I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 313 Heavenly Demon Magic?I'm more familiar than you

Everyone in the conference room knew clearly that if they didn't seize this opportunity to get rid of Chu Xiangkuang, they might never have another chance in the future.

According to the information and records given by Dou Que Palace, this person is definitely a strong man in the Heavenly Demon Palace!

With such a destructive demonic power, and it comes from the Heavenly Demon God Palace that once created mountains of corpses and seas of blood, we can only get rid of him by adhering to the principle of "I would rather kill the wrong one than let him go".Even if there are three innocent people present, they must not be merciful.

As the supreme chief, he can't pin his hopes on the benevolence of the enemy and make a fluke guess like "what if he doesn't plunder and kill wantonly".

Otherwise, once Chu Xiangkuang escapes, it will be a real regret - it may easily cause the deaths and injuries of tens of millions of people. This is something that soldiers can never tolerate!

On the battlefield, Chu Xiangkuang yelled violently, and even the hood and cloak were shattered into pieces with a "hiss".The veins on his arms, which were as thick as the thighs of an adult, were bulging, and the muscles were exaggerated like a character in a hot-blooded anime.

Anyone who practiced the "Heavenly Demon Divine Art" had a majestic real energy that far surpassed those of the same realm.This time, with the burst of his true energy, he actually gathered the burning lava floating in the sky out of thin air, and smashed it towards Lin Fei!

The scene was extremely exaggerated and magnificent, and Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang's hearts were beating wildly, full of tension and shock.

However, Lin Fei's first reaction was not to crush the huge lava, but to slap his palm from the air.The divine light immediately shrouded the two women, taking them away from the battlefield in an instant, and their figures were frozen in the sky.


The endless lava immediately bombarded Lin Fei like a cannonball, completely submerging him in it.The lava burning with black flames was piled up into a big mountain at this moment, and the red magma was dripping continuously, making a "chi chi" sound on the ground, stirring up a burst of white smoke.

Under the terrible temperature, the space visible to the naked eye was completely distorted.

When everyone in the military conference room saw this scene, their faces changed instantly.

No one thought that he could survive such a terrible environment.

"Sure enough, even Lin Fei, who is powerful in the ancient martial arts world, is no match for him!"

"too frightening!"

"It's over, everything is over! If Lin Fei can't hold this guy, I'm afraid the nuclear warhead may not be able to hit it!"

Immediately, someone gritted their teeth, and the general's cap was slammed onto the table.

However, Chu Xiangkuang on the battlefield did not dare to neglect at all. He did not start to go the route of "the villain died of talking too much" before seeing the death of the enemy like the mentally retarded villain in the movie.

Even though he thought that Lin Fei might have died in it, he still didn't dare to take it lightly - after all, what he was facing was the master of the Heavenly Demon God!

"Combined!" Chu Xiangkuang yelled fiercely, bursting out violently surging true energy again.


At this moment, the volcano-like lava rock wall collapsed inward, causing the pressure enough to crush the Jindan strongman into a bloody pancake, and even reduced the size of the entire mountain by a full three. [-]/[-]!

After the extreme compression, there was a loud bang.


This terrifying volcano exploded at this moment.

The lava pierced through the air, and a fiery red magma shot directly towards the sky, filling the sky with thick black smoke.The whole world was scorched by the high temperature, and the fragments of Chu Xiangkuang's torn cloak were instantly ignited, turning into black ashes and flying in the wind.

There was a downpour directly in the sky.

And the most frightening thing is that this rain is made of magma.The terrifying high temperature is enough to instantly melt steel, turning it into a liquid on the spot.

Under the black sky, the flames and rain illuminate the world!

The entire meeting room was in shock, which made it difficult for people to calm down for a long time.


"Too... powerful. Looking at the whole world, is there anyone strong enough to deal with him?"

But facing such a scene, Chu Xiangkuang couldn't laugh at all, and even his pupils shrank sharply, his face was full of shock.

Because he hasn't controlled the volcano to explode directly, why is there such a situation?

Soon, Chu Xiangkuang understood.

Lin Fei stood calmly on the spot, completely unharmed.

It was he who blasted the volcano with his fist.

After the lava was thrown into the air, it fell to the ground like a burning comet with a rain of fire, making the entire devastated land tremble and mourn.

"That's impossible! Why are you unscathed?!" Chu Xiangkuang was shocked and angry, and there was a bit of unconcealable fear in his voice.

"Heavenly Demon Divine Art," Lin Fei smiled faintly, "I am more familiar with it than you."

Chu Xiangkuang's pupils shrank sharply in an instant, and he shouted angrily: "Impossible! Back then, the god-lord had already severed the master-student relationship with you. How could you master the magic formula he created again?!"

Lin Fei said calmly: "Don't forget, Lin Yuan is a disciple I taught. Even if it is his newly created formula, I will be able to read it once."

Chu Xiangkuang felt his heart beating wildly for an instant, and felt extremely horrified by these words.

Heavenly Demon Divine Art, just read it once!

"I don't believe it!" He roared, and once again clenched the magic knife in his hand.

"Then give it a try." Lin Fei smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to hold it in the void.

A black light knife with monstrous devilish energy suddenly took shape in his hand.

This world is too boring, and there are not even any enemies who can stand on the stage. As a result, Lin Fei hasn't had a real battle for a long time.

Why not take the opportunity to play with him.

Also use "Tianmo Shengong", only use the cultivation base of the early Yuanying stage to fight against the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Under Chu Xiangkuang's frightened eyes, Lin Fei already waved the magic knife in his hand.


A black magic dragon rushed out roaring and roaring instantly, filled with a frightening and violent aura, and directly slammed into Chu Xiangkuang.

"The mad dragon descended to the sky?!" Chu Xiangkuang was going crazy, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

This trick even he failed to learn!

The destructive power of this blow was so terrifying that even before the magic dragon hit, the strong wind made him almost unable to open his eyes, and his whole body was protected to the extreme.

Chu Xiangkuang tried his best to stabilize his figure, and even lowered his center and stuck his feet firmly into the ground, but was blown back by the violent wind pressure for a distance of more than ten meters.

He let out a heart-piercing roar, his face was distorted, and a trace of spittle sticking between the upper and lower rows of teeth could be clearly seen.

Towards the black dragon, Chu Xiangkuang slashed the strongest blow.

Heavenly Demon Annihilation!

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