I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 325 Su Ying?broken iron

Lu Yuanting was very depressed, and belatedly realized that there was a flaw in his plan.

After the aura of heaven and earth revived, Xiaotiandi was completely connected with the outside world, so he could naturally set up the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation to release the seal of the Demon Locking Tower.But at the same time, outsiders can also easily step into it.

"You came here for the Suying sword?" Lu Yuanting sneered, and asked sarcastically, "I thought you were some kind of decent person, but I didn't expect that you are also a guy who only cares about his own selfish desires and has no regard for the people of the world."

"Hehe, put on a high-sounding appearance, but in the end, you want to take out the Suying Sword that turns into the Demon Locking Tower, and release the demons under the Demon Abyss!"

Lin Fei glanced at him indifferently, and said, "I don't pay much attention to scrap metal like Su Yingjian."

After his words fell, the audience was in an uproar!

"Are you kidding me, patriarch Guang Chengzi's saber, he actually said it was broken copper?"

"He said he came here for a sword, and he said he didn't like the Suying sword. Isn't that contradictory?"

Even though Jiange disciples respected Lin Fei a lot, they still couldn't help being criticized when they heard this.On the one hand, I feel that he is too arrogant, on the other hand, I can't understand the inconsistency in his words.

If you can't even look down on the Suying Divine Sword, then what sword in the entire Tianyuan Sword Pavilion can surpass it?Could it be that in the Jiange, there is a more precious fairy sword than the Suying Divine Sword?

Simply nonsense!

As disciples of Tianyuan Jiange, they have never heard of this matter!

Lu Yuanting snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "I don't understand why you are going crazy, but since you want to fight against me, you can only die!"

"I'll give you one last chance—now that I regret surrendering to me, there's still time!"

Lin Fei waved his hands impatiently, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it—I will show mercy and give you a chance to use all sword moves."


There was another commotion in the audience, and everyone was stunned by his words.

"Senior, are you crazy?!"

"Lu Yuanting is the seventh-generation master of Jiange No.30, a strongman in the middle stage of Yuanying, and he has practiced the sword arts of the three schools of Jiange to the extreme!"

"Senior, you underestimate the enemy like this, I'm afraid you will die!"

No wonder they reacted so strongly, each of them turned pale with fright.The main reason is that Lu Yuanting's fighting power is too terrifying. He has the Tianyuan sword as a keepsake of the pavilion master, and he has practiced the three schools of swordsmanship to the peak, and even the kendo has reached the terrifying state of "heart sword"!

The previous generation of Jiange's master practiced to the late Yuanying stage, but he also died in depression when he sat down, and asked himself with a sigh: "On the way to Huangquan, can I find the Heart Sword?"

It can be seen that the realm of Xinjian is so high!

Guang Chengzi divided kendo attainments into four major stages, from low to high: Body Sword, Heart Sword, Immortal Sword, and Heavenly Sword.

The term "body sword" refers to the integration of human and sword, making the sword a part of one's body.In a single thought, the flying sword changes in thousands of ways, flowing freely, without stagnation, and freely swaying.

Such a realm is already a great threshold, and one can truly enter the way of swordsmanship—and most of the disciples of Tianyuan Jiange cannot even reach this realm.

And the realm of Heart Sword is even more unpredictable.Even if there is no sword in the hand, the sword is in the heart, and everything can be a sword in one thought.There are many mysterious and incomprehensible changes, and there are endless killer moves!

Facing a strong man in the mid-Yuanying period who held a Tianyuan Sword and reached the realm of Heart Sword, Lin Fei asked him to use all his sword moves... In the eyes of everyone, this is not courting death, what is it?

Hearing this, Lu Yuanting laughed wildly: "Interesting, interesting!"

"I haven't heard such a ridiculous joke before. People who don't know how to live or die are the most ridiculous! How dare you speak wildly, saying that you are kind enough to give me such an opportunity?"

"Okay, I'll make you pay for your arrogance now!"

After Lu Yuanting finished speaking, he immediately pointed at Lin Fei.


The Tianyuan sword behind him didn't move, but a flying sword suddenly flew out from the sword case at his waist.

This flying sword split into two small swords in an instant, which were on both sides like escorts.

The cold light was dazzling, leaving three white long rainbows in the sky.

Three Lives Sword Art!

Tao gives birth to one, one to two, two to three, and three to all things.

Lu Yuanting still can't reach the level of three lives and ten thousand things, but it is no problem to let the power of this sword be tripled!

The icy-cold and terrifying killing intent and sword aura made everyone feel a chill from their bones, and even felt piercing pain all over their bodies.

The flying sword's speed was so fast that everyone couldn't react, and they heard the crisp sound of "click" at the moment their expressions changed.

When everyone reacted, they were all completely dumbfounded by what they saw, as terrified as seeing the arrival of an ancient demon god.

Because Lin Fei grabbed the three flying swords together in his hand and smashed them to pieces.

With a wave of his hand, the powder fell down in a rustle.

At this moment, Elder Quan's eyeballs almost popped out, and everyone completely exploded.

"Catch the flying sword with bare hands?!"

"My God, is he still human!"

"How is this possible?"

Lu Yuanting also changed his face instantly, feeling a burst of panic.

However, Lin Fei seemed to have done an extremely trivial thing, shaking his head and said: "I thought it would be more or less interesting, but I didn't expect it to be this level."

He ignored Lu Yuanting's bewildered expression, and just said to the others: "Stay away, I'm not in the mood to care about your lives."

Only then did the others recover from the shock, and hurriedly hid away with their swords.

Even if it is to observe the battle that affects the Tianyuan Jiange, or even the entire human world, you can't risk your life for it!

Just like that, all the disciples of Tianyuan Jiange flew into the air with their swords, surrounded Tianyuan Peak from all directions, and stared at the field.

Lu Yuanting didn't dare to neglect, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold it in the void.

The Tianyuan sword behind him was finally unsheathed, and the silver light instantly illuminated the entire peak.

The icy killing intent it emitted caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly, the cold wind was biting, and even the vegetation was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Lu Yuanting held the sword in front of him, his face was extremely solemn, and he drew the sword instantly.

The sword energy turned into a sea of ​​raging waves, pouring down like water from the nine heavens, and attacked Lin Fei in a spiral shape amidst the roar of "rumbling".

The entire peak was submerged almost instantly, and no matter the vegetation, rocks, or buildings were instantly torn into pieces in the violent roar of Wang Yang's sword energy!

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Fei seemed to be completely submerged in it before he even had time to react.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were suspended, and they felt indescribable panic.

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