I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 348 The news brought by Lingxuzi

"It's you who destroyed the poor Tao's human orthodoxy?" Lingxuzi's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he glanced at Lin Fei who was standing calmly.

However, after seeing Lin Fei's face clearly, his face suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank sharply!

Without any hesitation, Lingxuzi knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said in awe: "Lingxuzi sees Tianzun! I haven't seen Tianzun for more than 5000 years, and Tianzun still looks the same!"

He was puzzled in his heart, and he didn't know why Wansheng Tianzun appeared here.

Reminiscent of the end of the Daoist sect being almost completely wiped out, Lingxuzi broke out in a cold sweat, and a terrifying guess popped up in his mind: Could it be that his Daoist system did something evil to anger Tianzun?

Zhao Zhengchun cheered up, and looked at Lingxuzi's incarnation expectantly and nervously.

There is a play!

Hearing what the Patriarch said, he really knew Wan Sheng Tianzun!

"Oh?" Lin Fei was slightly surprised, "You know me?"

Lingxuzi respectfully said: "I was honored to be taught by Tianzun, I dare not forget it!"

Lin Fei frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I have no impression."

Lingxuzi's expression froze instantly.

Zhao Zhengchun's eyes also widened, his whole body was like a melon skin, and his heart was in a mess.Feelings are that the patriarch knows people, but the result is that others don't even know who the patriarch is? !

This is too miserable!

With a bitter smile on his face, Lingxuzi sighed: "Tianzun, when I was on the Lingshan Mountain, I had the honor to listen to your preaching with Mrs. Yunhua. At that time, I was just a little Taoist boy. It's normal if you don't remember."

Only then did Lin Fei show a hint of bewilderment, and said with a faint smile: "I remember it. Once on the Lingshan Mountain, I joked that I expected the meat of the crane to be plump and delicious, but a little boy killed the crane and stewed the meat Send it to me. Well, if I remember correctly, his buttocks were all red from being beaten by Yao Ji, and he cried all morning—"

"That brat is you, right?"

Hearing this, both Qing Lixue and Zhao Zhengchun were stunned, messed up in the autumn wind.

The strong man who created an ancient Taoist sect was beaten red by Mrs. Yunhua because he flattered Lin Fei back then...

This sounds too exciting!

Especially Zhao Zhengchun felt that his whole life was disillusioned in an instant.Unexpectedly, in Lin Fei's eyes, the lofty and unreachable Patriarch was just a poor, unlucky brat...

The two looked at Lingxuzi in unison, and Zhao Zhengchun was eager to hear his denial, saying that Lin Fei had a wrong memory.

But Lingxuzi showed surprise on his face, and sighed sincerely: "I didn't expect that 5000 years have passed, and Tianzun still remembers it!"

Both Qing Lixue and Zhao Zhengchun were petrified.

real!What Lin Fei said was actually true!

Lin Fei touched Lingxuzi's head with a look of emotion on Lu Sisi's face like an elder.

In the blink of an eye, more than 5000 years have passed.That little kid who was beaten up and cried back then turned out to be the founder of an ancient Taoist sect.

Lingxuzi just lowered his head, allowing his hair to be messed up.

With his mere 5000 years of age, he is still a child in Lin Fei's eyes.

In Lingxuzi's eyes, Lin Fei is still the elder whom he adores and yearns for.

Qing Lixue swallowed involuntarily, feeling that the scene in front of her was too powerful, and the shock in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

Thinking about it again, I once said that an existence like Lin Fei is a "magic stick", and even sang against him...

Qing Lixue broke out in a cold sweat, realizing that she was really brave at that time.

Zhao Zhengchun was also dripping with cold sweat, his eyes were on his nose, his nose was on his heart, and he didn't dare to take another look.

When Lin Fei withdrew his hand, Lingxuzi gritted his teeth and said, "Dare to ask Tianzun, what happened here?"

Lin Fei didn't say a word, but just imprinted a mental imprint into his mind.

Lingxuzi's face changed drastically in an instant, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Zhao Zhengchun.

One glance frightened him out of his wits!

"Patriarch, please forgive me, please forgive me!" Zhao Zhengchun hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, crying, "This disciple has been influenced by the demons in his mind, so he went astray, please give me a reformation from my ancestors and Tianzun!" Opportunity!"

Lingxuzi said coldly: "Didn't the poor Taoist tell you back then, 'As a last resort, don't cultivate your demons'?"

"Is this the time when the sect is alive or dead? Or is it the time when the world is dying and you have to use the power of your demons to save the common people?"

"You clearly know the essence of the heart demon's true art, but you disregard the advice left by the poor Taoist and insist on going your own way in order to seek strength... You should be punished!"

After he finished speaking, he clapped his palm.


This palm carried a vast and majestic vitality, and even the void trembled.

Zhao Zhengchun was hit by this palm, and his whole body exploded immediately, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Lingxuzi looked at the many corpses in the ruins, and finally let out a faint sigh, and laughed at himself: "I didn't expect the orthodoxy I left behind to go so far..."

Greed leads to death.

That is to say, the person they were targeting was Lin Fei. If it were someone else, they would have already succeeded in killing and seizing the treasure.This time it was Jade Immortal, next time I don't know what kind of good fortune caused the people of Lingxu Daomen to continue to do evil.

Lingxuzi understood this truth, and he was a free and easy person, so he quickly saw it away.

Just relying on their choice, it will be a calamity.

This is fate.

"The Lingxu Taoist sect founded by Xiaodao is willing to degenerate and offend Tianzun, and I hope to forgive the sin." Lingxuzi apologized to Lin Feili.

Lin Fei waved his hand and asked straight to the point: "Let me ask you, do you know the whereabouts of Kunlun Mirror, Haotian Tower, Niyu Sword, and Donghuang Bell?"

Lingxuzi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of horror: "Dare to ask Tianzun, but you want to gather the four immortal emperors to return to the fairy world?"

If this is the case, then the fairy world will usher in a terrible storm!

Those lofty immortal emperors are afraid that they will be in danger of falling.As for an existence like the Queen Mother of the West who has a good relationship with Lin Fei, I am afraid that he will fall into a dilemma and find it difficult to deal with himself...

The fairyland is going to be chaotic!

Lin Fei didn't answer his question, but said calmly, "Answer my question."

Lingxuzi shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Tianzun, mere trails can't reach that level, and I don't know anything about these four immortal emperor extreme weapons."


Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Lin Fei frowned and asked, "Just what?"

Lingxuzi was a little nervous, as if he was afraid that he would be furious: "Tianzun, let me tell you first, Xiaodao is risking his life to disclose this news, don't be angry when you hear it."

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Say."

Lingxuzi looked up at the sky and gritted his teeth.

Lin Fei swept out a curtain of light with a flick of his sleeve, and simply said, "I'm here to cover up the secrets of the sky, so you just say it's okay."

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