I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 273 He Really Is a Devil

Ying Long's oppressive and shocking huge body did not waver in the slightest, as if the fiery and magnificent black light was held in the dragon's claws poured with fairy gold.

Then, give it a firm grip.


The black feather sword burst into pieces in an instant, and it was full of brilliance.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves at the right time, creating an invisible barrier around him.It seemed to be able to penetrate the sky, and the fragments of the feather sword shot all over the sky, but when they hit the barrier, they couldn't startle a single wave.

If it weren't for his actions, maybe not only the surrounding mountains, but even Phoenix Mountain would collapse and disintegrate on the spot under such power.

The entire Phoenix Mountain was stunned.

Guo Zhiqiang's mind went blank, and before he could react, he saw a shrouding dragon claw directly slapping him.

Heiyanhuofeng resolutely spread his wings in accordance with the order he had given to protect at all times, and ran into this dragon claw without moving forward.

Ying Longdang grabbed it in his palm even if he slapped it.

The huge size of the Heiyanhuofeng, in its claws, is like an adult holding a bird, and it keeps thrashing about desperately, but it doesn't help.The breath of black flame that made everyone terrified before couldn't even make the cold scales black in the slightest.


Absolute crushing!

It is not worth mentioning to describe the other party. There is a saying on the Internet called "You are just a younger brother".

In front of Ying Long, Hei Yan Huo Feng is obviously not even considered as a younger brother, and he does not know how many generations of descendants it is.

You could literally say "you're a great-grandson".

Lin Fei let Ying Long handle his own family affairs and ignored him.He just looked at Guo Zhiqiang and Mo Wan'er, who were full of despair and collapsed, and said lightly, "Didn't it be useless for anyone to come?"

Guo Zhiqiang was going crazy, he was crazy to the extreme.

Damn it, how did I know that you have such a heaven-defying mount as Yinglong!

Fucking, this damn is simply cheating!

"No, I'm very lucky, I have a destiny, you can't kill me!"

"Yes, hahaha, you can't kill me!" Guo Zhiqiang spoke crazily like a mentally ill person, as if trying to convince himself.

But soon, he cried out: "It shouldn't, it shouldn't be like this..."

What about sweeping the world?

What about enjoying the beauties in the world, plundering cultivation resources, and controlling the life of supreme authority?

Why is there such a terrifying existence, why should you stand on the opposite side of yourself!

"Tianzun, I was wrong. You spare my life, and I will give you a saddle and a horse, and I will go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​​​fire!" Guo Zhiqiang's side of being a small person for a long time resurfaced at this moment.

He didn't have the slightest arrogance before, and directly knelt down to Lin Fei.

Mo Wan'er's heart was cold and desperate, and she showed a mocking smile.It is not only laughing at himself, but also laughing at Guo Zhiqiang.

When the mighty power is stripped away, the mouse becomes a mouse again.

"Aren't you going to push Su Caiwei, who is so tall, to the bed?"

"Aren't you going to sweep the world and make the whole world kneel at your feet?" Mo Wan'er smiled sarcastically, "Guo Zhiqiang, riding a horse is a joke! You think you are invincible, but someone's mount can kill you instantly Arrogant capital!"

Guo Zhiqiang blushed, glared at her angrily, and clenched his fists.

But Mo Wan'er ignored him directly, since the black flame and fire phoenix were not attached to him, Guo Zhiqiang at this moment was a waste.

Although her master level cultivation is not worth mentioning in front of Lin Fei, but it is easy to kill Guo Zhiqiang in seconds.

"Tianzun," Mo Wan'er made a weeping look, very pitiful, "Guo Zhiqiang relied on the black flame and fire phoenix to act recklessly and force me to be his lover, otherwise he will kill my whole family!"

"I also ask Tianzun to be the master of the little girl and kill this villain! Tianzun rescued the little girl from the sea of ​​suffering. This time, he is so kind and virtuous, what do you want me to do..."

She showed a shy look at the right time, "I am willing."

Just like what Mo Wan'er once pondered, she is very confident in her own charm, and she doesn't believe that there are cats in the world that don't touch meat.

Although Guo Zhiqiang's crushing defeat shocked her, it did not affect her chance to use her strengths in exchange for a chance to survive and even be favored by the strongest.

What is Guo Zhiqiang?Lin Fei can use Ying Long as a mount!

Being able to stay by his side will have unimaginable benefits and opportunities.

Lin Fei had a half-smile, looking at Mo Wan'er who was so charming in front of him, but a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes.

And hearing Mo Wan'er's words, Guo Zhiqiang almost suffocated on the spot.

At this moment, he even wanted to kill the woman he had really possessed.

"I'm not a good person, why are you a good thing?"

"It was you who suggested that I destroy the Medical Sect and seize the "Shen Nong Medical Classic", and it was you who proposed to destroy Dou Que Palace. You woman, why are you pretending to be a victim here!"

"When I was good, you slept with me without hesitation, but now you want to take refuge with me immediately?!" Guo Zhiqiang yelled.

"Tianzun, you have a noble status, you can't play with this kind of broken shoes, right?" He hurriedly said to Lin Fei with a humble face.

Mo Wan'er was also anxious, and immediately argued: "Tianzun, he is talking nonsense and spouting blood! Although my innocence has been tarnished, I was forced by him!"

She looked like she was about to cry, and her performance was very convincing: "I'm just a woman, I don't want to see my parents die by his hands, woo woo woo..."

Lin Fei quietly watched their performance with a playful smile on his face.



Guo Zhiqiang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he immediately lost his mind, ignoring the difference in cultivation level: "I killed you green tea whore!"

With a loud shout, he punched Mo Wan'er directly.

Mo Wan'er could actually kill him instantly, but she deliberately acted like a weak woman.In a disguise that can arouse men's desire for protection, she fled to Lin Fei in a panic: "Heavenly Lord, save me!"

Lin Fei sneered in his heart, swept Guo Zhiqiang away with a flick of his sleeves, and ran towards Ying Long.

Mo Wan'er was suddenly pleasantly surprised, thinking that Lin Fei had taken the bait.

Otherwise, how could he do it for himself?

She was complacent and self-satisfied in her heart, but on the surface she showed a look of gratitude: "Tianzun, you are so kind..."

Lin Fei smiled meaningfully, stretched out his arms to Mo Wan'er, and pretended to welcome her with open arms: "Come here."

Everyone in Phoenix Mountain was dumbfounded again, and the people around Ji Yaoguang even cast their weird eyes on her.

Ji Yaoguang didn't show any jealousy, and even couldn't help laughing, which made Su Caiwei and others look confused.

It's not that she doesn't mind Lin Fei being ambiguous with other women, especially with this kind of bitch.

Ji Yaoguang just roughly guessed what he was thinking.

"He really is a devil." Ji Yaoguang whispered in his heart.

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