I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 128 Alarming Long Yin

Yao Xinyi was not embarrassed to be exposed to her inner thoughts, anyway, she did not hide her thoughts from the beginning to the end.

"Did the mandala take the bait?" Lin Fei asked directly, ignoring the kid's thoughts.

Mentioning this, Yao Xinyi curled her lips, and said with some unhappiness: "That Mandala looked down on our Yao family. In the beginning, only three assassins were sent to assassinate my grandfather, but the bullets couldn't break through the enchantment of Tianzun at all. Not a single one was left alive."

"Later, a couple of male and female demons were sent. It sounded very powerful, but it turned out to be two middle-aged couples in the late stage of body training. My father is a master after all, and he punched each of them to death."

Lin Fei was speechless for a while.

In the final analysis, Mandala has not yet made a move in person.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go back to Kuncheng." Lin Fei waved his hand, indicating that Yao Xinyi can leave.

Yao Xinyi immediately widened her bright eyes, and said unwillingly: "Tianzun, I haven't given you bed yet, you can't drive me away—"

Seeing Lin Fei glance at her indifferently, Yao Xinyi closed her mouth instantly and swallowed the words that followed.

Yao Xinyi felt wronged.Not to mention being a bodyguard for someone, he was about to be kicked out immediately.

"I'll come to Kuncheng to see you when I have time." Lin Fei said lightly, which instantly made her jump up again.

"Tianzun, what you said, don't go back on it!" Yao Xinyi's eyes sparkled, and she still wanted to hook him up.

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to her at all, but let Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling go to the hotel first.

"What about you?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't help asking.

"I'll wait for someone." Lin Fei said calmly, swept away a piece of dust with a flick of his sleeve, and sat quietly cross-legged among the ruins.

"Sister Yaoguang, let's go." Wu Moling said.

Ji Yaoguang just nodded, looked at Lin Fei with a complicated expression, and left with her.

Although Yao Xinyi was unwilling, she still left in three steps.In a short distance, he turned around and repeated "Tianzun, I'm leaving" and "I'm really leaving" three times in a row.

Looking at that posture, it seems that he is eager for Lin Fei to persuade him to stay.As long as I hear such words, I'm afraid I can throw myself into his arms on the spot.

"Do you still want me to see you off?" Lin Fei was quite helpless.

Yao Xinyi stuck out her tongue and reluctantly walked away.

Lin Fei looked up at the night sky and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Such a big commotion before, I'm afraid it wasn't just Bai Zhan who attracted it.

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of whistling propellers came from the sky.Several large helicopters surrounded the entire ruins of the villa, and huge searchlights were directed at this place.

The helicopter has a red oriental dragon pattern, which is extraordinary.

Huaxia ancient martial arts management organization, Long Yin.

Under the dazzling white light, Lin Fei's figure sitting on the ruins looked particularly eye-catching.

"Turn off the light." He said indifferently.

Lin Fei didn't like the feeling of being shrouded in searchlights, like a locked prisoner.

No one listened to his words, and the helicopters lowered their altitude and opened their hatches.One after another, chilling figures jumped directly from the low altitude, and the sound of crashing to the ground could be heard endlessly.

These people are all wearing uniform crystal body armor and carrying heavy anti-material sniper rifles and other modern hot weapons, which can be called fully armed.

In addition to hot weapons, each also has special cold weapons. Obviously, the way of fighting is very different from that of soldiers.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and pointed directly in the air.

In an instant, all the searchlights flickered in an instant and went out neatly!

"What method is this?"

"Gu Wu should not be able to do such a thing!"

"Could he be a supernatural being?"

Everyone in Long Yin became vigilant and surrounded Lin Fei from all directions.

In an instant, several black-holed anti-material sniper rifles aimed at him.Among them are bullets that are powerful enough to penetrate tank armor, and there are also anesthesia bombs that are powerful enough to instantly paralyze an adult elephant.

In addition, someone shook out a cold weapon with a cold light.

Before finding out the truth of the matter, no one dared to neglect in the slightest.

The members of Long Yin are not as calm and calm as they look, and some people even have cold sweat on their foreheads.After all, they saw the scene where Lin Fei was in the air and completely shattered this place with a palm, they all saw it on the satellite monitoring screen.

What they are facing is an existence that is so strong that it is difficult to guess, and whose enemy is unknown!

It's just that the mission is in the body, and we can't back down.

Lin Fei knew that they were alarmed by the huge momentum before, and this time it was just a routine maintenance of order, and he had no intention of embarrassing them.

He casually pointed a finger, and the pictures he had passed before turned into spiritual imprints and poured into everyone's minds.

"what is this?!"

"Why do so many images suddenly appear in my mind!"

"How could the ancient martial arts world have such a method?!"

The members of Long Yin boiled instantly, completely shocked by the situation beyond cognition.

But those who can join Long Yin are all those with strong psychological quality.They quickly calmed down, thinking about whether the picture they saw in their minds was true or not.

Obviously, everyone has their own conclusions. After all, many pictures and monitoring situations can be matched, but some parts that have not been monitored in time have been added.

As a result, many members of Longyin breathed a sigh of relief, and their attitude eased a lot.

"Thank you senior for taking action to eliminate this scourge. It's just that giant spider..." Hawkeye frowned, obviously thinking that the mother of all spiders was still alive, which was a hidden danger.

"Don't worry, I've subdued it." Lin Fei said lightly.

Hearing his words, many Longyin members frowned.

The trouble is so serious, how can you let such a terrifying alien creature go by listening to his one-sided words?

However, before they could speak, Lin Fei looked around them and asked with a smile, "Did Xiao Chen come with you?"

Everyone froze for a moment, then thought of a terrible conjecture, and instantly changed their expressions.

The little Chen he was talking about...couldn't be Chen Longxiang? !

Chen Longxiang, the Lord of Longyin!

The great master and strong man, the master of the heaven list, is honored as the dragon king in the ancient martial arts world!

He actually called the Dragon King "Xiao Chen" lightly. What is the origin of this...?

Hawkeye, who was leading the team, felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't accept his calmness in the past, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "Senior, do you know the Dragon King?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised: "Dragon King? Hehe, this kid...I didn't expect to have such a famous name."

With a little emotion, he smiled and said: "When I helped him create Longyin, he was just a brat."

Hearing these words, everyone was shocked.

"Give Xiao Chen a call and tell Lin Fei to take care of this matter, so don't worry about it anymore." Lin Fei said lightly, not making things difficult for them.

Hawkeye didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately called Chen Longxiang to briefly explain the matter.

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, he immediately looked at Lin Fei in shock.

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