I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 127 Don't beat around the bush

Halloween god?

Wonderland?Immortal Emperor of the East China Sea?

Bai Pojun only felt that a brainstorm was set off, and he couldn't understand what Yao Xinyi was talking about for a while.

Yao Xinyi saw his bewilderment, and immediately said with disdain: "With your vision, you can't bear what Tianzun sees."

Bai Pojun smiled desolately and desperately, looked at Lin Fei and said shyly, "Are you really the reincarnation of a fairy?"

Lin Fei looked indifferent, and said very naturally: "Immortal? It's just an ant."

In his opinion, there is no difference between so-called immortals and mortals.

Anyway, they are all existences that can be crushed to death with one finger, so what's the difference?

Bai Pojun suddenly laughed nervously.Just laughing and laughing, tears flowed down my face.

"Crazy?" Yao Xinyi whispered.

"Our Bai family... What kind of existence has it provoked?" Bai Pojun was so indignant that at this moment he wished he could just kill himself and die.

He treats immortals like ants, has the honorific title of "All Saints and Heavenly Venerable", and crushes the mother of all spiders...

Are Lao Tzu and Bai Poju blind? How could they fight against this kind of existence? Thank God that this nima has not been wiped out!

Both Bai Pojun and Bai Poju have deep scheming plans, but in the end, they are not as clear as Han Enci.

"Hateful, I was blinded by hatred and anger." Bai Pojun's intestines were full of regret, and he gritted his teeth, "If I don't want to torture Ji Yaoguang to death, even if you come, I can only collect her body! Hehe, this Is it because the villain on TV died from talking too much?"

When he used to watch TV, it was unavoidable that the villain in the joke was the mentally handicapped [-].But when it was really his turn, he found that a person whose head was filled with hatred and anger, who was about to complete the knowledge of ultimate revenge, had no brains at all.

Or in other words, it can be called "people have no brains when they are pretending".

If he could do it all over again, he would at least let Ji Yaoguang be buried with him!

With the power of his great master, Ji Yaoguang has already died and is protected by the enchantment talisman, so he will definitely be able to kill him with one blow!

However, Lin Fei's understatement directly shattered Bai Pojun's last hypothetical wishful thinking: "You will only die worse. As for Ji Yaoguang, I can bring her back to life."

resurrection? !

Wu Moling and Yao Xinyi were not surprised by this incident, but Bai Pojun and Ji Yaoguang's eyes widened suddenly, their horror was beyond words.

Life cannot be resurrected, this should be the iron law of heaven, right?The heaven-defying technique of bringing the dead back to life actually exists? !

"Impossible, I don't believe it!" Bai Pojun roared in panic, as if he wanted to grab the last ounce of comfort.

If they didn't have the ability to kill Ji Yaoguang from the very beginning, then what is the purpose of all these sacrifices and sacrifices?Such a thing is tantamount to directly driving him into the abyss.

"How do you think Qing Mingyu got better? It's just that I gave him a second life." Lin Fei said lightly.

You know, he still has the second Seven Star Resurrection Pill in his hand.

At this moment, Bai Pojun was so furious that he spit out a mouthful of blood in a "wow", he was so angry that he almost died on the spot, his whole body seemed to be 20 years old in an instant, and his spirit was extremely listless.

It turned out that from the very beginning... everything he did was in vain, just a sarcastic joke.

"Die." Lin Fei's eyes were calm, and he clenched his hand in the void.


Bai Pojun exploded into a cloud of blood mist in an instant, and died extremely crisply.The sacrificial ring, which was like the source of evil, also turned into dust.

If it weren't for Bai Zhan's master-student relationship, Bai Pojun's death would have been even more miserable.

"Yao Xinyi." Lin Fei said with a cold expression without turning his head.

Yao Xinyi trembled all over, and said with a pale face: "Honorable Immortal, I was wrong..."

She knew that she was not doing enough to protect Ji Yaoguang. If Lin Fei hadn't arrived in time, Ji Yaoguang would have died on the spot.

"Lin Fei, forget it. She almost sacrificed herself to save me." Ji Yaoguang couldn't bear it, and said immediately.

No matter what, she saw Yao Xinyi's act of swearing to protect each other to the death.For a person who is not relatives or relatives to protect himself in this way, to describe it as "benevolence and righteousness" is to underestimate this kindness.

Even if she did this under Lin Fei's order.

Lin Fei calmed down when he heard Ji Yaoguang's words: "Take it."

Before he finished speaking, he threw a porcelain bottle.

As soon as Yao Xinyi took it, she was overjoyed and said, "Tianzun, is it Qi Gathering Pill?!"

She is already in the late stage of body training, if she has the help of Qi Gathering Pill, she will definitely reach the realm of a master.

Lin Fei let out a "huh", causing her eyes to bend into crescent moons: "I know that Tianzun treats me best! I love you, okay-"

Both Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling looked at Yao Xinyi strangely, but she didn't take it seriously.

"Stop being too sentimental," Lin Fei said lightly, "You are too weak, I can't stand it."

She couldn't even exert the power of the bracelet bestowed by Emperor Shun, and she couldn't even win the sacrificial ring under the control of the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders.

It's too awful.

Simply appalling.

Yao Xinyi stuck out her tongue, looking resentful.

"By the way, Tianzun, Grandpa asked me to return the bracelet to you. It was originally the bracelet you retrieved, so it should be returned to the original owner." She suddenly thought of this and said hastily.

"What do I need it for?" Lin Fei said casually, looking at the dying mother of all spiders.

At this moment, it has already wrapped itself in a cocoon, and it is obviously a serious injury that cannot be healed, and it has fallen into a deep sleep to repair itself.I don't know how long it will take for the injury to heal and break out of the cocoon again.

"Do you want this thing?" Lin Fei smiled and looked at Ji Yaoguang, wanting her to protect herself.

The latter felt a chill in his heart and shook his head hastily.

This thing is too ugly and hideous. Ji Yaoguang is most afraid of spiders and other insects, so he really can't accept it.

Lin Fei subconsciously turned his head to look at Wu Moling.

If Ji Yaoguang doesn't have the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders to protect herself, then the same goes for the people around her.

The latter quickly understood, and said in surprise, "Thank you, Master, for the gift!"

Lin Fei directly handed over the bracelet bestowed by Emperor Shun and the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders to Wu Moling.

Looking at the casual appearance, it seems that he is giving someone Chinese cabbage.The brothers of the Bai family were insane for the mother of all spiders, but at this moment they were treated like waste and given away casually.

I don't know if the two of them would be so angry that they would vomit blood if Quanxia knew...

Suddenly, Yao Xinyi's eyes lit up, and her eyes flickered with anticipation: "Tianzun, you see that the villa is damaged, why don't you sleep in the hotel tonight?"

Lin Fei gave a "hmm" and said casually, "You arrange it."

Yao Xinyi jumped up in an instant, trying to hide her excitement.

She made a phone call and quickly said embarrassingly: "Tianzun, there are only two rooms left in the hotel. See if the two women squeeze together, can we sleep in one room?"

Lin Fei glanced at her, and said calmly: "If you want to sleep with me, just say so, don't beat around the bush."

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