step earlier and ransacked this wretch, leaving nothing for us!" Ao Zongping sighed helplessly, and then kicked the door open.

The moment he saw the scene in front of him, the smile on his face froze instantly.

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