I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 365 Hurry up and invite All Saints!

Hearing her voice, Zhong Tianya cheered up instantly as if he had been on a stimulant.

From junior high school to now, this is the first time Zhong Yuting called him that.

"Dad is here, don't worry, he can't hurt you." Zhong Tianya laughed, quite heroically.

Zhong Yuting shook her head, suppressed her crying and gritted her teeth: "You let me down, let go and fight to the death with this son of a bitch from Japan!"

She felt that she had become Zhong Tianya's burden.

"No." Zhong Tianya said resolutely, and his consciousness had scanned six Japanese warriors approaching.

Obviously, the group he killed earlier were not all Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's subordinates.After all, they were splitting up to search for his whereabouts. These people, like their bosses, couldn't rush to the scene immediately.

"Zhong Er, let me down!" Zhong Yuting cursed and hit her, struggling with all her might, but was bound tightly to Zhong Tianya's back by an invisible force and could not escape.

"Are you looking down on this swordsman?" Zhong Tianya was slapping his swollen face to make himself fat, "Even if he is behind your back, this swordsman will still beat this trash in a fancy way!"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai sighed sincerely: "I admire, I admire. I just admire a person like Your Excellency... who is still putting on airs when he is about to die."

"Then," he sneered, and pulled out Yingmeng, "what if I attack her again this time?"

Zhong Yuting panicked, and immediately yelled: "Despicable, shameless villain! If you have the ability, you will fight my father openly. You act so insidiously, what kind of hero are you?"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai laughed loudly, and sarcastically said: "Little girl, you are still too young. How can you be brave and foolish when you win the king and lose the bandit?"

Zhong Tianya took a deep breath, red blood like water vapor suddenly evaporated all over his body, and his momentum suddenly rose: "You are right. Winners and losers, it is time to fight to the death."

The six warriors who rushed over were all startled, and immediately let out a shocking exclamation.

"What a strong momentum!"

"No, I can't get close for the time being!"

Even Asahi Gong Wentai showed a dignified expression, holding a sword in both hands, and his eyes were awe-inspiring.Zhong Tianya in front of him was actually burning the blood of his soul, obviously he was going to use some extraordinary means.

But at this moment, a change occurred.

Zhong Tianya did not launch a desperate fight as everyone expected, but gently held Zhong Yuting's hand.

"Flee!" He spat out a word, and immediately the bloody glow shrouded Zhong Yuting's body.


Zhong Yuting's figure disappeared instantly, and the whole process was so abrupt that it made people dumbfounded.

Chaoxiang Gongwentai's face changed, and he immediately said angrily: "Baga! What did you do?!"

Zhong Tianya was extremely weak, but immediately laughed and said: "How can you understand the subtlety of my magic in the vast Chinese cultivation world? I used the blood escape technique before, so you must have never heard of it? I might as well tell you that this swordsman can make her escape thousands of miles away at the cost of her cultivation base and life essence depletion!"

What is the concept of thousands of miles away?

Mingzhu City on the southeast coast is only [-] miles away from Rongcheng, an important city in the southwest.

It was enough to send her to Feiyun Villa where Lin Fei was.

"I tell you a piece of desperate news," Zhong Tianya grinned, with a confidence that all the warriors couldn't understand, "You are going to die soon."

After his words fell, a group of warriors were dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, the group of warriors laughed wildly and mockingly.

"Are you crazy?"

"Crazy! I'm dying, and you dare to say that we are going to die?"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai also sneered: "Why, you're already so weak that you're unconscious, and you're starting to talk nonsense?"

He didn't panic at all, he just felt that he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.After all, today's Zhong Tianya is at the end of his strength, even if it is like performing the previous mysterious exercises again, it is impossible to do.

Therefore, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai didn't think about "the villain died because of talking too much" at all, and asked with a victor's attitude: "Before you die, I want to ask one more question-give up your chance to live, Letting a goddaughter who has no blood relationship with you escape... Don't you think it's stupid to lose?"

Zhong Tianya said decisively: "I told her, unless I am dead, don't even try to touch her."

"So... I didn't lose."

"I won."

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai said sarcastically: "It's beyond stupid!"

After the words fell, he waved his hand and slashed out a sword light.

Zhong Tianya gritted his teeth, roared like a beast, and swung his sword vigorously to resist.

But he is not only at the end of his strength, even his cultivation base has fallen to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.


A fountain of blood splashed up, and Zhong Tianya's right arm that was holding onto the edge of the wind was cut off directly.

The heart-piercing screams sounded, and Chaoxiang Gong Wentai showed a happy smile of revenge: "The shame you brought to Chaoxiang Palace's lineage will be recovered from you today!"

At the same time, Feiyun Villa is far away in Rongcheng.Suddenly a figure fell from the sky, and the person was crying loudly while still in the air: "Father!"

The entire Feiyun Villa was stunned.

The nun showed even more murderous intent, and appeared next to Lin Fei in an instant, harboring deep hostility towards this uninvited guest: "Tianzun, do you want me to kill her?!"

Ji Yaoguang had a strange look on her face, always feeling that this woman was a little too tough.

Lin Fei frowned, ignored Nuba, but stretched out a hand from the air like lightning to hold Zhong Yuting in place.

Without her needing to speak, Lin Fei looked at the blood light gradually dissipating from her body with chaotic eyes.

Tracing back to the source, everything is in sight.

"Looking for death!" Lin Fei's expression changed slightly, and his murderous aura surged up into the sky in an instant, shaking away the clouds in the sky.

Zhong Tianya is very unreliable, and Lin Fei has never given him a good face.

But after all, he is the student he taught.

Lin Fei swept his sleeves directly, making himself and Zhong Yuting's figures disappear in place in an instant.

In the next moment, Lin Fei and Zhong Yuting appeared by the Huangpu River.

What he saw in front of his eyes was Zhong Tianya, whose kneecap was shattered and kneeling on the ground.

He had previously resisted kneeling with extremely tenacious willpower, so he provoked several warriors into anger, brewing to appear in this scene.

What made Zhong Yuting even more shocking was that there were actually twelve blood-stained guns piercing through Zhong Tianya's body.

"Father!!" Her eyes were about to burst, and tears flowed out suddenly.

All the warriors were startled, they didn't expect Zhong Yuting to go back in such a short time.

"Get lost!" Lin Feihan said in a cold voice.

He didn't see any movement from him, the six warriors surrounding Zhong Tianya were instantly knocked out by an invisible force, and immediately spit out a big mouthful of blood.

In an instant, his cultivation was ruined!

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