I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 323: The Early Stage of Nascent Soul?Instant kill

"It's a good one who never forgets the original intention, so it will be consistent." Lin Fei smiled and praised softly, "It's really a woman who doesn't give in to a man, and I don't know if those fools who surrendered will feel a little bit ashamed when they hear your words? "

He saw that all the people who were greedy for life and fear of death had all emerged, and the rest were as determined as little junior sisters, so he stopped watching from the sidelines.

When the two groups of people saw the figures of Lin Fei and Zhao Yu, their faces changed instantly.

When did they appear there?

"Who are you?!" Wang Rulong frowned, looking at Lin Fei warily.

This person has a very natural face, and he is not wearing the uniform of a disciple of the Tianyuan Jiange, so he is really a little confused.But as far as I didn't find any trace of him before, this is definitely a strong man that cannot be underestimated!

"Taoist Feiyun in Xiayunhua Palace." Lin Fei said nonsense, but he looked very natural.

Elder Quan revealed a look of surprise, and immediately said: "Fellow Daoist came at the right time. I am in trouble at Tianyuan Jiange, and I ask you to help me!"

Lin Fei smiled faintly, nodded and said, "That's exactly what I mean."

Wang Rulong's pupils shrank, thinking something was wrong in his heart, Dang Li threatened in a cold voice: "Fellow Daoist, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, or you might lose your life!"

Lin Fei Lingkong walked slowly, and said unmoved: "Really? Then you can give it a try."

Seeing his resolute attitude, everyone in Elder Quan's line immediately cheered up, looking at Lin Fei just like looking at the savior, full of anticipation, excitement, and admiration.

But Wang Rulong and his group were in an instant uproar, no longer had the arrogance that they were sure of winning before, and all of them changed their faces.

Wang Rulong's heart was beating wildly, knowing that things were going to be troublesome.The victory or defeat between him and Elder Quan was only between June [-]th, and now there is a mysterious and unpredictable strong man, I am afraid that it is difficult to survive without using the thing that Master Lu Mu gave

If he can use that thing, he will completely lose his qualifications as a human being, and become a servant of the demons...

Wang Rulong was very unwilling. Considering his contribution, Lu Mu could have retained his human identity and given him a certain degree of freedom.But now this situation seems to be out of control.

"Taoist Feiyun, I hope you will think twice!" Wang Rulong revealed a ferocious expression, turned his palm over, and a round black pill appeared.

The moment this black pill appeared, black rays of light bloomed dazzlingly, emitting a frightening and berserk aura.

It would be best to be able to avoid Lin Fei, and he really didn't want to swallow this magic pill unless it was absolutely necessary.

"The Golden Elixir of the Demon Race?" Lin Fei shook his head in disappointment, and said, "Do you think this can scare me?"

Wang Rulong was about to go crazy, he didn't expect to meet such a lunatic.I would rather die than meddle in my own business, forcing myself to become a demon!

"You forced this old man!" Wang Rulong didn't care much, and immediately let out a roar, and swallowed the magic pill in one gulp.


In an instant, a terrible billowing devilish energy burst out from his body, making Xianxin Peak, which was already shrouded in black mist, look even more gloomy and depressed.

Wang Rulong's skin shriveled instantly, showing an extremely strange paleness.Not only that, black horns grew on his head, and black wings grew out behind him with a sound of "Peng".

His scrawny figure slumped in an instant, and he made a strange laugh, which made his scalp tingle.

Wang Rulong exuded a terrifying aura, as if it contained destructive energy, he could destroy the entire Xianxin Peak with a single gesture!


Nascent Soul Early Stage!

At this moment, the situation in the field seemed to be reversed again.

Everyone in Elder Quan's lineage showed terrified expressions, and even he was pale, feeling deep despair.

But Wang Rulong's group became excited instantly, and some even laughed out loud on the spot.

The few people who surrendered to the enemy before were even more grateful secretly, and immediately felt that they had made an extremely correct decision, and in turn laughed at the stupidity and stubbornness of Elder Quan and others.

"Fellow daoist, run away!" Elder Quan turned his head in an instant, and yelled at Lin Fei, "My Tianyuan Jiange should have this catastrophe, and fellow daoist has a chivalrous spirit, so you must not perish innocently here!"

He has already decided that, even if it is a mantis' arm, he will fight for a chance for Lin Fei's life!

"You meddlesome fellow, I want you to die first!" Wang Rulong made a hoarse and piercing voice, not caring about Elder Quan at all, and flailing his wings violently towards Lin Fei with endless hatred.

A black streamer flashed across the sky, and its sound roared through the vicissitudes of life, shaking all directions.

"Get out." Lin Fei just uttered a word, and then kicked Wang Rulong.


Wang Rulong was kicked and flew out, making a scream that was not human at all, and half of his body exploded into a blood mist under this kick!

Kicked half of Wang Rulong's body in the early Yuanying stage with one kick?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Zhao Yu even stared at a pair of beautiful eyes, and his mouth became an "o" shape.

Wang Rulong was trembling all over, the flesh and blood of the wound wriggled under the powerful physical ability of the demons, and began to gradually recover visible to the naked eye.

"This is impossible!"

"How did you do it?!" He made a voice full of shock and anger, and his whole body collapsed.

"Die." Lin Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and flicked his sleeves casually.


At this moment, the flying swords in the entire Xianxin Peak turned into cold lights and soared into the sky.

Flying swords stood everywhere, instantly turning into a sea of ​​swords and rushing towards Wang Rulong.

"No!" Wang Rulong only let out a short and shrill scream, and it exploded into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

One hit, instant kill!

Everyone looked up at this scene, and they all fell into a sluggish moment, unable to recover for a long time.

And with Lin Fei's thought, these flying swords immediately turned around and fell towards the ground like a stream of light.

All of Wang Rulong's subordinates immediately shouted in horror, trying to escape with all their might.

It's a pity that it's all in vain.

A pair of flying swords were shrouded in the blazing white light as thick as a bucket, completely locked their aura, and hit the top of their heads directly, causing them to be torn into pieces under the terrifying sword aura!

Whether it was the people brought by Wang Rulong himself, or the disciples who chose to join the enemy before, they had already died under the sword without even the slightest strength to resist.


In addition to shock, or shock.

The entire Xianxin Peak was deadly silent, completely silent.Only the sound of the breeze blowing over the bamboo and wood is so clear.

Elder Quan was the first to react, and was the first to kneel down on one knee, holding his sword in his hands and saluting respectfully: "Thank you for saving my life, senior!"

Followed by a group of disciples, they knelt down and spoke in unison, and the voice resounded throughout Xianxin Peak:

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

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