I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 349 Hanging Mountain, Buddhism Comes

Only then did Lingxuzi feel relieved, and said in a low voice: "Your former maid, the nun, is now trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the Buddhist sect, tormented under the [-]th hell."

Nuba, the god of drought in ancient times.

It is a mythical existence at the same level as Yinglong, Guangchengzi, Zhurong, Yaoyao, etc.

When Chiyou raised troops to attack the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor ordered Yinglong to attack Jizhou.Chi You invited Fengbo Yushi to deal with Yinglong's troops with violent wind and rain.Therefore, the Yellow Emperor asked Nv魃 to help in the battle, and Nv魃 successfully stopped the heavy rain and finally helped the Yellow Emperor win the war.

Qing Lixue was shocked by the information revealed by Lingxuzi.

Why did the female demon end up like this?

But when Lingxuzi's voice fell, he instantly felt a terrifying and terrifying aura sweeping over the sky.

Like the flood opening up the sky, and like the original darkness destroying the world, the destructive aura even fills Lingxuzi with fear from the depths of his soul.

Both he and Qing Lixue were drenched in cold sweat, not daring to utter a breath.

"Why?" Lin Fei asked coldly.

Lingxuzi bit the bullet and said: "This matter involves the level of the Immortal Emperor, and Xiaodao is not too clear about the reason. I only know that God Haotian was going to execute Nuba in the first place. I guess she must have offended God Haotian."

Offended Haotian?

"Haotian really thinks of himself as someone?" Lin Fei sneered, not hiding the killing intent in his eyes.

Back then, Tianpeng wanted to fall in love, but he was cast into the mortal world and turned into a pig demon; the rolling curtain shattered the glass cup, and he was cast into the mortal world to become a river demon; his own daughter, Xiao Hongluan, made him angry. He could not escape death, and was listed on the list of gods; another daughter gave birth to Erlang Xianshengzhenjun in the mortal world, but was crushed under Taoshan, forcing Erlang to split the mountain to save his mother...

It's really like his style to throw the female demon into the eighteenth level of hell in the Buddhist sect's forbidden area.

Lingxuzi didn't dare to answer Lin Fei's words, so he could only keep silent.

How dare Lin Fei put Haotian God in his eyes... he dare not!

"Then why didn't Nuba be executed in the end, but imprisoned in the [-]th floor of hell?" Lin Fei continued to ask.

Lingxuzi said: "It's the Queen Mother of the West pleading."

It's the Queen Mother of the West again.

The time Aunt Wu was almost beheaded, it was she who rescued Aunt Wu and pleaded for mercy to prevent Aunt Wu from falling.

Lin Fei sighed softly in his heart and nodded slightly.

Queen Mother of the West, I still think about my past love.

Suddenly, Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if realizing something.

Did I know the news about Nuba being trapped in the forbidden place by accident, or did the Queen Mother of the West wish to know it for herself?

Lingxuzi learned from Mrs. Yunhua, and Mrs. Yunhua is the daughter of the Queen Mother of the West.The news revealed from him may be the foreshadowing left behind by the Queen Mother of the West.

Besides, with a strong and unyielding character like Nuba, I'm afraid she will choose to die rather than live in the world.

So could it be... the female demon knows something, and the Queen Mother of the West wants her to pass this news on to herself?

"Kunlun mirror!" Lin Fei's heart was shocked, and he keenly caught the unusual aura.

It is very possible that Nuba knows the clue of the Kunlun Mirror.

"Lingxuzi, you have made a great contribution." Lin Fei took a deep look at Lingxuzi and said.

Lingxuzi gave a bitter smile, and looked at Tianqiong with concern: "It's a blessing if there is no disaster."

If the news of the nun's escape comes out, the higher-ups will definitely investigate thoroughly.

For a ruthless immortal emperor like Haotian, if he found out that he had revealed the news, Lingxuzi couldn't imagine what a miserable end he would end up in.

His figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely between the heaven and the earth.

"Go back to Rongcheng first." Lin Fei looked at Qing Lixue and said.

"Master Immortal, what about you?" Qing Lixue asked, but she already had the answer in her heart.

"I'll go to the Western Desert Buddhist Sect." Lin Fei said lightly, and swept away before he finished speaking.

Qing Lixue's figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared in the Qing family's villa in Rongcheng, leaving Qing Fen and Qing Mingyu stunned.


The moonlight is like thin smoke, and the sky and the earth seem to be covered with a veil.

On the loess plain under the moonlight, the sandman dances in the wind.

On the day when the spiritual energy was revived, there was a flash of Buddha's light here, and a phantom of a merciful Buddha appeared in the air. Behind him was a round of red sun, with a look of compassion on his face, and the voice of thousands of Buddhas chanting resounded throughout the world.

The magnificent building complex is located here, and there is a plaque in front of the temple gate, on which the four characters "Hanshan Ancient Temple" are written in gold hooks and silver paintings.

If you take a closer look, you can find that just these four characters contain an unspeakable implication of majesty and loftiness.

In the ancient temple, the lights are bright.Temples of different sizes are seated in it, and the interior is full of burning candles.A stick of incense was burning, and green smoke rose up, filling the air with a faint scent of sandalwood.

A group of monks in cassocks are doing evening classes, and the sound of Zen singing is gathered into a piece, resounding through the world, which makes people feel awe.

However, in such a peaceful situation, an uninvited guest came uninvited.


Like a big villain, Lin Fei kicked open the heavy bronze gate of the ancient temple.

In an instant, he attracted the gazes of hundreds of monks in the hall.

It could be seen that this group of monks were all stunned, their faces full of astonishment.

Lin Fei carried the Zhuxian sword on his back, with both hands behind his back, his whole body was as sharp as a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, and he walked towards the hall like no one else was around.

It's just this demeanor that makes many monks feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Who is he? How did he trespass on my Hanshan ancient temple?"

"Look at this momentum, it seems that the visitor is not good!"

"Impossible, the small world behind our Hanshan ancient temple is the Buddhist sect, no one will come to die like this?"

"Namo Amitabha," the elderly monk sitting at the top clasped his hands in salute, looked at Lin Fei and said, "I don't know what is the purpose of this benefactor coming to my Hanshan ancient temple?"

Lin Fei walked straight forward, and a group of monks could not help but get out of the way, retreating to both sides like a tide.

The murderous aura on his body was so strong that these monks broke out in a cold sweat instantly, and even had the illusion of brushing shoulders with death.

"You have the aura of a female demon." Lin Fei stared at the abbot of this ancient temple with sharp eyes like a knife.

The abbot's expression changed immediately, but he pretended to be deeply compassionate: "Benefactor, I don't understand what you are talking about. You are not welcome here, so please go back."

Lin Fei didn't say a single word of nonsense, he directly stretched out his hand and clenched it tightly in the void.


The abbot seemed to be clenched by an invisible big hand, and it exploded into a blood mist on the spot.

Amidst the horrified shouts of the monks, Lin Fei sneered and said, "Vald donkey, is her power something you can covet?"

But at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise above the sky, causing the entire void to tremble uncontrollably.

A huge mountain suspended in the air suddenly manifested and descended, and the palace above it was majestic.

Buddhism came.

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