I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 292 All things wither and prosper

"I think I'm still young, and blood donation is harmful to my body, so it might not be suitable for me..." Ginseng essence swallowed, and looked at Lin Fei nervously.

"Oh, really? I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language." Lin Fei said lightly.

Ginseng Jing was shocked, and immediately changed his words with an awkward smile: "Ha...ha...Actually, I think what you said is quite reasonable! Donating blood is a beautiful and noble virtue, maybe the blood I donated today , you can save one person someday, right?"

"Ahaha, I am such a great and kind ginseng essence!"

Lin Fei asked amusedly: "Didn't it mean that you are still young, so you may cause serious damage to your body?"

Ginseng Essence said solemnly: "Hey, you can't say that! I have been here for 500 years, how can I be young?"

It's like a man who clamored "I won't eat a bite of your food if I'm starving to death", but when he turned around, he not only ate someone else's food, but also shouted "It's really delicious".

Ji Yaoguang was so amused by it that she couldn't help but feel that it was quite cute.

"That's it, I understand." Lin Fei smiled slightly, and shook the branches and leaves on the ground.

The branches and leaves disintegrated instantly, and the tree body was reorganized into a wooden bottle the size of a thermos cup.


Lin Fei threw the wooden bottle on the ground and said directly, "Come on, let's start your free blood donation!"

Ginseng Jing was dumbfounded on the spot, and broke down and said: "It's so big! You want to drain my blood!"

Although it has lived for 500 years, the size of this family has never been much larger.The size of the bottle in front of him is almost half the size of it.

"Then fill it up halfway." Lin Fei said, and easily scratched its arm with his nails.

"Ah, murderous ginseng, murderous ginseng!" The ginseng essence screamed, but quickly put its arm on the bottle.

The purple ginseng juice dripped quickly, and in an instant came the rich and fragrant medicinal fragrance.Just smelling it makes people feel refreshed, as if their body and mind have been baptized.

Ginseng essence poured half a bottle of blood, and Dang even spat at the wound, making it heal quickly.

Lin Fei stared at it fixedly, although he didn't speak, the meaning behind his words was quite obvious.

Is this not enough for half a bottle?

"I can do it! I can do it!"

"Don't you just want liquid medicine? It doesn't matter, you don't have to use blood!" Ginseng Essence said, and pouted.


I don't know if it was spitting or spitting, but it spit the lavender ginseng liquid into the bottle.

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded.

Wu Moling was dumbfounded.

Even Ying Long and Lin Fei fell silent.

"You... are really a genius." Lin Fei shook his head and sighed, but did not stop him.

Anyway, the effect of the medicine is the same, and it's not that he wants to take it, so he doesn't worry about being threatened at all.

Ginseng essence has a strong desire to survive, so she kept spitting out "bah bah bah" until her mouth was dry, and then she begged for forgiveness in a crying voice: "I really...haven't a single drop..."

Everyone thought it was weird, but it was hard to point it out.

"You can go." Lin Fei closed the bottle cap and said casually.

At this time, the ginseng essence is like the eggplant beaten by frost—it’s gone.The moment it heard this, it seemed to be amnesty, but soon found that its legs were so weak that it could only look at Lin Fei with a mournful face.

I was so frightened that I couldn't run before, this will be extremely weak, how can I run?

Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, and pointed out a finger in the air.In an instant, an escape technique flooded into Ginseng Essence's mind.

Tudun, I think it is the most suitable for this kind of life form.

The ginseng essence hastily drilled into the soil and disappeared without a trace.

But Lin Fei threw the bottle in his hand to Wu Moling, and said lightly, "I gave it to you."

Wu Moling fell into a daze, not knowing whether to be happy or sad, he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Undoubtedly, this less than half a bottle of liquid medicine contains huge medicinal power, which can help her achieve rapid development in the realm of cultivation.Moreover, his bloodline of the god witch has just awakened, just when he needs to be refined to further purify the bloodline, this thing can be said to come in a timely manner.

But the key problem is... Thinking of the ginseng essence before and didn't know whether to spit or spit, Wu Moling felt panicked.

Seeing her tangled expression, Lin Fei immediately understood everything, and said with a smile, "This half bottle of liquid medicine is not to mention being placed in today's ancient martial arts world, even the cultivation world after the recovery of spiritual energy can make a group of people Believe it or not that the cultivator was beaten to the point of bloodshed?"

Wu Moling suddenly realized that because of being with Lin Fei, his vision was too high.Such an extremely precious thing, she still finds it difficult to accept it because she is a little shy...

You know, not to mention the saliva of ginseng essence, even its urine, I'm afraid it can cause crazy snatching in the cultivation world.

Thinking about it this way, why do you feel that the cultivators are so miserable?

Wu Moling felt strange, but he still thanked him sincerely, and put the wooden bottle away.

But at this moment, there was a huge movement in the distance.

At a glance, you can see large black cypress trees and red cedar trees.They stand upright, their huge bodies fuck all kinds of guys, and gather towards the center of Jianmu Realm.

In the center, even if you look up, you can't see the giant tree at the top.

build wood.

"What are they doing?" Ji Yaoguang asked.

"They guessed that I came for Jianmu, and wanted to use Jianmu as the eye of the formation to continuously provide energy for the formation and keep us here forever." Lin Fei smiled instead of anger, and said lightly, "So Many tree spirits, even if Jianmu is more damaged than I imagined, the life energy of the wood is enough to make it intact."

They are all gathered next to Jianmu, which is simple and convenient.

Lin Fei kept walking, and soon came to a group of tree spirits.

The huge bodies of these tree spirits seemed so small under the construction trees.

They present a weird formation method, and they are integrated into one under the traction of each other's aura.

All things flourish.

If all the existences in the formation were not eliminated at the same time, or the eyes of the formation were destroyed, the killed dryad would recover instantly under the sharing of their vitality.

And their eyes are Jianmu.

With the help of such a formation, the leaders of the three tree demons immediately became confident.

In their view, this is inherently invincible!

In addition, everyone's power can be gathered in one place, which is absolutely fatal!

"Mortal, come break the formation if you have the guts!" Zihuai yelled with her spiritual thoughts.

"Are you here for Jianmu? Now that Jianmu is right in front of you, are you willing to give up?" Mo Bai also urged with his divine thoughts.

It's not that they did it deliberately, it's just that they couldn't do it.

There is no shadow and no sound under the building tree.

Although Chishan remained silent, she also wished that Lin Fei and others would come to break the formation.

After all, according to what Zihuai said, he is really too strong.If he didn't want to take risks, these tree spirits could only stare blankly!

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