I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 344 Are you inviting me to destroy the family?

Zhao Xuhuai didn't know what a nuclear bomb was, but he understood what Lin Fei meant.

"Who... are you?" He tried his best to widen his eyes and asked with a trembling voice.

"Lin Fei." Lin Fei said lightly.

"Lin...Fei?" Zhao Xuhuai suddenly felt faintly familiar when he heard the name.

He tried his best to think about this question, and he didn't even notice that the purple bamboo in Lin Fei's hand was stabbing down slowly.

"I remembered!" Zhao Xuhuai's face was full of horror, and his voice raised, "You are Wansheng——"

His voice came to an abrupt end.

The purple bamboo in Lin Fei's hand had pierced through his eyebrows, completely shattering his soul.

Zhao Xuhuai's figure quickly turned into particles of light, drifting away in the wind together with the purple bamboo.

But at this moment, the talisman hanging around his neck quickly burned.

In the light of the fire, an old man's phantom slowly emerged, frowning and looking at Lin Fei, he said with a cold killing intent: "You killed Zhao Xuhuai?!"

Lin Fei said casually: "Then what?"

Ji Yaoguang was also a little speechless, feeling that the old man was talking nonsense.Things are clearly in front of your eyes, what is there to ask?

The phantom of the old man flicked his sleeves and sneered, and turned his head to look at Zhu Xian standing on the ground, exuding a chilling chill: "The sword of Zhu Xian is really amazing, I didn't expect that with your mere cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, you could kill Zhao Xian vain."

"I warned him not to act impulsively, but he still didn't listen to my advice..."

Obviously, Lin Fei's false state was too deceptive, and he didn't see the scene of the two fighting, wishful thinking that Lin Fei won by relying on the power of Zhu Xian.

Lin Fei raised his hand to interrupt his words, and said calmly, "Stop talking nonsense."

"Okay!" The old man sneered, and said with a flick of his sleeves, "This ray of spiritual power can't be manifested for too long, so I won't waste any time talking with you!"

"This seat is Zhao Zhengchun, the head of Lingxu. If you are brave enough, you can bring the Zhuxian sword and come to my Lingxu Taoist sect to talk about it!"

Lin Fei asked casually, "Are you inviting me to destroy the door?"

Zhao Zhengchun almost suffocated on the spot, two beards were pulled off.

It's not that he has never seen a madman, the key point is that he has never seen such a madman in his entire life!

"Presumptuous! Huangkou kid, but relying on the power of killing immortals, how dare you look down on my Lingxu Taoism?" Zhao Zhengchun was furious, as if he wanted to eat Lin Fei alive.

"I don't have time to go to your poor place," Lin Fei said, "If you want to die, you can come to me yourself, and you don't have to join the whole sect."

Zhao Zhengchun laughed, and felt that he had read his mind: "Boy, I think you are afraid of my Lingxu Daomen's formation, right? Why, even with Jade Immortal in hand, you dare not trespass my Lingxu Daomen?"

Lin Fei had gradually lost his patience, and was about to brush off this wisp of spiritual avatar casually.

But at this moment, Zhao Zhengchun suddenly sneered and said, "There is a woman who calls herself Qing Lixue in my hands, can you really disregard her life?"

At this moment, Lin Fei's face suddenly turned cold.

The biting chill crazily swept across the four directions, and the world was filled with chills. The trees danced and roared wildly in the wind, and the leaves withered.

Zhao Zhengchun smiled, seemed very satisfied with his reaction, enjoying the feeling that everything was under control: "I am in Lingxu Mountain in the Central Plains, waiting for you!"

"Your invitation to destroy the door..." Lin Fei sneered, "I accept."

After the words fell, he stretched out his hand and crushed the spiritual avatar.

Ji Yaoguang showed surprise on her face: "Qing Lixue was really arrested?"

"Very likely, Zhao Zhengchun's ability to say this name proves that it is not groundless." Lin Fei said, and then called Qing Lixue.

Unsurprisingly, it didn't work out.

Immediately he called Qingfen again, and this time he got through.

"Master Immortal, what do you want from me?" Qing Fen asked respectfully.

"Where's Qing Lixue?" Lin Fei asked.

"Ah? Didn't my little girl visit you? Calculate the time, it should have arrived long ago, right?" Qing Fen said a little puzzled.

"Oh, I saw her. That's it, hang up first." Lin Fei hung up the phone without causing him unnecessary panic.

"Wu Moling!"

After Lin Fei finished speaking, Wu Moling quickly appeared in front of him: "Master, what are your orders?"

Lin Fei said lightly: "I have removed the enchantment of the villa. When I am not around, whenever someone attacks, regardless of the reason, they will all..."

"Kill without mercy!"

Wu Moling's heart trembled, and he immediately saluted and responded, "Yes!"

With a thought in Lin Fei's mind, the Immortal Jade Sword immediately let out a piercing roar and rushed to the sky.He jumped up, stepped on the Zhuxian Sword, and instantly drew a stream of light in the sky, flying towards the distance.


The setting sun is like fire, and the sky is full of red clouds.

Lingxu Mountain, within the small world.

The mountains are majestic and the trees are green.There is a huge Taoist temple on it, and the bell is ringing.

Afterglow coated it with a layer of orange red, just like a Taoist fairyland.

However, in such a resort like a paradise, there are countless disciples who are nervous and ready to take their positions.

They all use Dao Talismans to transform into the appearance of various spirit beasts. Due to the difference in cultivation level, the size of the Talisman Beasts controlled by each of them is extremely different.

The smallest is even a palm-sized crane, while the largest is the Four Holy Beasts standing quietly like a house.

East Qinglong, West White Tiger, North Xuanwu, and South Suzaku.

Four elephants array.

And at the back of the four elephant formation, Zhao Zhengchun even led three evil spirits full of evil spirits, making the final preparations.

There is a sealed forbidden technique in Lingxu Daomen called "The True Art of Heart Demon".

The horror of this tactic is even far more than that of the four images, it is to cultivate and shape the demons of the heart and turn them into another evil self.Because it is too dangerous, it may even cause it to swallow the body, so it is listed as a forbidden technique.

But it is obvious that in order to gain great power, people from the Lingxu Taoist sect have broken this precept long ago.Zhao Xuhuai's evil spirit was also caused by this before, but it's a pity that Zhu Xian completely suppressed this kind of evil way, and fell before he could display it.

Of course, in front of Lin Fei, the result is the same whether he uses it or not.

In the air, there are four mirrors with condensed mysterious light, they are intertwined with four rays of light, surrounding Qing Lixue with a frightened face in the middle.

"She has an inscrutable enchantment talisman on her body. Maybe it was the luck of a certain fairy family ruins. We can't break it at all!"

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful the enchantment is, it won't work inside!"

"Wake up the inner demon in her body!"

The three Supreme Elders and Zhao Zhengchun stood aside, reciting strange formulas.

Like whispers from the demons of hell.

But at this moment, Lin Fei carried the Jade Immortal Sword and went straight to the closed door of the Taoist temple.


He kicked it up, and the entire gate connected to the wall exploded with a loud bang, rocks splashed everywhere, and smoke and dust filled the air.

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