I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 275 Hell Road, has entered the wheel chapter

Mo Wan'er almost lost her mind, and sneered in her heart.Even if you are some kind of Heavenly Venerable, a supreme existence with Yinglong as a mount, wouldn't you still be unable to escape my beauty trap?

When she thought of the unimaginable benefits she would get in the future, she felt ecstatic for a while, and felt that she was a blessing in disguise.

Mo Wan'er jumped up in an instant, like a girl running towards her lover.

However, when she was at the peak of elation and excitement, it was Lin Fei's slap that greeted her.


With the loud and crisp slap, Mo Wan'er was directly sent flying.It even flipped several times in the air like performing acrobatics, flew out more than ten meters away like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground with a thud.

"Pfft!" Mo Wan'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and her two white and crystal-clear teeth were knocked out, stained red by the blood.


The ultimate bewilderment!

She covered her cheeks and looked at Lin Fei in shock: "Tianzun, what are you doing!"

The smile on Lin Fei's face disappeared, and he said lightly, "Kill you."


Amidst the loud noise, an invisible barrier in the air crashed directly out.

Wherever it passed, all the mountains, rocks and trees exploded immediately and turned into dust!

Mo Wan'er was directly knocked out, her internal organs exploded, and her seven orifices bled.

Her eyes widened suddenly, she suffered severe physical and psychological damage, and said in a trembling and frightened voice: "Are you... lying to me?!"

Why do you want to give me hope, and let me give you the despair of death when I am most satisfied!

Even if you don't give me any hope, just kill me directly!

"So what?" Lin Fei said lightly, not bothering to look at her.

A mere qi-training ant who practices the spell of charm, thinks he can charm an evildoer who has lived for [-] million years, because of his good looks?

How... stupid!

"Pfft!" Mo Wan'er didn't know whether she was hurt or angry, and spit out a big mouthful of blood on the spot.

"The devil... you are the devil through and through!"

A member of the Demon Sect actually denounced others as a devil, which shows how broken her heart really is.

Mo Wan'er fell to the ground, staring blankly at the sky, and swallowed her breath filled with aggrieved unwillingness.

Another dead guy.

Everyone on Phoenix Mountain was stunned. Before, they thought Lin Fei was bewitched by beauty, but they didn't expect such a reversal.

However, Mo Wan'er, who was full of lies, also had a sentence that gained their approval.

That's right, Lin Fei is a devil.

Life and death are common things in the ancient martial arts world, even though Lin Fei was unreasonably strong, Song Yufeng thought he would kill Mo Wan'er in one blow.Although Mo Wan'er's life was taken away, it seemed that her death was too simple and not enough to relieve her hatred.

But he didn't expect that Lin Fei would have such a style of personally promoting people to heaven and then sending them to hell...

This is death without letting anyone rest in peace!

Lin Fei didn't think he was a devil, on the contrary he felt that he was extraordinarily kind.It's just a little play with Mo Wan'er's mentality, at least it didn't take her soul out to torture her for thousands of years, right?

Well, Di Jun did this kind of thing.

The unlucky ghost who was tossed was still Houyi.When he shot and killed Di Jun's nine sons to save the common people, Di Jun superficially praised and rewarded him, declaring that he did a good job, and his sons who caused disasters to the world should be killed.

When the limelight passed, Di Jun just found an excuse to kill Hou Yi, and his soul was tortured after death-how could the nine sons who dared to touch the top leaders have any way to survive?

"Tianzun," Ying Long said in a deep voice, "I have wiped away the intelligence of Hei Yan Huo Feng's body, but I found this."

She turned into a human form, with a drop of black blood floating in her palm.

This drop of black blood shone in all directions, exuding a terrifying and destructive aura.

Su Caiwei's face changed even more, and she clearly felt its horror.

A drop of blood can have the power of a Martial Lord just like her!

It turns out that after the resurrection of the black flame fire phoenix, only the black flame breath of the main body and the strength of the physical body are all relying on the cultivation of the golden core realm brought by this drop of blood!

But this is obviously not the reason why Ying Long is so serious.

"I know," Lin Fei sneered, and had already noticed this, "The owner of this drop of blood practiced the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue" and also practiced the "Heavenly Demon Divine Art."

"However, the owner of this drop of blood is so weak, it can't be Lin Yuan, it should be his disciple and descendant."

In other words, people from the Heavenly Demon God Palace should be the "Black Wind Society".


I don't know how many people almost petrified on the spot after hearing these words.

The power contained in a drop of blood is enough to rival the strong Jindan, God knows how terrifying its owner is.

If this is still called weak, what kind of existence can be called strong?

Lin Feixin took this drop of devil blood with his hand, and wiped out all the violent devil energy in it.

At this moment, the golden light suddenly appeared, shining brightly.


What a pure and huge power!

Many people's breathing became short of breath, and their eyes were full of longing when they looked at the drop of blood.

However, Lin Fei just flicked his fingers, making it sink into Ying Long's eyebrows.

She was too weak to be seen.He just took this opportunity to let Ying Long regain some strength.

Ying Long's whole body suddenly burst into violent fluctuations, sweeping in all directions mightily, and the space of heaven and earth seemed to be distorted for a moment.

However, Lin Fei didn't even bother to blink his eyelids.

Too weak, leaving aside the physical body, the cultivation base is only in the middle stage of Jindan.

Unless the era of self-cultivation with abundant and majestic aura is restored, it is simply a fantasy for Ying Long to restore his cultivation in the world.

Lin Fei's pupils had profound and complex mysterious patterns, and he glanced at Hei Yan Huo Feng lightly.

In everyone's shocked eyes, it just disappeared.

Guo Zhiqiang had already died in the hands of Ying Long, and the dust settled in no time.

His good luck finally came to an end at this moment.

In the entire Phoenix Mountain, countless excited people knelt down on one knee this time.

They held their swords neatly and saluted, and said in a reverent voice, "Greetings, Great God Yinglong!"

"Meet Lin Tianzun!"

Looking at the admiring and admiring eyes of those young female disciples towards Lin Fei, Ji Yaoguang suddenly felt a little headache.

Too bad, Lin Fei has so many fans all of a sudden.

"I'm under so much pressure." She whispered in her heart, and sighed softly, with the faint sadness that others were confused by.


The day is also dark as night in the dark mountains and forests.

The dilapidated and vicissitudes of the Huanzong Mountain Gate are hidden in it, as if they are completely out of sight.

The man in black looked at the hexagonal crystal named "Samsara" in his hand, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The side that symbolizes the "Dao of Hell" is already shining brightly, imprinted with the imprint of a phoenix.


"Heiyan Huofeng, who became the strongest demon corpse, actually died. Who did it?"

"There are such terrifying powerhouses in this world!"

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