I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 353 Breaking into the Forbidden Land of Hell

Rao, who is as calm as Nanwu Huijue Wangfo, also changed his face when he heard these words.

Not to mention other Buddhist sect members.

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo clasped his palms together, and the cassock automatically moved without wind.Behind him appeared the great sun and Buddha's light, and said in a gesture of compassion: "Since this is the case, I also ask Lin Tiandi to enlighten me."

As soon as the words fell, his pupils turned golden in an instant, and a golden body of Zhang Liu manifested!

In an instant, there seemed to be thousands of Buddhas chanting, which excited everyone in the Buddhist sect.The members of the Buddhist sect also chanted sutras together, and suddenly strands of Buddha's light gathered like a small river, and all of them converged into the body of Nanwu Huijue Wang Buddha.

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo slapped the right palm with the Buddhist beads in the air, and a huge "卍" character appeared immediately, and the golden light struck Lin Fei brilliantly.

The swastika swelled against the wind, and it turned into the size of a mountain in an instant. The majestic and vast power made the void roar and tremble, as if it wanted to crush Lin Fei directly into powder.

Falling magic seal.

Lin Fei raised his hand and slapped it, smashing the Demon Subduing Seal with a loud bang.In an instant, there was radiance, and the brilliance of the broken swastika illuminated the world, and the world was like a golden fairyland of glazed glass.

The Buddhist sect was almost suffocated by it!

An understatement, and the subduing demon seal of the incarnation of Nanwu Huijue Wang Buddha was broken in a short while!

"Subduing Demon Seal? Hehe, it seems that you really think of me as a demon." Lin Fei said lightly, watching Nanwu Huijue Wangfo suddenly cast the body of Dharma, but remained unmoved.

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo's body shape at this moment is already like the Leshan Giant Buddha, and his whole body is condensed with golden light, which looks extremely shocking.Dazzlingly, I am afraid that people will be regarded as the Buddha Sakyamuni descending to earth.

His big hand patted Lin Fei directly from the sky.

Big Sun Tathagata palm.

Back then, it was this trick that Tathagata used to suppress a lawless monkey for 500 years.

Lin Fei raised his head to look at the golden light palm that covered the sky, but he didn't make any movement, he just said lightly, "I, destroy the Buddha."


The invisible law of the avenue was generated and applied layer by layer to the entire hanging mountain.

Ordinary disciples and one hundred and eight senior monks exploded in an instant, turning into little golden lights flying all over the sky, followed by the Eighteen Arhats and the suzerain of the Buddhist sect.


"Why is this happening!"

"Wang-fo save me!"

A shrill and desperate scream resounded through the entire mountain in an instant.

It's a pity that no matter how unwilling they are to struggle, it won't help, and they can't escape the end of their body and spirit disappearing into thin air.

Even Nanwu Huijue Wangfo showed a look of shock, and looked at his right hand, which gradually turned into golden light and collapsed.

"So that's how it is." He looked deeply at Lin Fei, his entire body gradually disintegrating, "You made yourself the master of this world, and you made a new rule of the avenue, and we are not allowed to exist in this space middle."

"Is it possible to achieve this level even if the cultivation base is greatly damaged? It's really... terrible."

"Lin Tiandi, this kind of thing in charge of the world really looks like your style..."

Nanwu Huijue Wangfo's voice gradually became quieter, like a whisper.In the end, his voice disappeared along with his figure, completely annihilated between heaven and earth.

Believers not far away saw this scene and felt the collapse of faith.Looking at Lin Fei, it was like seeing a great demon king who died in front of their eyes, and their fear was at its peak.

"It's finally clean." Lin Fei said lightly, and walked to the side of the cliff.

Here is not only the Siguo Cliff leading to the Buddhist forbidden area, but also an extraordinary ancient tree with branches and leaves fluttering and swaying in the wind.

Its bark is vicissitudes and cracked, and its trunk is as thick as six or seven people hugging each other.Its huge branches stretch out like horned dragons, covered with branches and leaves, a scene that blocks out the sky and the sun.The dense green leaves on it are glittering and translucent, and there are also bodhi fruits, which are as clear as green agate.

There are dots of green clouds, shaped like silk, constantly overflowing from the green leaves and Bodhi fruit, making people feel a breath of life, with endless vigorous vitality circulating.

Bodhi tree.

"What on earth does this big devil who destroys Buddha want to do?" A believer trembled all over, and had an extremely bad premonition.

Soon, his hunch came true.

Like the most violent and tough bandit, Lin Fei uprooted the entire giant bodhi tree with a bang!The whole ancient tree swayed and trembled, and its huge size was nearly seven or eight times that of Lin Fei.However, he carried the bodhi tree on his shoulders as easily as hanging a towel.

The believer uttered a scream, rolled his eyes, and finally passed out from fright under the last straw.

The huge root system of the bodhi tree was still connected with a large piece of buddha soil, so Lin Fei directly stuffed it into the space ring without even bothering to take a second look.

Immediately, he came to the Cliff of Thoughts.

Originally, members of the Buddhist sect used the secret method of Buddhism to echo the prohibition of Siguo Cliff when they went to the forbidden place of hell, and then they could step into it.

However, the person who wants to go in at this moment is not a member of the Buddhist sect, but Lin Fei.

He didn't have any fancy operations, and he just kicked up.


Amidst a burst of shaking and ground shaking, the entire Siguo Cliff was directly shattered into fragments and exploded into powder, manifesting a dark and cold illusory space.

Lin Fei broke in without blinking his eyelids.

The first floor is Tongue Pulling Hell. In the past, there would be ghosts of Buddhist disciples, and the "prisoners" who were imprisoned would be tortured by pulling out their tongues.The little ghost will open the mouth of the visitor and clamp the tongue with iron tongs.Instead of tearing off the tongue suddenly, it is slowly stretched and finally pulled out.

The first level of hell is mostly small monsters who have received supernatural powers from the Buddhist sect to be tortured, but at this time it is empty, only a few little ghosts who are dozing off.

Even in their sleep, they were instantly annihilated under Lin Fei's flick of his sleeve.

Even when they turned into nothingness, Lin Fei was already in the second level of hell.

In the second layer of scissors hell, the ten fingers of the tortured are cut off.As soon as Lin Fei came in, he saw countless pairs of scissors attacking him with endless viciousness.

He didn't stop, but these menacing scissors shattered three inches in front of him and turned into powder.

In the third layer of iron tree hell, there are bloody sharp blades on the trees, which are picked under the skin of people from the back and hung on the iron tree.The huge iron trees are like "self-acquainted", approaching Lin Fei "kindly".

Lin Fei was like a person with social phobia, and directly sent them the word "scroll".

The invisible waves rippled out, instantly causing the iron trees to shatter into dust.

There is a saying in the world that goes up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

The source is the seventh layer of Daoshan Hell, No.16 layer of Volcanic Hell.

But if Lin Fei says to someone, "I am willing to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for you", then don't be moved.

Because he directly exploded the mountain of knives, extinguishing the sea of ​​magma flames in the volcano.

It's like a joke.

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