I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 345: Step on Xuanwu, Punch Suzaku

What Lin Fei saw before his eyes was a group of Taoist disciples who were facing a formidable enemy.

"There is not even a person in the Golden Core realm, so Zhao Zhengchun sent you to die?" He said lightly, and walked forward as if entering the land of no one.

The disciple who took the lead revealed a nervous look on his face, and directly activated the Spirit Sealing Formation.


In an instant, in the first formation, everyone's cultivation was strictly restricted to the late stage of foundation establishment.As for these deliberately selected disciples, none of them were at the golden core stage, and obviously this was the most suitable battlefield for them.

"If you want to die, do it." Lin Fei continued to walk forward calmly.

His aura was so strong that a little fat man subconsciously avoided him and made way for him.

"What are you doing?!" The angrily reprimanded by a brother next to him shocked the little fat man.

"I..." The little fat man blushed, feeling that his actions just now were too embarrassing.

"Surround me!" The leading disciple in Tsing Yi yelled, and the disciples surrounded Lin Fei from all directions.

"He is only in the realm of foundation building now, and it is impossible to exert even a trace of the power of killing immortals. What are you afraid of!"

"Yes, you can see that he seems to be confident now, but he is actually bluffing. Don't be fooled by him!"

"Killing him is a great achievement!"

The leading disciple even raised his arms and shouted: "Kirin!"

In an instant, all the disciples displayed the Qilin Mantra, and dense lights flashed across the field.

However, Lin Fei looked at the scene in front of him, not only did not feel any fluctuations in his heart, but even wanted to laugh a little.

The smallest unicorn beast is only the size of a fist, and the largest is only the size of a puppy.

At first glance, it looks like child labor, which is ironic.

A group of unicorn talisman beasts cast their spells, and immediately the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a heavy rain fell, creating the most suitable environment for them to fight.

Following them, they opened their mouths together, spitting out raging waves from all directions, as if they wanted to tear everything apart.

"I don't have time to play house with you." Lin Fei sneered, and directly spread the invisible repulsion around himself.


Amidst the terrifying fluctuations, the space was distorted for a moment.The stone slab was directly lifted up, and the raging waves from all directions poured back.

Amidst the horrified screams of the disciples, the talisman beasts connecting them were smashed to pieces by the terrifying force.The talisman beast disappeared, and these disciples turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Lin Fei is a man who keeps his word.

To say that the door is destroyed is to destroy the door, and no one will be left alive.

This scene made the hearts of all the people in the Four Elephant Formation jump wildly, and their faces turned pale with fright.

"Why isn't his strength restricted by the Spirit Sealing Formation!"

"Could it be Zhu Xian on his back?"


Facing the light curtain on the edge of the Spirit Sealing Formation, Lin Fei walked over without hesitation.


The moment his body touched the light curtain, there was a sound like a mirror shattering in the air, and the spirit sealing array shattered directly, collapsing into nothing in an instant!

Simple and rude, as if nothing happened.

The people in the Four Elephant Formation were all scared to death!

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and bless the Four Elephant Formation!" The Jindan late stage cultivator who presided over the second formation let out a panicked roar, which brought everyone back to their senses.

In an instant, the disciples of the four directions displayed different magic formulas, which were merged into four house-sized talisman beasts of the same kind.

As soon as Lin Fei stepped into it, Suzaku's real fire breath met him.


It was as if a fire dragon danced wildly in the air, and the building was burned to black ashes without even being contaminated by it, without even a chance to turn into magma.

A wall of fire that spread tens of meters directly emerged, and dust fluttered in the sky, which stunned everyone.

"Dead...?" a disciple asked tremblingly.

But at this moment, a figure came out from the raging fire.

That pair of icy knife-like gazes, amidst the flames, seemed to be staring from a demon god from hell, making everyone's scalps tingle.

"Ah!" Immediately, the more timid person screamed, turned around and ran away.

The others also showed horror, realizing that something was wrong.

"The four elephants gather together, and the power of the talisman beast should be doubled!"

"Why did he survive Suzaku's breath unscathed, and didn't even manifest his protective energy!"

At the same time, the white tiger with two wings pounced and slapped Lin Fei directly.

Its wind pressure is mighty, and everything is swept away.

This palm carried an extremely terrifying oppressive force, and it could easily shatter a mountain into ruins.


Its huge tiger claw fell, but Lin Fei caught it with one hand.

Its terrifying power was transmitted to the ground, and even the ground supported by the formation cracked with a loud "boom", and huge cracks spread to the surroundings, and the center directly collapsed.

"Catch it!" The eyeballs of the leading disciple almost popped out.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come - Lin Fei directly sent the White Tiger Rune Beast flying!

The figure following him disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of the white tiger rune beast at a speed that surpassed everyone's perception and capture ability, and then... tore it hard.


The white tiger talisman let out an earth-shattering roar of pain, and was torn in two under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Tear the white tiger with bare hands!


"Master, something is wrong!"

Everyone was scared out of their wits, and ran for their lives to the rear where Zhao Zhengchun was, without even thinking about it.

Lin Fei ignored these ants fleeing in a hurry, facing the Suzaku True Fire attacking behind him, without even turning his head, he jumped directly onto the turtle shell of the Xuanwu Talisman Beast.

Facing this basalt talisman beast, which claims to be the strongest in defense, Lin Fei stepped on it.

Not even the Heavenly Demon Sovereign.

It's just a casual "ordinary kick".


With a loud noise, the Xuanwu Rune Beast exploded on the spot.A few pieces of huge tortoise shells the size of a car flew out in the air, and then shattered into fingernail-sized pieces and powder in an instant.

The disciples who turned around and saw this scene were terrified, and some even shouted "Mom" in panic.

The basalt talisman beast summoned by the grand elder Nima, and blessed by a quarter of the inner disciples, was trampled to pieces by him!

The Suzaku Talisman made a loud and clear sound, flapped its wings, and ran towards Lin Fei with its flaming body, and the surrounding space was actually ignited.

However, Lin Fei still didn't do any fancy operations, and directly punched it, not even looking at it.

This punch crushed the space so much that it trembled, and the trembling power seemed to be about to crush the void.


Suzaku exploded directly, turning into a rain of flames and splashing in all directions.

Tear up the white tiger, step on the basalt, and punch the vermilion bird!

Not to mention other people, even Zhao Zhengchun felt suffocated.

It seems to have offended a... big devil?

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