I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 296 Kunlun Mountain, Yunhua Palace

From the recovery of spiritual energy, it is already possible to enter an exciting countdown.

But Lin Fei's face still didn't fluctuate at all. He stood on the top of Yuxu Peak, which was covered with snow all the year round and had an altitude of 5980 meters, overlooking the scenery of Kunlun.

"With the revival of spiritual energy, I don't know how many hidden sects in the small world have appeared." He smiled lightly, his eyes were deep and far away.

Ji Yaoguang showed surprise on his face, and couldn't help asking: "There are still many such hidden sects in China now, which exist independently like the Jianmu world?"

Seeing that everyone in Douque Palace and Yinzong didn't show any surprise, she immediately understood that this might not be some strange anecdote.

"That's right." Lin Fei explained briefly, "Back then when the Immortal Realm recruited for security, and the Human Realm powerhouses surrendered, the four majestic Immortal Emperors acted in such a way, must there be some expression?"

Ji Yaoguang nodded, thinking it made sense.After all, he is a respected and high-status immortal emperor, so he can't do too much and ruin his reputation.

"Those who submit to any one of the four immortal emperors, their orthodox lineage in the world will be preserved in the end of the Dharma. The immortal emperor will personally open up a small world for them, which is called the blessed land of the cave."

"These celestial paradises form a small world of their own, and the aura is endless, just like the era of cultivation, and is not affected by the age of the end of the Dharma." Lin Fei couldn't help laughing playfully when he said this, "Think about it, such a generous How many powerful people will be attracted by the treatment?"

Not only Ji Yaoguang, but even Yinglong showed emotion.

Ying Long's expression was even more complicated, after all, her "acquaintances" were involved.

East Emperor Taiyi.

Ji Yaoguang asked doubtfully again: "The sects like Yizong, Yinzong, Jianzong, and Douque Palace, why are they not in the small world? Didn't they accept the offer from the fairy world?"

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and scratched her beautiful nose casually: "People like Jiang Liuyun, the Emperor of Sword, and Yang Zhenbei, Emperor of Sword, are all my disciples, and they have been labeled as me. If you use it, you dare not move it, so you just turn a blind eye."

"Most of the others are unwilling to accept the recruitment, at least they are unwilling to submit to the legitimate management of the four immortal emperors. Either they seek to enjoy themselves in the immortal world, or they choose to seek refuge with Emperor Zhenwu who has never participated in this plan."

"And Xiao Hongluan is quite special," he said here, somewhat helplessly, "Although she is Haotian's own daughter, after all, she offended Haotian and was demoted to the mortal world."

"As a result, little Hongluan not only didn't miss the fairy world, but instead flourished in the human world, and founded a prestigious sect by herself... Do you think Haotian is happy watching it?"

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded for a while, unable to laugh or cry.

The answer is self-evident, not only will Haotian not be happy, but he will be furious.Such an indifferent and ruthless immortal emperor, if he didn't destroy the Douque Palace, even if he thought of his relationship with his daughter, how could he be expected to open up a small world of his own for the Douque Palace?

"Then these sects that have been isolated in the small world, can they really survive to this day?" Ying Long couldn't help asking.

"As far as I know, there are not only individual sects in the small world. At that time, they considered this. In addition to thousands of disciples, a sect also has some cities and villages in the small world under its jurisdiction. Probably tens of thousands of people."

"It has been reproduced from generation to generation, and it will not be extinct. Now that the spiritual energy is revived, the cave will surely open up, and it is time for them to return to this world." Lin Fei talked eloquently, obviously understanding these things very well.

The reason for the exhaustion of spiritual energy, the reason for the age of Shenyin, the whereabouts of those famous cultivation sects...

He tore away the mysterious veil on these questions that ordinary people would feel foggy and unsolvable when they thought about them carefully.

But at this moment, Lin Fei stopped talking, looked up at the top of the sky, and said lightly: "Here we come."

Everyone followed his line of sight, almost holding their breath at this moment.

The seven stars in the sky finally formed a line at this moment.

The seven stars are in a row, and the starlight shines on the world!

At the same time, something that shocked the ancient martial arts world happened.

"Reiki! My God, it's really Reiki!"

"The spiritual energy has recovered!"

"A brand new era is coming, and the earth has returned to the era of cultivation!"

No matter where you are, as long as you can feel the existence of aura, you will be crazy about it.

There was even a grey-haired, half-buried cultivator in the late twilight, who looked up to the sky and cried bitterly: "God, why couldn't you revive your spiritual energy a few years earlier! The old man has already reached the end of his life, why do you want to let him go?" I saw such a spectacle!"

"The general trend of the world is finally to practice the Dao, it's a shame... I can't see it!"

Speaking of this, the old man spit out a big mouthful of blood on the spot in a fit of rage, and thus came to the end of his life.

The moment the aura of heaven and earth emerged, terrifying changes took place in the Kunlun Mountains.


The majestic aura visible to the naked eye is so rich that it turns into mist, making the entire Kunlun Mountains look like a fairyland!

Just being in such an environment, everyone present felt as if they had been baptized, and the pores all over their bodies were relaxed, giving them a feeling of being in a celestial state.

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately sat cross-legged and tried their best to breathe out spiritual energy to practice.


Amidst the thunder-like sound, a illusory scene appeared in the Kunlun Mountains.

Its existence is very similar to that of the Jianmu world, and it is obviously a small world that exists independently.

Among them, there are fairy mountains with overlapping mountains and green mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist.There are spiritual springs and waterfalls, hanging above the mountain like horse training.There are also flying cranes, supporting a magnificent and vast building complex on the top of the peak like a fairy palace.

At the main entrance of this magnificent building, there is a stone tablet and door plaque.All of them are filled with awe-inspiring sword intent, and there are three large characters written in gold hooks and silver paintings: Yunhua Palace!

Kunlun Mountain used to be the dojo of the Queen Mother of the West, and the No.20 third daughter she gave birth to was honored as "Mrs. Yunhua".

And naming it with the word "Yunhua" is enough to show the great background of the inheritance here-the orthodoxy left by Mrs. Yunhua in the world!

Within the small world, a handsome and handsome disciple flew into the air with his sword in high spirits.

"The spiritual energy is revived, and the cave is wide open. This is a world of great struggle!"

"Okay, I'm going to go out and see how desolate and desolate this world with exhausted spiritual energy is!"

And after seeing so many people entrenched in the Kunlun Mountains to absorb spiritual energy, their expressions changed instantly.

"Bold! Kunlun Mountain is where my Yunhua Palace is located. How can you allow thieves like you to seize the spiritual vein!"

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