I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 324 Do it yourself, or shall I help you?

"Senior saved Tianyuan Jiange in the water and fire, an act of great kindness and righteousness, the whole Jiange will remember it in his heart, and swear to repay it to the death!" Elder Quan lowered his head deeply, and his words were extremely sonorous.

However, Lin Fei didn't care at all.

"Get up." When he said this, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the main peak.

I'm afraid this matter...is not over yet.

"Little girl, let me borrow your flying sword." Lin Fei suddenly looked at the little junior sister and said.

The little junior sister was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said happily: "Senior, feel free to use it!"

Elder Quan was about to say that his flying sword was better, when he saw Lin Fei taking the flying sword from the air, stepped on the sword body, and flew towards Tianyuan Peak at top speed.

The main peak where the pavilion master is located.

Elder Quan really had a lot of puzzles in his heart. Why did the Deputy Pavilion Master and Pavilion Master stand still while such a big change happened in the Jiange Pavilion?

No, I have to check it out!

"All disciples listen to the order, follow my sword to go to Tianyuan Peak!" He yelled violently, and the flying sword swelled against the wind under the urging of his true energy.


Accompanied by the uniform promise, a group of disciples stepped on their flying swords and flew away behind him.The scene of hundreds of people volleying with their swords in the sky looks quite spectacular.

But at this moment, Lin Fei had already reached the main peak one step ahead.

As soon as he entered his eyes, he could see a person wearing the costume of the pavilion master. In front of him was a group of white-clothed Jiange disciples kneeling on one knee with swords and pestles.

No.30 Lu Yuanting, the master of the seventh-generation pavilion, is wearing white clothes with a golden flying sword pattern embroidered on his chest.He looks like a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, with half of his gray hair standing on end with a crown.

Lu Yuanting's two strands of white hair fluttered in the wind, and the long sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

At his feet was the corpse of an old man with a sword box pattern embroidered on the chest of his clothes.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Fei, a stranger, Lu Yuanting immediately frowned: "Who are you?"

Lin Fei glanced at the corpse at his feet, and said, "I am Taoist Feiyun of Yunhua Palace, and your Excellency is the current master of the Tianyuan Sword Pavilion?"

Lu Yuanting frowned slightly, and immediately responded: "That's right. I don't know why you come to my Tianyuan Jiange, what's your business?"

And at this moment, Elder Quan and his group also arrived here.

When Lu Yuanting saw a group of them, his complexion suddenly changed, and he was secretly startled: "Why are they still alive? Where is Wang Rulong?!"

Lin Fei had a panoramic view of the subtle changes in his expression, and immediately showed a sneer.

Elder Quan originally wanted to tell Lu Yuanting what had happened before, but his expression changed when he saw the corpse at his feet, and he asked in surprise, "Pavilion Master, you killed the Deputy Pavilion Master?!"

Lu Yuanting's thoughts changed sharply, and he immediately said with a sullen face: "Fang Chonglou colluded with the monsters under the Myriad Demons, and wanted to harm the owner of the pavilion, so I have no choice but to kill him!"

Elder Quan was startled, and asked: "The deputy pavilion master also betrayed?!"

Lu Yuanting frowned, pretending to be puzzled: "Yeah?"

Lin Fei watched his performance quietly, without any fluctuations in his heart and even wanted to laugh.

Elder Quan didn't notice anything, and roughly narrated what happened in Xianxin Peak before, and at the end looked at Lin Fei with emotion and respect: "Thanks to Daoist Feiyun's rescue, otherwise I'm afraid I will only die." There is no place to die!"

Lu Yuanting showed a look of sullen anger, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "It's unreasonable, I didn't expect Wang Rulong to turn against him!"

Immediately he looked at Lin Fei, saluted with pretended gratitude: "Thanks to the help of fellow daoist, otherwise I would be restrained by Fang Zhonglou, a thief, and I'm afraid it would be too late."

Lu Yuanting was secretly afraid, thinking that he could easily take Wang Rulong, but he didn't know how powerful he was.

Now that a major event is imminent, there is no need to take the risk to fight him, it is best to be able to muddle through.

Lin Fei glanced at him indifferently, and asked with a sneer: "Pavilion Master Lu, is it Fang Chonglou who colluded with the demon, or... yourself?"

After his words fell, everyone was in an uproar.

"What is he talking about?"

"How could Pavilion Master Lu collude with demons?"

"Senior is too suspicious!"

Lu Yuanting's pupils shrank slightly, and immediately asked pretending to be displeased: "Fellow Daoist, what do you mean by this?"

"Could it be that as the majestic owner of the Tianyuan Jiange Pavilion, I will still rely on demons?!"

Elder Quan also frowned, and couldn't help but said: "Senior, you are worrying too much, it is impossible for Pavilion Master Lu to do such a thing!"

Lin Fei didn't care, but looked at Lu Yuanting, with a half-smile and said: "Oh, really? What if I expose it?"

Lu Yuanting laughed out loud as if he heard a big joke.

Immediately, he swept his sleeves, and said with a dignified look: "If I, Lu Yuanting, colluded with demons, I will apologise with death today, and the demon lock tower will be stained with blood!"

All the disciples of Tianyuan Jiange started whispering and looked at Lin Fei strangely.

Obviously, they all felt that his groundless suspicion was too absurd.If he hadn't thought of his kindness to Jiange, I'm afraid everyone would start to denounce him angrily.

Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense, and immediately used the method of tracing back to the source with his chaotic eyes to restore all the things that happened before.

Seeing the illusory scene in the sky, Lu Yuanting's face suddenly changed.

In the illusory scene, Lu Yuanting sneered and looked at Fang Chonglou on the opposite side: "Junior brother, I will give you one last chance. If you don't want to join me in seeking refuge with Master Lu Mu, you and my senior brother can only face each other life and death." Already!"

But Fang Chonglou, whom he called "colluding with demons", had a look of deep hatred on his face: "Lu Yuanting, you have an unforgivable crime, you should be punished!"

Seeing the scene emerging from the void, the entire Tianyuan Jiange was in an uproar instantly.

"how is this possible!"

"The pavilion master colluded with demons, killed the deputy pavilion master, and then slandered him in turn?!"

The gazes of everyone looking at Lu Yuanting were wrong, and they felt chills all over their bodies instantly.

If this is true, then it is terrible...

"Pavilion Master Lu, I heard that you are going to apologize with death and stain the demon-locking tower with blood...do you want to do it yourself, or will I help you?" Lin Fei looked at Lu Yuanting and asked with a sneer.

Lu Yuanting's face was gloomy. Seeing the truth being exposed, he immediately revealed a ruthless expression: "I wanted to let you live, but since you want to die yourself, you can't blame me!"


Everyone in Tianyuan Jiange was about to go crazy, and the pot exploded in an instant.

The pavilion master actually colluded with the demons!

"At this point, I just want to know, why did you come to Tianyuan Jiange?" Lu Yuanting stared at Lin Fei, his heart was burning with anger.

The uninvited guest is talking about him!

"It's just a sword, it's purely an accident that broke your plan, do you want me to apologize to you?" Lin Fei said lightly.

Hearing these words, Lu Yuanting almost spat out blood on the spot.

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