I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 297 Hollow out the ancestors of the spiritual veins

The male disciples of Yunhua Palace wear white gowns and the female disciples wear white skirts, both of which are embroidered with cloud patterns, and there is the word "Yunhua" on the chest like oracle bone inscriptions.

They flew with their swords in the sky. If everyone in the secular world sees them, they will probably only think that they are immortals descending from the earth.

At this time, the disciples of Yunhua Palace were all really angry, they didn't expect that someone would dare to touch the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain that they regarded as their possession.

Their killing intent is overwhelming, and their sword intent is soaring.

The people of Yinzong and Fenghuang Mountain who were hurrying to cultivate were unavoidably startled and cast shocked gazes at them.

Even Su Caiwei's expression changed.

Because she clearly felt that these extremely young Yunhua Palace disciples were... very strong.

Simply too strong!

The most worthless thing is the realm of Qi training, that is, the masters and powerhouses in the ancient martial arts world, they are simply the bottom of the existence.

In Yunhua Palace, there are as many grandmasters as dogs, great grandmasters are walking all over the place, even her so-called Wu Zun has dozens of numbers!

Among them were several middle-aged cultivators, which shocked and awed Su Caiwei even more.That kind of calm demeanor like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi was extremely difficult to guess, and two words popped out of her mind in shock - Yuanying!

Nascent Soul old monster.

In the 3000 years after the aura was exhausted, no one had ever broken through to the mythical realm!

All the monks in the ancient martial arts world in the Kunlun Mountains trembled and felt terrified.

This is a sad fact.

Even if Su Caiwei's cultivation talent is already the best in the contemporary era, even if she is placed in Yunhua Palace, she can crush a group of so-called geniuses, but it is a pity that the environment in which she practiced is a world where spiritual energy is exhausted.

Compared with these people whose aura has never been exhausted, it is like a poor girl who is hardworking and talented, but finds that she is no match for the rich second generation with a wealthy family and mediocre qualifications.

Originating from the gap in strength and realm, she was so depressed that she almost couldn't breathe, let alone other people.

However, Lin Fei just glanced at them lightly, without changing his expression.He fiddled with it, and immediately a porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

He pinched his handprint on the porcelain bottle and pressed it, blessing it with the supernatural power of mustard seed Nasumi, which immediately caused the porcelain bottle to flow with divine light.

"Join!" Lin Fei uttered a word, and the aura of the entire Kunlun Mountains was violent in an instant!


The spiritual energy frantically gathered in the valley, turning into 99 light dragons.

They are rioting, but they seem to be imprisoned by invisible forces, and it is useless to struggle with them.

The Kunlun Mountains are regarded as the ancestor of dragon veins by Feng Shui circles.In the ancient martial arts world and the practice world, he is also known as the ancestor of the spirit veins.

Looking at the revived earth, this is a place with abundant aura that crushes any other place.

But at this moment, the aura of the entire Kunlun Mountains has been gathered together, and its majesty and vastness are far beyond imagination!

In Yunhua Palace, a middle-aged woman's eyelids jumped wildly, as if she realized something, she immediately said angrily: "Boy, what are you doing!"

Lin Fei glanced at her lightly, and said directly: "I want to swallow ninety spiritual energy, do you have any objection?"


His calm voice was like a thunderclap exploding on the ground.

Not only everyone in Yunhua Palace was dumbfounded, but even everyone in the ancient martial arts world was dumbfounded!

"You're crazy!" The middle-aged woman laughed back angrily, and immediately cursed, "Where did the ignorant junior come from, living in the doomed age when the aura is exhausted, he is really ignorant and ignorant!"

"That's right," another middle-aged man echoed with a gloomy face, "I know you ants have never seen aura, but I didn't expect it to be so ridiculous! Let alone swallowing ninety dragons with aura in the Kunlun Mountains, Even a burst of spiritual energy is definitely not something you can bear, it is enough to make you explode and die on the spot!"

The other disciples of Yunhua Palace also laughed and sarcastically.

From their point of view, Lin Fei is just a country bumpkin who has never seen aura, and he is simply making a joke.

However, Lin Fei just asked indifferently: "Oh, really?"

The middle-aged woman named Yun Jing sneered, and immediately sneered: "Young man, I am doing this for your own good. Since you don't know how to live or die, you can give it a try!"

The entire Yunhua Palace also burst into laughter, as if waiting to see a good show.

They have to wait a short time before the barrier will be completely opened.It won't be too late to seize the light dragon transformed from the aura of Kunlun Mountain by then, and it doesn't matter now to see how this idiot overestimated himself and died.

Lin Fei couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to these people, and immediately snapped his fingers.


A series of huge light dragons roared and rushed towards him frantically.

But at this moment, the smiles on the faces of everyone in Yunhua Palace froze.

Because dragons of spiritual energy poured into Lin Fei's body one after another, he didn't even react at all, looking indifferent and calm!

Everyone in the ancient martial arts world was dumbfounded!

Everyone in Yunhua Palace separated by a barrier was also dumbfounded!

"Do not!!"

"how so?!"

Everyone in Yunhua Palace was about to go crazy, their voices were full of collapse and madness, and they felt like their hearts were bleeding.

That's [-]% of the aura of the Kunlun Mountains, and it was swallowed by the man in front of him alone? !

Their Yunhua Palace is connected to the spatial coordinates of the Kunlun Mountains, and all of this was originally in their pocket!

Such violent and turbulent spiritual energy is so envious to Yunhua Palace, let alone those in the ancient martial arts world who have only seen the spiritual energy today.

However, Lin Fei felt that it was too little, and he didn't expect this bit of aura to improve his cultivation realm.

That's all, talk is better than nothing, let's recover from the injury of Dao.

At this moment, all ninety dragons of spiritual energy poured into the spiritual platform between his eyebrows, repairing the severely damaged primordial spirit.

His whole body bloomed with a blazing and dazzling white brilliance, making it almost impossible to open one's eyes.

The injury of the Dao in Lin Feiling's platform is like a bottomless pit, even if he absorbed such a large amount of spiritual energy, it has only recovered a quarter.You know, there is also the reason for his 3000-year self-recovery.

"Although I was prepared in my heart, this bit of aura is too little." He sighed faintly, which immediately made everyone even more mad.

Even Yunhua Palace's self-proclaimed self-cultivated disciple wanted to yell at him right now.

Where did the bastard come from, he dared to say that there is still little dragon-shaped aura in ninety dragons!

But at this moment, Yun Jing's eyes lit up, and she shouted loudly: "The Yunhua Realm is about to open, follow me to take down this person, and refine all the spiritual energy in him!"

Hearing such words, everyone in Yunhua Palace was shocked and responded in unison: "Yes!"

Lin Fei didn't even bother to look at them, and just put the remaining nine spirit dragons into the porcelain vase.

Everyone else was stunned by his move to sweep away the entire Kunlun Mountains, but he didn't respond at all.

The recovery of the aura of heaven and earth is all due to me. It’s nothing to empty out the aura of the Kunlun Mountains, right?

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