Use a two-finger-thick purple bamboo to fight against the Zhu Xian sword?

Zhao Xuhuai felt that the three views had been greatly impacted on the spot, and he couldn't believe it at all!

His first reaction was to suspect that there was fraud.Even if the Sword of Immortal Execution was right in front of him, he didn't have the guts to use it.

Feeling deeply disappointed, Lin Fei shook his head and said, "Don't you want the Zhuxian sword? Now that the sword is in front of your eyes, you don't even have the guts to pick it up?"

Zhao Xuhuai thought he had figured out something, and immediately sneered smugly: "I understand! You want to use the immeasurable murderous aura on the Jade Immortal Sword to make it disappear when I touch it?"

"I let you down, the old man will not be fooled by you!"

Seeing his serious appearance, Ji Yaoguang couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

With a hint of helplessness on Lin Fei's face, he gently opened Ji Yaoguang in his arms, stood up and said, "Don't think too highly of yourself. Don't worry, the Jade Immortal Sword Qi won't react to waste like you."

Before reaching the realm of transforming gods above Yuanying, Zhu Xianjian simply didn't bother to pay attention.

Zhao Xuhuai froze for a moment, then frowned immediately.He suddenly felt that Lin Fei's words might be true, otherwise how could he explain that he was not attacked by Zhu Xian's sword energy?

So, he tried to test Zhu Xian with a trace of real energy.

Sure enough, there was no response.

Zhao Xuhuai was overjoyed for an instant, and suddenly grabbed Zhu Xian.


He was instantly bathed in the divine light that soared to the sky, and for a moment he even felt that what he was holding in his hand was not a sword, but the supreme power to control the life and death of the world!

It contained terrifying energy that would destroy the world, even if it could be used even a little, it would be enough to shock Zhao Xuhuai.

At this moment, he was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and tears welled up in his eyes: "Zhu Xian Sword!"

"The Immortal Execution Sword is in my hands, hahahaha!"

Zhao Xuhuai looked at Lin Fei suddenly, his whole person was extremely arrogant and full of sarcasm: "How can there be such an idiot as you in the world, who dare to give me such an immortal weapon for nothing? Could it be that something has gone wrong in your head?" question?"

"Haha, what's the matter? Do you really think that with a piece of bamboo, you can defeat the old man holding the Zhuxian Sword?"

Apart from something wrong with his mind, he couldn't think of why Lin Fei would make such an outrageous and absurd move.

Lin Fei kicked in his pocket with one hand, and twirled the purple bamboo casually with the other hand, and said indifferently: "But I gave you a Jade Immortal experience coupon, as for swelling to the point where you don't know anything about your last name?"

Zhao Xuhuai sneered, his eyes were as sharp as lightning, and his white hair fluttered in the wind: "I have never seen such a stupid and arrogant person!"

Thinking that someone wanted to challenge Zhuxian Sword with a piece of purple bamboo, he couldn't help laughing: "Haha, this old man is just going to test the sword with you, die!"

As soon as the words fell, he swung Zhu Xian, cutting down a hundred-foot sword light.

The terrifying aura of destruction was overwhelming, as if it wanted to annihilate everything in this world.

Zhao Xuhuai was extremely excited, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, he had already foreseen the scene where Lin Fei would be wiped out by this sword.

No, not only him.

Wherever the sword shines, everything will be annihilated!

Lin Fei sighed inexplicably, and immediately rose into the air, with the purple bamboo in his hand casually facing the white sword light as thick as a bucket.

No matter how you look at it, it is a ridiculous scene of being crushed to death in an instant.

However, at this moment, the smile on Zhao Xuhuai's face froze in an instant, and turned into panic that surpassed everything in an instant, so much so that his eye sockets were about to burst!


The purple bamboo in Lin Fei's hand made a whistling sound, and when it hit it, the Qi of the Jade Immortal Sword was shattered inch by inch, and disappeared in smoke.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo, easily tearing Baizhang Jianguang apart!


The Immortal Executioner Sword and Zizhu collided, and there was a long metal trembling sound, and the invisible waves swept away towards the surroundings of the sky.

Zhao Xuhuai's eyes were about to burst in an instant, he held the sword in both hands, and tried his best to resist the terrifying force that was coming, and even his roar broke out under the agitation of emotions: "This is impossible, how did you do it!"

Lin Fei didn't answer his question, but said calmly: "Ants are just ants, even if Zhu Xian is in his hands, he only has this strength."

Zhao Xuhuai went crazy in an instant, no longer had the arrogance he had before, roared like a beast, and violently swung the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

However, Lin Fei's left hand was still in his pocket, his expression was extremely indifferent, and he waved the purple bamboo in his right hand very casually.


Amid a series of sounds of gold and iron intersecting, the space around the two of them trembled.

Zhao Xuhuai's crazy offensive, in exchange for the tiger's mouth was shattered and blood oozes out, and even the whole person staggered back a few steps in the void.

He stared at the purple bamboo in Lin Fei's hand, feeling like he was going crazy!

Fighting against Zhu Xianjian in this way, not only did the purple bamboo not break, it didn't even have a crack!

Zhao Xuhuai clenched his teeth tightly, and immediately with a flick of his sleeves, took back the Vermillion Bird transformed by the talisman.He quickly threw out another talisman, and said very fast: "The world is boundless, the spirit is right!"

"Use the strength of the four elephants, add the green dragon, order!"

This time, the talisman turned into light and fell directly on him, which actually made him have a green dragon body shield formed by the condensed light.Its scales covered the whole body like armor, and there were light dragon claws attached to the palms, holding Zhu Xian tightly.

"Death!" Zhao Xuhuai suddenly let out a roar, and the phantom of the green dragon also let out a roar.

Its sound waves rolled like thunder, and turned into a strong wind, causing Lin Fei's clothes to fly, and the broken hair on his forehead danced wildly in the wind.

An extremely bright ray of light bloomed, brightening up the world in an instant.

However, Lin Fei just casually threw the purple bamboo in his hand, and looked at Zhao Xuhuai indifferently.


Zizhu let out a whistling piercing through the air, and his killing intent soared to the sky, even overwhelming Zhu Xian.

It broke through the sword energy and hit Zhu Xianjian with a "Dang".

Under Peiran Moyu's terrifying impact, Zhao Xuhuai suddenly curled up like a shrimp.His eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.


The phantom of the green dragon around him instantly shattered, the majestic sword energy contained in the purple bamboo had passed through Zhu Xian, and a ray of purple light directly pierced his heart, leaving a transparent hole with blood flowing continuously.


Zhao Xuhuai fell from the air with his sword and man, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

"Why...why?" Blood gushed out of his mouth, and he looked desperately at Lin Fei who was slowly falling from the sky.

"The most important thing about a weapon is not itself," Lin Fei said indifferently, looking down at him, "but the person who uses it."

"Even if a nuclear bomb is placed in front of an ant, it can't kill a child who has no strength to restrain a chicken."

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