I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 351 One person and one sword, alone against the gods and Buddhas in the sky


The sensation caused by Lin Fei's words was no different from dropping a nuclear bomb on the ground.

"Bold and sinful! How dare you disrespect Nan Wu Huijue Wang Buddha, so you are not afraid of karma?!"

"The founder of our Buddhist sect is a disciple of Buddha Tathagata. You still want him to come out to meet you? What role do you think you are? Haha, God Haotian?"

Lin Fei sneered when he heard this: "Karma? How ridiculous!"

"According to the karma of your Buddhist sect, the nun has contributed to both the immortal world, so she deserves the retribution of being sealed in hell for 3000 years?"

"The good people in the world don't get good results, and the evil people don't get evil rewards. Have you ever been in charge of it?"

The suzerain of the Buddhist sect was so choked that he could only forcefully argue: "Good people don't get good results, it's because they did a lot of evil in the previous life, and they have come to pay off their debts in this life. Evil people don't get retribution, they just escape temporarily in this life, and in the next life they will enter the animal realm and suffer all kinds of hardships." suffering......"

Lin Fei said indifferently: "It's the retribution of reincarnation again, unfortunately...the power of the six realms of reincarnation is not in the hands of your Buddhas. This set of rhetoric that you created, could it be that you have reached an agreement with the demon king of the six realms to let him Help you achieve good and evil rewards and punishments?"

"It's amazing, it really impresses me—of course, I mean the degree of shamelessness."

The entire Buddha Sect and the Hanshan Ancient Temple were in an uproar, almost going crazy.

Disintegrating the teachings of a sect from the spiritual level is even more terrifying than simply destroying them.

And among those believers, some even fell into brainstorming, and had extreme doubts about their life and beliefs.Finally at this moment, someone on the spot couldn't bear such a huge blow, and passed out directly.

"You—" the suzerain was so angry that his whole body was trembling, his face turned blue and white, but he didn't know how to argue.

The suzerain was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.He has always been used to "convincing people with reason" to explain the principles of Zen to others, and at this moment he can't wait to pick up the Zen stick and smash Lin Fei's head to pieces, so that he can see what his mother is called "King Kong's angry eyes".

Of course, the premise is that he can defeat Lin Fei.

Lin Fei seemed to see through his thoughts, and immediately said: "Why, you found out that set of heresy is useless, so you want to do it now?"

The suzerain clenched his teeth tightly and said nothing, only feeling extremely humiliated in his heart.

He couldn't understand at all why it was difficult for him to stand up in front of Lin Fei even though his strength was comparable to that of the God Transformation expert.

"Could it be—" the suzerain's heart was shocked suddenly, and his eyes widened suddenly: "Dongxu?!"

And at this moment, he suddenly felt that the invisible force restraining him disappeared.

Not only the suzerain, but also all the monks present were shocked, and they didn't understand what happened.

Facing their shock and bewilderment, Lin Fei just said lightly: "Let's go together."

A group of monks suddenly became furious, feeling that they had been greatly despised, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

However, the suzerain couldn't arouse the slightest desire to fight, and flew back to the hanging mountain of the Buddhist sect with a "swish", and shouted loudly with a lion roar: "All retreat to the mountain, this is a strong man!"


What he said almost made everyone turn pale with fright, and each of them fled to Hanging Mountain in a hurry like crazy.

What a joke!

Those who are strong in the void, can communicate with the power of heaven and earth, and master the law of the great way!

Even if he wanted to destroy the Buddhist sect from top to bottom, it was only a matter of one thought!

Lin Fei quietly watched them fleeing like bereaved dogs, and didn't intend to stop them or kill them directly.

When they appeared on the stage before, they looked majestic, powerful, and majestic, but now they are all shitting, which looks quite funny.

After the suzerain returned to the Hanging Mountain, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and even later realized that cold sweat was oozing from his forehead.

He seemed to feel that he was already safe, and his whole body became arrogant again: "Sin! You have committed a heinous crime and blasphemed my Buddhist teachings. After death, you will definitely go to the eighteenth floor of hell!"

Lin Fei sneered and said, "Eighteen levels of hell? Even if Yama of the Tenth Temple is here, he must lower his eyebrows when he sees me!"

Everyone in the Buddhist sect was stunned by these words, and some even bit their own tongues on the spot.

"Do you think that with the protection of this hanging mountain, I won't be able to hurt you?" He exuded a frightening and terrifying aura, as if a prehistoric beast that had chosen to devour people had awakened.

Now that they have been given hope, it is time to plunge them into the abyss of despair.

His aura immediately made all the monks panic, and they had a horrified guess: Could it be possible that he can break through the shelter of such a hanging mountain?impossible!Absolutely impossible!

The suzerain immediately sneered, and the Zen stick was smashed to the ground with the sound of "dang": "Bold and evil! The Hanging Mountain was personally practiced by Nanwu Huijue King Buddha, and many Buddhas blessed him with mana. It is my Buddhist sect that is immortal." treasure."

"Do you think that you can really be invincible in the world in the realm of Dongxu? You are so stupid! Not to mention your Dongxu realm, even if you are a fairy descending to earth, it is impossible to defeat my Buddha's blessing!"

"Namo Amitabha... If you really have the ability, you can give it a try!"

His eyes were burning, and he couldn't hide his provocation and sarcasm.

The suzerain's wishful thinking was well played.Buddhism has the virtue of good life, although Xuankong Mountain is the treasure of Buddhism, it does not have any ability to take the initiative to kill.

But Buddhism also has King Kong's glaring saying that anyone who wants to destroy the Buddhist lineage based on his own cultivation will attract a strong counterattack from the Hanging Mountain-it will not kill the person, but he will be driven into the Buddhist sect. The eighteen levels of hell in the forbidden area made him repent in a situation where life would be worse than death.

Everyone in the Buddhist sect also laughed, clamoring for Lin Fei to break through the Hanging Mountain to protect him if he had the ability.

"You guys are really..." Lin Fei looked cold, and slowly drew the Zhuxian Sword behind him.

"It's so stupid." His voice fell, and a ray of light burst into the sky instantly.


The void was trembling, and a destructive aura spread like a blanket.

Lin Fei, who made such a commotion, hadn't drawn out his sword yet, but just pulled out the Zhuxian sword.

At this moment, everyone on the Hanging Mountain showed terrified expressions, and the mountain also instantly burst into immeasurable Buddha light.

A round of golden-red sun bloomed directly on the top of the mountain, and a golden "卍" symbol appeared in it.

The phantoms of the Buddhist ancestors of the past dynasties also emerged.Or it looks like a bodhisattva with lowered eyebrows, pitying the common people, or it looks like a Vajra with glaring eyes, cutting off demons and eliminating demons.

Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are in front, showing the ultimate background behind the Buddha sect.

Lin Fei held the Zhuxian sword in his hand, his expression was indifferent.

One person and one sword, standing in the air.

Alone against the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

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