I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 346: The Void Realm?you guessed wrong

The only remaining green dragon talisman let out a roar that shook the world, and resolutely slammed into Lin Fei's back.

Lin Fei didn't even respond at all, and didn't even look back, but walked forward with a cold expression.


This green dragon talisman beast seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and its huge body shattered inch by inch, turning into nothingness.

The three Supreme Elders and Zhao Zhengchun all showed horror on their faces. They never expected that Lin Fei would be so powerful to such an unimaginable level.You know, those four talisman beasts were summoned by them with a lot of vitality, and they have the same level of power as them.

The Qinglong talisman beast is the existence of the late Yuanying period, and the other talisman beasts are also in the early stage of the Nascent Soul!

But in front of Lin Fei, everything was so vulnerable.

The four talisman beasts were destroyed, causing all four of them to suffer serious backlash. Dang even turned pale and spit out blood.

"How did you do it?!" Zhao Zhengchun suppressed his fear and asked in a vibrating voice.

"It's just four fakes, and it's not the real Four Elephant Sacred Beast, so why make such a fuss?" Lin Fei said lightly, looking at Qing Lixue in the field.

At this time, she was already floating in the four-sided mysterious light mirror, her eyes were turned white, and her long hair fluttered in the void like algae.

An evil and cold aura gradually emanated from her body.

Zhao Zhengchun seemed to have grasped at straws, and threatened aloud: "If you don't want her to die, I advise you to obediently hand over the Zhuxian sword!"

As long as Zhu Xian is in hand, such an unfavorable situation can be reversed in an instant!

"You can't threaten me." A chill flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and he pointed his finger in the air.

A flash of spiritual light instantly tore through the air, and without giving anyone a chance to react, it had already entered Qing Lixue's body.


Invisible fluctuations swept away immediately, directly causing the four-sided Xuanguang Mirror to shatter with the sound of "clicking".And Qing Lixue was also bathed in the emerald green light, she woke up instantly and regained her sanity.


"The inner demon is the biggest opponent of the practitioner himself, how can he help people get rid of the inner demon?!"

The moment Qing Lixue saw Lin Fei, tears welled up in her eyes, both moved and guilty: "Master Immortal, I have caused you trouble..."

Lin Fei raised his hand to interrupt her words, then looked at Zhao Zhengchun and said, "Use whatever else you can."

Without a struggle, they don't know what despair is.

Zhao Zhengchun knew that Qing Lixue was protected by an enchantment talisman, so thinking about taking her as a hostage at this moment has become a joke.So his heart became ruthless, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said decisively: "Three juniors, let's use the "True Art of Heart Demon"!"

When the three Supreme Elders heard these words, their expressions immediately changed.

The Ultimate Forbidden Technique of the Spiritual Void Sect!

In the Taoist sect, there have been several cases where elder disciples were swallowed up by demons and turned into demons who only knew how to kill.Not only did it almost destroy the Taoist sect, but it also devastated all living beings and caused chaos.

Even if they covet and yearn for powerful power, they usually walk on thin ice and be cautious when practicing this technique.Now it's like releasing the inner demon, I'm afraid it will be difficult to control, and it will even swallow one's own consciousness.

But the situation in front of them seems to be beyond their control!

The four of them cast "The True Art of Heart Demon" at the same time, causing the world to change color for a moment, and the surrounding wind howled.

At this moment, all four of them showed extremely painful and distorted expressions, trembling uncontrollably, and dripping with sweat.


Afterwards, four evil figures condensed from black air emerged directly from their bodies.

At a glance, it can be found that the four demons and evil shadows are exactly the same as their appearance and clothing.It's just that they exude an extremely violent and cold aura, and there is a pale void in their eye sockets.

The actions of the four of them instantly frightened all the disciples of Lingxu Taoist out of their wits.

What was even more frightening was that the four evil figures all looked at them with greedy expressions.

The four evil shadows flew by like the wind, opened their mouths and swallowed the disciples in their stomachs, devouring their flesh and blood.

For a moment, there was chaos in the field, and the disciples of Lingxu Daomen were crying and screaming, desperately trying to escape.

It's a wild dance of demons.

"I thought it was at least a way to get on the stage." Lin Fei shook his head in disappointment.

Compared with the three points of Dao Jie, this method of simply conniving the demons to gain power is really unsightly.

"Hugh is crazy, boy," Zhao Zhengchun sneered, "We are now equivalent to the eight Nascent Soul powerhouses. These evil shadows are not only identical in power to ours, they even use the same spells as ours. What do you use to fight against us?" We fight?!"

"Everyone, follow me to kill!"

After the words fell, the four of them joined forces with the demons to kill Lin Fei.

Demon Slaying Technique!

The sword energy of true essence and sword energy of demonic essence intertwined like a net, seemed to tear Lin Fei to pieces.

"I, Tumo." Lin Fei didn't move at all, but calmly uttered three words.

As if the decree of the immortal emperor descended, the three words instantly moved the avenues of heaven and earth, directly rewriting the rules in this space.


The four heart demons were instantly crushed by the terrifying power of the rules, and instantly turned into nothingness.

The four Nascent Soul strongmen also suffered violent backlash, as if they were hit hard on the spot, they spit out a mouthful of blood in a "poof".Like a kite with a broken string, they flew upside down in different directions, smashing everything they touched.

And the fierce and fierce monster-slaying sword energy were all annihilated silently when they touched Lin Fei, without causing any ripples.

"You can't follow what you say?!"

"Cave void powerhouse?!"

The four of them were horrified, their eye sockets were about to burst.

Zhao Zhengchun even collapsed in an instant, gnashing his teeth and shouting: "This is impossible, how could you be the legend's strong hole!"

Based on their inheritance from the ancient Taoist sect, and the cultivation base of the suzerain is only in the late Yuanying stage, how could there be such a strong person from the outside world?

At this moment, Zhao Zhengchun and the others felt remorseful.

People often use the word "immortal" together, but in fact there is a huge difference between god and immortal.In the realm of comprehension, the realm of "transforming gods" above Yuanying, as the name suggests, already means that this person has left the category of mortals and started the road to becoming a god.

And the realm of the void is to gain insight into the world and be open-minded.A strong person in this realm can even let the primordial spirit out of the sheath, wandering between heaven and earth.The so-called "words follow the law" and "a thought blooms" are the terrifying abilities of this realm.

The power of the primordial spirit can already communicate with the heaven and the earth, and it can affect other things with a single thought.

This kind of existence can be called a god.

The Lingxu Daomen actually provoked a Dongxu expert who can rival the true god of the West, isn't this fucking dead!

"Dong Xu?" Lin Fei said lightly, "You guessed wrong."

"Standing in front of you is a..."

"Immortal Emperor."

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