I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1163 Small Goal: Unify Sin City

"I make my own decision." After Lin Fei finished speaking, he put down his teacup.

Seeing him pacing with his hands behind his back, a group of captives who were bound by energy chains suddenly panicked and tried their best to move their bodies against the inner wall of the cabin.

"The blood-colored insect ridge has strong radiant energy, which is unbearable for monks below the lower level. Even if they don't die, I'm afraid they will suffer from the root cause of the disease or mutate." Lin Fei looked around the crowd calmly, and said lightly, "So the prisoners are fine, I Regardless of the personal guards under my command, as long as my cultivation level is below the level of the lower spirits, and I will let you go when you are close to the blood-colored worm ridge."

As soon as his words fell, the audience was in an uproar, and pairs of shocked, puzzled, and distrustful eyes looked at him.

"Bah! The beast of the arcane clan, don't be hypocritical here!"

"Yes, do you think I will believe you?"

"Who doesn't know the reputation of your young master? You will let us go if you killed 37 human girls in one night?!"

A group of prisoners probably felt that they were all dead anyway, and there was nothing to be afraid of, so they all cursed angrily.

But immediately after that, Lin Fei's loyal subordinates immediately changed their faces.

Someone kicked the old man and scolded: "Presumptuous, if you dare to be rude to the young master, I will kill you immediately!"

Someone "slapped" just a slap on the woman's face, with a look of disgust on her face: "Master Hou is so merciful to let you group of ants go, you don't kneel down to thank Longen, and dare to speak ill at each other?"

"Stop." Lin Fei's eyes were slightly cold, and the group of subordinates stopped immediately, and just looked at the group of ants who didn't know what to do with cold eyes.


Facing the doubts from these captives, Lin Fei only asked: "I can crush you to death with one finger, is it necessary to play tricks with you?"

The audience was suddenly silent, and had to accept such a cruel fact.

Some of his subordinates were unwilling to leave, saying that they would swear to follow the young master to the death.There are also people who are obviously not that loyal to Lin Fei and say they want to follow the Black Iron General to the death.

This group of arcanists who would rather risk death and mutation than follow the two made Lin Fei feel a little appreciative.

It's a pity, after all, it's not my race.

"Master Hou," said the 23-year-old woman with a beautiful appearance, suddenly said, "I am a martial arts monk, and my realm is equal to that of a lower spirit. Let me follow you!"

It was the prisoner that Lin Fei had hooked his chin and rescued in public.

As soon as her words came out, many humans suddenly changed their faces.

"Bah! A running dog, actually begging for mercy from a foreign race!"

"Gu Xiaoyu, I misjudged you! Are you worthy of your dead husband?"

"Haven't you heard that this beast has a special hobby, that is, he likes to play with other people's wives?!"

Facing the accusations from everyone, Gu Xiaoyu just bit his lips and remained silent.

She wants to live, and wants to avenge her husband, children, and fellow tribesmen!

Even if she bears the burden of humiliation, even if she is trying to survive, even if the hope is slim, she still has to try!

Lin Fei noticed her hatred, but secretly admired it in his heart.

To die without hesitation is not a brave man, to live at all costs to achieve your goal requires greater courage.

How easy is it to die?In less than a second, a fresh life is gone, and it will never suffer from pain again.At least for some people, living is suffering and pain.

"As long as you have a cultivation level comparable to that of a lower spirit or above, you can also follow me to Bloody Chongling." Lin Fei looked at the many captives with encouraging eyes, "It doesn't matter about race, practice system, or Ask the past, from now on they are no longer captives, but soldiers under Lord Ben's command!"

His voice fell, after all, someone moved.

"I don't know if I can do it? I am from the Xinghui tribe, a member of the technological civilization system, and have undergone 72 genetic modifications, so I have become this person who is neither human nor ghost."

The shape of the creature who said this was particularly curious. It was shaped like an eight-legged beetle, the carapace was covered with fish-like scales, the eight legs were squirming like octopus tentacles, and it also had a human head.And in his body, there is a miniature antimatter annihilation pile, which acts as an energy core in a disguised form, and can be converted into outrageous bioenergy.

As soon as Lin Fei sensed it, he knew that his strength was extraordinary, even equal to that of a middle spirit, or an earth immortal in the realm of cultivation.

"What's your name?" Lin Fei asked.

"Reporting to the young master, I call the starlight to shine forever." The Xinghui tribe responded respectfully, curling up two tentacles to look like a five-pointed star, following the etiquette of their race.

Lin Fei really wanted to complain, what a stupid name, it almost rivaled the original name of the crystal clan's idiot: "I'll call you A Xing."

During the travel of the arcane spaceship, all the creatures in the cabin decided to stay or not.

A total of 52 monks are willing to follow Lin Fei and Heitie, of which prisoners only occupy [-] seats, and his old department occupies [-] seats.

There are seven middle spirits, 35 lower spirits, and the remaining ten are ninth-level arcanists who follow Lin Fei and Heitie even if they die or mutate.

Level [-] Arcanist is the lowest limit that Lin Fei can accept. Below this level, they are strictly prohibited from following - the lower the level, the lower the chance of mutation and the greater the probability of death.

Lin Fei's slender figure stood by the crystal window, overlooking the fleeting scenery outside, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As Heitie looked at his figure, a long-lost blood was ignited in his heart.

He recalled the glorious past when he followed the old master Lin Yun to fight in all directions, made illustrious military exploits, and helped Lin Yun ascend to the throne.

Not relying on the ancestors, not relying on the family, only relying on a group of loyal men who dared to sacrifice their lives for Lin Yun at any time, expanded the territory of the Arcane Kingdom, won the title of Feiyun Hou with outstanding military exploits!

Now Heitie can be regarded as a veteran of two generations, and he himself has never thought that there will be a time when he will fight for a brilliant future with the young master.

"Scarlet Worm Ridge, City of Sin, here we come!" Heitiechang exhaled foul breath, his eyes were burning, and he was full of fighting spirit.

Since you can't protect the land that the brothers have broken through for the Lin family, then accompany the young master to make another land.

It's the right time to make contributions!

What he didn't know was that Lin Fei also set a "small goal" in his heart.

"Don't be too ambitious, first cultivate the realm of the earth and spirit, and unify the city of sin." Lin Fei put all his thoughts behind him and focused on the present.

It's just that if everyone knows about his thoughts, they will be dumbfounded on the spot, and even wonder if this guy is living in a dream?

After all, most of the followers just want to survive and gain a firm foothold in Scarlet Bug Ridge.

On the other side, the four first-rank officials left the desolate ruins of the Lantian Mansion, all with gloomy expressions.

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