I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 291 Ginseng essence: I'm too hard!

Ying Long and Lin Fei are no strangers to Jianmu, and they have no other feelings except for revisiting the old place.

Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling were deeply moved by its beauty, saying that it was indeed the place where Jianmu lived in the myth, and it was really extraordinary.

Walking on the road in the forest, Ji Yaoguang even saw fireflies with purple shimmer, animals like deer, and purple ginseng that would jump up from the ground and flee in a panic.

The moment the ginseng came out of the soil, both Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling were stunned!

What is even more suspicious of life is that this guy actually yelled: "Help! Grandpa Zihuai, someone broke in!"

While shouting, this ginseng is still moving its lower limbs like human legs, running like a phantom, and the stems and leaves above its head are still shaking.

"I used to say that ginseng would run away, but I still didn't believe it," Ji Yaoguang said with emotion, "Now I believe it."

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and joked: "This is a small ginseng essence. Judging from its appearance, it has only lived in the Jianmu world for 500 years. If you like it, I will catch it and make it for you to make soup."

The value of a panacea that produces wisdom cannot be underestimated.

Ji Yaoguang was horrified when he heard that, and quickly shook his head, "Don't, don't, it's too cruel."

As a modern person, she still can't accept the stew of life that can speak human language.

Of course, this kind of thing is extremely common in the cultivation world.Even this one ginseng essence is enough to make a group of strong men beat their heads to the ground.

Lin Fei laughed it off and didn't bring up the topic again, but said with great interest: "It seems that someone has come to welcome us."

After his words fell, there was a "crash" sound from all around.

Huge purple trees rose up from the soil, opening their eyes like human eyes.Clasping their hands in the void, purple light suddenly condensed into spears and shields, surrounding everyone from all directions.

The trees that were supposed to symbolize nature have a faintly sinister and cold aura.

Back then, Liu Dao's blood spilled on the ground, almost destroying the entire Jianmu world.But then the plants that grew out of the soil were contaminated with its power and could be cultivated into essence.

Outside the encirclement, the ginseng essence hid behind a huge purple tree with a height of [-] meters, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa Zishan, quickly order them to be killed!"

Although the purple locust tree has been cultivated into a spirit from a giant tree, it already has human-like arms and legs, and even long beard and eyebrows.Of course, its limbs are all thick branches, the bark is cracked, and it looks full of vicissitudes.Even the so-called beard and eyebrows look like tree roots.

His cold and bloodthirsty aura is more obvious, even Ji Yaoguang can clearly feel it.

The vicissitudes of purple locust eyes looked at this group of uninvited guests, showing a greedy look: "Fresh flesh and blood appeared in the Jianmu Forbidden Land."

Lin Fei only said calmly: "Get out of the way, or I will wipe out your tree spirits."

Purple locust laughed, and the huge tree's cane hit the ground, causing the ground to shake suddenly: "Arrogant mortals, you will become the nourishment of the tree. Sleep forever in the soil, let the roots of my subordinates Pierce into your body!"

Lin Fei shook his head, and said lightly: "I originally thought that you were only infected by a trace of blood from the six realms, and you didn't want to kill them all. Since you don't understand the value of life, then I will send you to liberation."

Zihuai frowned, and immediately gave an order: "Kill them!"

After receiving the order, a group of dryads immediately attacked Lin Fei and the others with their huge bodies.The huge tree with a height of tens of meters is waving the weapon in its hand, just like a god descending from the earth, and its momentum is astonishing.

The ginseng essence had no intention of continuing to run for his life at all, he just looked at the scene in front of him excitedly, thinking that this group of uninvited guests would definitely die.

However, Lin Fei just snapped his fingers.

In an instant, there was a violent invisible wave sweeping away in all directions.


Amidst the loud noise, one huge tree after another exploded on the spot.

Huge branches with dense foliage, a sky full of sawdust, pieces of wood.These things were flying all over the sky, making the scene extremely chaotic for a while.

Zihuai was frightened and stupid all of a sudden, without even thinking about it, she immediately turned around and ran away!

An old tree ran for its life in such a hasty and comical way, it was almost ridiculous to watch.

Lin Fei didn't bother to kill them all. He just took an ordinary stone from the air and absorbed the majestic life essence contained in the corpses of the surrounding dryads.

With the stone in his palm as the center, the air seemed to be distorted and turned into a vortex.The surrounding purple brilliance was sucked into the vortex, which instantly made the stone as crystal clear as a purple agate, and purple brilliance circulated around it.

It may be useful to rebuild and build wood later.

"Aren't you running?" Lin Fei threw the stone containing the power of all things to grow to Wu Moling, and looked at the ginseng essence with a half-smile.

It hid in a corner and shivered, so that the leaves above its head were shaking non-stop, looking pitiful and funny.

It looks like an emoji: weak, pitiful, and helpless.

"Legs, legs...the legs are weak." Ginseng Jing looked like she was about to cry, but she answered very honestly.

Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, and photographed it from the air, so scared that it kept crying: "Mommy, help me! I'm eating ginseng, someone is going to eat ginseng!"

Ji Yaoguang felt that Lin Fei had no enmity with this ginseng essence, so Dang even couldn't help but said, "Why don't you let it go?"

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to it."

The ginseng essence was held in his hand, and he asked in a crying voice, "You swear?!"

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to its question at all, and just said casually: "Don't be nervous, just help you shave your head."

After the words fell, he broke off the branches and leaves on top of its head with a crisp "crack".

The 500-year-old ginseng essence in a place like Jianmu can be called a panacea.Although it has no meaning and value to Lin Fei, it is extremely important to others, especially Wu Moling who has just awakened the power of blood.

The ginseng spirit froze for a moment, then howled, covered her head with her hands and said, "Ah, it's over, it's over, I'm bald, and I don't have the face to face anyone!"

Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang were dumbfounded.

Lin Fei was unmoved, and with a smile on his face, he said persuasively, "I heard that donating blood in an appropriate amount has many benefits, what do you think?"

Looking at this posture, do you want it to "bleed" to squeeze out the essence of the elixir in the body?

Ginseng Jing was trembling all over, and cried again from fright.

God, this devil is terrible!

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