I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 312 The Seventh Captain of the Black Wind Society

Chu Xiang's mad demon was so powerful that his clothes and long hair fluttered under the violent wind.

Wisps of black light flickered from the corners of his eyes, his pupils were as sharp as electricity, and his aura was powerful and violent.

Just like the devil descended from the sky, he is really the god of Tai Sui in the world!

In comparison, Lin Fei was sent flying dozens of meters away by the impact of such a blow before he could barely stop himself.

"Very vulnerable." Chu Xiang sneered wildly, and looked at Lin Fei arrogantly, "Do you know that it would still be useful if you didn't keep your body, because you were smashed to pieces just now?"

Lin Fei steadied his footsteps. Even though he failed to develop his consciousness, the intuition of a strong person in the Immortal Emperor realm still made him clearly feel that those eyes were still staring at him.

He looked at Chu Xiangkuang calmly, and said lightly, "Have you played enough?"

Chu Xiangkuang frowned, and immediately showed a sneer: "Do you have any cards?"

He has always had such scruples in his heart, so he keeps his hands in his moves so that he can evade the ultimate move at the first time.

Because he was able to suppress the witchcraft, the cultivation level shown in this way was already extremely extraordinary.It's really illogical that Lin Fei Jindan dared to kill him in the later stage!

"The Golden Core Realm is just a cover," Lin Fei casually brushed off the smoke from his body, and said calmly, "I just want to attract people like you to show up."

"Oh?" Chu Xiangkuang frowned, and sneered, "Then what realm are you?"

Both Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang believed that Lin Fei was going to show his true strength and kill him instantly.

However, they never expected that Lin Fei would start again: "In the early stage of the Nascent Soul."

The two women almost petrified on the spot.

Also play? !

They couldn't feel the prying eyes, so they naturally didn't know that Lin Fei had his own intentions in this move.

Show the enemy weakness, lure and kill him!

Chu Xiangkuang's expression changed instantly. There seemed to be only a thin line between the late Jindan stage and the early Yuanying stage, but he couldn't be more clear about the gap.

A spike-like gap.

A strong person in the early stage of Yuanying can slap to death the late stage of Jindan with one slap!

He didn't have the confidence to fight with Lin Fei in the same realm, because he knew who Lin Fei had taught.

Lin Yuan, Heavenly Demon Lord!

There was a biography about Lin Yuan in Tianmo Palace, which mentioned that every time Lin Yuan practiced to a certain level, Wansheng Tianzun would use the power of the primordial spirit to evolve himself in the same level of time, and use it to fight Lin Yuan.One is to test his cultivation achievements, and the other is to let him have actual combat experience against real strong men.

The results were horrific.

Lin Yuan, the Heavenly Demon Lord... was completely defeated.

"You think you can kill me like this?" Chu Xiangkuang sneered, as if he still had some trump card.

"Do you know how to inhale Qi from the Heavenly Demon's bones?" Lin Fei seemed to realize something, and asked thoughtfully.

This is a profound technique that is extremely difficult to master in "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art", and it can steal other people's true essence for one's own use.However, the conditions for performing this move are quite harsh, either the opponent and oneself are practicing the same technique of the same origin, or they have to bear the risk of exploding and dying.

Lin Fei even wondered for a while, did Lin Yuan create such a kung fu because he wanted to suck all the true energy of the members of the Heavenly Demon God Palace?

"That's right!" Chu Xiangkuang took a deep breath, unwilling to delay any longer, fearing that Lin Fei's sudden attack could kill him.

He suddenly flew backwards at a high speed, and captured the four Heavenly Demon and Divine Art disciples who were watching the battle from the air.


When Chu Xiangkuang's palms slapped the two of them, the bones of the two of them broke in a series of crisp "crack" sounds.they screamed

Showing a miserable and desperate look of pain, all the true energy in his body was sucked out in an instant.

His bones shattered, his essence was exhausted, and he died on the spot.

They were totally defenseless.

Because Chu Xiangkuang never revealed that he has mastered this extremely profound exercise in the past few days.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately caught the other two who had escaped, and took away all their essence.

Chu Xiangkuang's muscles bulged and his veins bulged, and the violent force seemed to tear him apart.His face was distorted, and he only felt that there was endless energy in his chest that needed to be vented, and Dang even opened his mouth suddenly and let out a roar.


In this roar, the powerful sound waves shattered everything in front of him and swept away towards the distance.Even the ground was booming, forming a gully tens of meters long and several meters wide and deep.

Chu Xiangkuang was originally a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but he needed a lot of real energy to suppress the witchcraft in his body, so he could only show his strength in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

But at this moment, he had returned to his peak.

Chu Xiangkuang let out a breath of foul air, looked at Lin Fei furiously with fighting spirit, and laughed wildly and unscrupulously: "Wan Sheng Tian Zun, you arrogant idiot! If you don't stop my actions just now, you can only die now!" One!"

Lin Fei was unmoved, and said calmly, "Even if I'm only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, I can still kill you."

Chu Xiangkuang sneered, and said with murderous intent: "Crossing the border to confront the enemy? Hehe, you are indeed the most powerful person who taught the heavenly demon and god."

"Unfortunately, do you think I'm as easy to deal with as ordinary practitioners?"

"I am the descendant of the Heavenly Demon God Lord, and I have practiced the "Heavenly Demon Divine Art"! The person standing in front of you is not a cat or a dog in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, but the current captain of the seventh team of the Black Wind Society!"

Seventh Squad.

In other words, not only is the Heavenly Demon Palace not extinct, but its power cannot be underestimated.

Lin Fei realized this, but complained indifferently: "Seventh? Isn't that the bottom?"

"Why can you show off your bottom ranking?"

Chu Xiangkuang's eyes widened violently, and he almost had the urge to vomit blood!

Talking is useless, kill!

Accompanied by Chu Xiangkuang's roar, huge stones floated into the air above the entire torn ground.

Within an area the size of four football fields, there were huge boulders rising from the air, burning up in an instant, and dripping hot magma.

Seeing this scene in the military conference room, even the chief almost suffocated on the spot.

"How about the evacuation of the masses, is the miniature nuclear bomb ready?" He asked immediately.

Soon, someone saluted: "Report to the chief, the evacuation of the personnel is complete, and the fighter pilots are ready, please give instructions!"

The chief clenched his fists and slammed the table, as if he was desperate: "Bomb!"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

It was hard to imagine how much pressure he was under, how much determination and courage he had to dare to issue such an order.

They all know that to deal with such a strong person, they must use miniature nuclear bombs.

If that terrifying specter is not eliminated, I am afraid that not only Mingzhu City, but even the whole of China will be threatened with life and death!

But it is too difficult to take this responsibility.

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