I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 352 Huijue Little Buddha, see Emperor Lin Tian!

Such a change in the Hanging Mountain immediately made the Buddhist sect ecstatic.

"The sages of the past generations have appeared!"

"Buddhist sect must win, kill this demon who blasphemes Buddhism!"

They were completely boiling, and some people even cried with joy.

The previous shock caused by the Zhu Xian sword in Lin Fei's hand was also thrown to the back of his mind in such a surprise.

The suzerain looked at Zhu Xian with burning eyes, and said: "This is a very ominous weapon. Presumably, it has affected the mind of the benefactor. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and it is right to turn around! The thought is that the benefactor was just confused by this sword. Hand it over quickly, let my Buddhist sect seal the town with Buddhist law!"

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to this bald donkey, and slashed his sword at the hanging mountain illuminated by Buddha's light.


The sword energy of Zhu Xian entangled with layers of killing intent turned into a hundred-foot-long sword light and slashed down, causing the space to make a terrible tearing sound and trembling uncontrollably.

His hair-thick sword energy is enough to crush a big mountain.

"Boom!" The sword energy that was enough to crush the eternal blue sky fell, and even traces of chaotic breath emerged, as if to return everything to nothingness.

too fast.

Everyone in the Buddhist sect didn't even react, and the phantoms of gods and Buddhas all over the sky were silently annihilated in the vast sword light.

The great sun shattered, the Buddha's light dissipated, the swastika disintegrated, and even the entire Hanging Mountain was cut from it, completely without any blessing of Buddha's power.

Wherever the sword shines, there is no piece of armor left.

The entire Buddhist sect was dead silent, full of terrified, bloodless faces.Many disciples' eyes turned white immediately, and they were so frightened that they passed out.


A disciple stared blankly at everything in front of him, knelt down on the ground, and muttered to himself in a daze: "Impossible...this can't be real...yes, an illusion! Everything is an illusion! For sure It's an illusion!"

Lin Fei put away the Zhuxian Sword and watched all this indifferently.

After the brief silence of Hanging Mountain, there was an extreme collapse.

"how so!"

"How could the Hanging Mountain blessed by all the Buddhas and Nanwu Huijue King Buddha be cut into two pieces with one sword!"

"Who the hell are you? Are you the God of Haotian?!"

Seeing Lin Fei approaching slowly in the air like walking on flat ground, everyone was so frightened that they almost lost their courage and tried to escape.

"Definitely." Lin Fei uttered a word softly, and he locked the space directly.No matter how he tried to escape, he couldn't escape from the range of the broken Hanging Mountain.

The endless desperation and fear drowned all the monks like a torrential flood.

Seeing him walking slowly, the suzerain was so frightened that he sat down on the ground with a "plop", and then moved his hands and feet behind him: "Don't come over, don't come over!"

Several monks looked at each other, nodded to each other immediately, gritted their teeth and rushed to the main hall on the broken mountain.

The suzerain on the other side didn't even think about it, almost feeling the mortal danger, and displayed the three-foot golden body at the same time.

The six-foot golden body is a symbol of the great achievement of Buddhism, and the small incarnation of Buddha Sakyamuni is a golden body of one foot six feet.The fact that the suzerain was able to display the insignificant three-foot golden body is enough to show its extraordinaryness.

Unfortunately, he was facing Lin Fei.

The suzerain's golden body is like a golden glazed cup, exuding bursts of Buddha's light, and it looks quite majestic and invulnerable to evil.

Lin Fei didn't change his face, he snapped his fingers casually.


With a crisp sound, the suzerain's golden body shattered directly, and his whole body was covered with dense cracks like porcelain, even oozing pale gold and red blood.

With a scream, he staggered back, showing a terrified look, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The majestic cultivation of the suzerain had already disappeared in Lin Fei's fingers.

"How ridiculous," Lin Fei looked at his blood and sneered, "An evil-minded person like you in the Buddhist sect can become a Buddha, but he wants to persuade the world to believe in you."

The suzerain trembled, and finally asked a question that was about to drive him crazy: "Who are you?"

Lin Fei didn't answer his question: "When I was sure of winning, I didn't ask who I was. I only wanted to kill someone. Now I know how to ask? It's too late."

The suzerain was so remorseful that he was on the verge of collapse.

Originally thought that it was a character who could be crushed to death directly, and there was no need to know the name of a dead person. Who would have thought that such a terrifying and mysterious existence would exist!

But at this moment, there was a mighty fluctuation in the dilapidated mountaintop hall.

Layers of Buddha's light are like water waves, sweeping towards the sky in all directions.

A majestic Buddha figure with condensed light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The entire Buddhist sect fell to their knees with extreme piety, crying and saying that the Buddhist sect was about to be wiped out, and begged Wang-Fo to kill the evil and demons.

It was full of hope and excitement, like a drowning person grasping at straws.

"I love the scene of inviting parents." Lin Fei sneered, and threw the suzerain aside like a dead dog.

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo completely changed his expression the first time he saw Lin Fei!

In an instant, he retracted his huge dharma body and turned into a human-sized figure condensed with golden light.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Nanwu Huijue King Buddha respectfully saluted Lin Fei: "Little Buddha Huijue, under the seat of Tathagata, see Lin Tiandi!"

After his words fell, the entire Buddhist sect was shocked.

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo calls himself "Little Buddha"!

Respectfully call Lin Fei "Lin Tiandi"!

Lin Fei glanced at him, and said in a cold voice, "Hui Jue, are you guilty?"

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo lowered his eyebrows and said sincerely: "Little Buddha knows his crime."

The members of the Buddhist Sect were petrified collectively, and instantly fell into a dark bottomless abyss, their minds went blank.

"My disciples of the Buddhist sect were also ordered by God Haotian, so I sealed the town's daughters here. I also ask the emperor to recite the love of Master Tathagata Buddha, and forgive the Buddhist sect." Nan Wuhuijue Wangfo continued said earnestly.

Lin Fei asked lightly: "Tathagata? Am I familiar with him?"

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo remained silent, for fear of saying a wrong word.

Because the two of them really... don't know each other well.The Lantern Ancient Buddha had a good friendship with Lin Fei, but unfortunately, this Tathagata Buddha would always call himself a "little Buddha" when he saw it, and it had nothing to do with him Nanwu Huijue King Buddha.

I'm afraid this friendship is...unable to climb!

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo then raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "Emperor Lin Tiandi, you are no longer the supreme being who roams the sky and the earth."

Lin Fei smiled: "Are you warning me?"

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo took a deep breath and looked at him fixedly: "Little Buddha doesn't dare. But if Emperor Lin Tian insists on destroying my Buddhist sect, I'm afraid that Little Buddha can't just sit idly by."

Lin Fei smiled with great interest: "Do you know what he would do if Ran Deng was here?"

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo frowned and said, "I don't know."

Lin Fei said: "With the wisdom of the Great Buddha, he will understand..."

"Shouldn't be against me."

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