I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1162 Diana Luvi's Sleeping Place

What Ao Zongping saw before his eyes was a dilapidated scene.The wreckage left by the collapsed buildings, the collapsed ground, the black ash flying in the wind, all the flowers and trees withered and died, all the pavilions and pavilions collapsed, there was no one in the Hou Mansion, and there was a dead silence.

The four first-rank officials were dumbfounded on the spot, and Ao Zongping once suspected that his opening method was wrong...

"Ao Lantian is so fat that he copied the whole Hou Mansion?" He asked in surprise.

"Something's wrong!" The middle-aged woman beside her with a charming face twitched her eyebrows, "No matter how domineering Ao Lantian is, he won't kill the current Marquis Fei Yun, otherwise he won't be able to explain to the four kings above!"

"Ao Sanniang is right, let's use the Mysterious Light Technique, let's see it first!" A majestic middle-aged man said in a deep voice, and then waved his finger.

At the position corresponding to his fingers, there is a clear light that condenses into a mirror surface.There is a picture on it, which shows the whole process from Ao Lantian's arrogant intrusion into the Hou's mansion, to his hateful fall.


"It's so courageous, dare to kill Ao Lantian, do you really want to die?"

"Go to Lantian Mansion immediately and hunt them down!"

The four first-rank officials were frightened and angry, and their killing intent was overwhelming for a while, driving their respective arcane creations, and rushed towards the Lantian Mansion.

At the same time, Lin Fei and Heitie have already copied Ao Lantian's hometown upside down.The arcane core, soul stone, elixir, and arcane creations were all swept into the ring engraved with space runes.

This posture is almost like a bandit entering the village, so tough that the prisoners who were imprisoned here were stunned and frightened.

In the eyes of these prisoners, Ao Lantian was already an extremely cruel and powerful character.Now two more stalwart masters have come and directly copied Ao Lantian's hometown!

That's not counting, the key is that the recalcitrant forces in the mansion roared and threatened Lin Fei and Heitie, saying that they would not let them go when the master came back.Lin Fei slapped the man to death, and said calmly: "He has already been sent to the west, since you are so loyal, then go and accompany him."

An understatement of a sentence, but it shocked the prisoners of all ethnic groups.It's just that even if they were sent to the arcane spaceship by Lin Fei, they couldn't feel the slightest joy: they just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den.

Lin Fei knew that the four first-rank officials would definitely not let him go, maybe they were already on their way here.So without the slightest hesitation, he let the black iron drive the spaceship, all the way to the east, and rushed to the outside of the country.

Ao Zongping and others will definitely report to the King of Nanling if they killed a first-rank official indiscriminately. At that time, he and Heitie will be the most important criminals wanted by the whole country.The arcane tribe has great powers, and various detection methods emerge in endlessly. Wouldn't it be courting death to stay in the country?

"Master Hou, where are we going to escape?" Heitie looked at Lin Fei and asked in a deep voice.

"The more remote, the better. A place that can block the detection of the spiritual sense, so that the king of Nanling dare not set foot easily, is the best." Lin Fei didn't continue, but Heitie already understood.

Looking at the entire Xuantian Continent, where the four kings of the arcane clan dare not set foot, there are only the territories of the three innate creatures!

"Zerg slime area, Diana Luwei's sleeping place, Scarlet Bug Ridge!" Lin Fei said decisively.

Heitie was not surprised, nodded and said: "I think so too."

Diana Luwei is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Zerg Race in the Starry Sky. When she fought against the Dragon Race in the Starry Sky, she was severely injured and dragged the stars and fell to the Xuantian Continent, where she fell into a deep sleep.

The evil aura she emitted infected the mountains, rivers and the earth, like some kind of radiant energy, causing the surviving animals and plants there to mutate.But due to her transcendent status, the extreme powerhouses in Xuantian Continent dare not have the slightest thought about her, for fear of causing trouble to her upper body.

At the beginning, there was an extremely strong man in the demon race, who wanted to secretly collect the crystal minerals carried by that star while Diana Luwei was asleep.As a result, the aura of the extremely strong man directly alarmed Diana Luwei, causing the latter to wake up from her deep sleep.

What is the style of Zerg?I'm afraid that the creatures in the entire multiverse will be terrified when they mention it.

Diana Luwei was really merciless, and directly killed and devoured this extremely strong demon, and uttered a bold statement in a cold voice to announce to the entire continent: Regardless of the reason, if the extremely strong is involved, there is no way to kill him! amnesty!

Such a strong move naturally attracted the dissatisfaction of powerful races such as the Demon Race, Protoss Race, Arcane Race, Crystal Race, Bimon Race, and Multi-Murder Race, but they dared not even fart.Although there was no response, it was equivalent to acquiescing to the rules she set.

And the creatures of all races in the whole world who have nowhere to go, smelled an opportunity from Diana Luwei's words: There are places where the extreme powers dare not get involved!

These include monks who have offended others, fugitives who have committed serious crimes, careerists who want to create their own power, and so on.

In the beginning, people who had nowhere to go entered the Scarlet Worm Ridge, thinking that they would die outside anyway, so why not go in and try their luck.Later, it was discovered that this group of people not only did not disturb Diana Luwei, but even flourished in it, and began to jointly establish the "City of Sin" and seize the cultivation resources in it, and more people became envious.

Creatures from various races, three religions and nine streams poured into Bloody Chongling, making the order there even more chaotic.Even within the city, barbaric crimes such as street fights, killings and seizing treasures, robbing wives and daughters, and rape in the streets occur frequently.

When mentioning Scarlet Bug Ridge and Sin City, most creatures in Xuantian Continent would scoff at it, thinking it was a dirty, filthy and barbaric place.But anyone who lived well in the outside world would not choose to enter a place where they could die at any time.

But for those who are desperate, there is simply paradise, the last hope in despair.

Obviously, the current Lin Fei is this kind of person.

"But even in the city of sin, you and I may not be safe." Heitie frowned, and said a little uneasy, "there are the strong ones at the earth spirit level, and we are not standing at the highest level of the pyramid."

Lin Fei's expression remained unchanged, he took a sip of the spirit tea he had just brewed, and only asked, "Do we have a choice?"

Black Iron was speechless for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at the number 70 captives in the cabin: "Little Lord, these people are also a burden, why don't you just do one thing and two endlessly—"

Lin Fei was silent for a moment, and sighed softly in his heart, as expected, people who are not of my race must have a different heart.

In all fairness, how is Heitie?Loyalty is unparalleled, brave and good at fighting, don't give up the brilliant future, just bet your life with yourself.Treating comrades-in-arms and subordinates is too good to say.

It's a pity that he treats humans like humans treat pigs, dogs and ants.

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