I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 366 Divine Will 2 Days 1 Flow?juggling

Lin Fei is like an ancient demon god from the demon world, with black hair fluttering and flying, eyes as sharp as lightning, exuding a suffocating violent killing intent all over his body.

The six warriors were almost terrified and looked at him in horror.

Even Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was shocked in his heart, the hairs all over his body stood on end instantly, and he felt an extremely frightening icy breath covering his whole body.

He subconsciously took half a step back, and then felt a burst of anger at his actions.It's just seeing a back, how can you scare yourself into such a state of the Dongpu Sword Master?

This is a great shame!

"Who are you?" Chaoxiang Gong Wentai said in a deep voice, tightly gripping the two pistols of Yingmeng and Muramasa.

Lin Fei didn't answer his question, but stretched out his finger to point in the void.


In an instant, the twelve spears on Zhong Tianya's body were instantly pulled out by an invisible force.In a series of "Puff" sounds and screams, it pierced through the bodies of the six warriors, nailing them to the ground.

Not only that, but a ray of emerald green light entered Zhong Tianya's body, instantly healing his severe injuries.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's pupils shrank sharply, and there were layers of turbulent waves in his heart.If he could still understand Lin Fei's methods before, this one simply reminded him of a terrible word.


Dongpu doesn't have such techniques, he can't understand them at all!

"Tianzun, I have caused you trouble." Zhong Tianya grinned, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up like a normal person.

"Thank you Tianzun!" Zhong Yuting burst into tears, and flew directly into Zhong Tianya's arms: "Father!"

Seeing him narrowly escaped death, that kind of joy cannot be expressed to others.

Zhong Tianya smiled immediately, hugged her back, patted her comfortingly and said, "My dear daughter, isn't dad all right?"

But Chaoxiang Gong Wentai obviously didn't have the leisurely heart to appreciate this scene, and the protective energy all over his body was exuberant to the extreme, distorting the void and exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"Your Excellency, don't you think of me, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai?!" He said in a cold voice, staring at Lin Fei.

The reason why Asaka Gong Wentai did not make a sneak attack was not because he suddenly picked up the spirit of bushido.It's purely because of Lin Fei's unfathomable strength. If it's not a last resort, he really doesn't want to face such a strong man.

It would be best for him to keep his mind off his own business by bringing out his background.Even taking ten thousand steps back, it is barely acceptable to only take away the fate of the wind and not take Zhong Tianya's life.

Taking a step back, the sea and the sky seem to be a good choice.

And the moment Lin Fei turned around, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's heart was shocked, and he said in a startled voice, "It's you, Lin Fei!"

Lin Fei's face was stern, Bing Han said: "You know me?"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai immediately threatened in a cold voice: "Western hell is about to fall, how long do you think you can live if you offend the shadow god of death? As long as you don't care about this matter, I promise to intercede for you in front of David and let you live!"

Lin Fei said disapprovingly: "What are you, you dare to threaten me?"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai felt that he was being seriously despised, and immediately said angrily: "Presumptuous! I am the contemporary Dongying Sword Master, haven't you heard of Chaoxiang Palace's prestige?"

He had already announced his name, so could this Lin Fei be so ignorant that he didn't know that Dongying Swordsman came from Chaoxiang Palace?

"Chaoxiang Palace?" Lin Fei shook his head and said indifferently, "Remember, your swordsmanship should come from that kid Duan Sangtian. Even if he saw me, he would have to bow down to me as a master and apprentice. What is the mere Chaoxiang Palace family? "

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's heart shook violently, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Does this guy know what he's talking about?Duan Sangtian is a ruthless character who ascended to the sword master of Cuba and Shu and ascended to immortality. How could he be his apprentice? !

"Baga! I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" Chaoxiang Gong Wentai yelled angrily, and immediately launched an attack with Chaoxiang Palace's handed down treasure Cunzheng and Yingmeng.

Behind him appeared a huge phantom of Chaoxiang Palace's first sword master, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.


Chaoxiang Gong Wentai returned the double blades to their sheaths, rushed like thunder in an instant, and pulled out Yingmeng suddenly.The rain of cherry blossoms fell all over the sky, and the violent sword light seemed to bully the whole world, and cut towards Lin Fei.

Divine Will Alignment Technique!

However, what shocked him was that such a powerful killing move was cut to nothing.It's like punching a ball of cotton with all the strength in my body, and the feeling of empty feedback makes people feel uncomfortable.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai didn't understand what happened, but his rich combat experience and perseverance made him respond instantly.


He pressed his backhand on the handle of the second knife, and at the same time twisted his body sharply to the right.

In an instant, he passed Lin Fei like a comet.


Accompanied by his voice, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai leaned forward, and stepped on the ground with a lunge. Amidst the loud bang of "Boom", the sword intent all over his body was blazing again, causing the space to tremble.

The blood-stained village was being laid out in front of him with his backhand, and the extreme brilliance that bloomed made the world dim in an instant.

Draw the knife backhand!

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai is extremely confident in his ultimate ultimate move.

Two consecutive outbreaks of the peak combat power!

The first round of Shenyijuhejutsu's frontal charge is enough to kill most of the strong.And even if he failed, he could forcibly raise his spirits to the peak when everyone seemed to be exhausted, and then use Yan Hui to attack the enemy who thought he had grasped the weak point.

Everywhere is beneficial!

Those who deserve to be broken, those who are struck perish!

When Chaoxiang Gong Wentai saw Lin Fei facing him, he immediately showed a cruel and proud smile, almost foreseeing his shocked and terrified tragic death.

However, imagination is beautiful, and reality is cruel.

Lin Fei stretched out two fingers calmly, and with a "snap", they firmly clamped the violent Muramasa.

Zhong Tianya chuckled, not surprised at all.

Zhong Yuting was instantly stunned, almost exclaiming on the spot!

Chaoxiang Gongwentai's actions earlier failed to make her see clearly, such a fierce and lightning-fast blow, but Lin Fei took it so easily and casually?

What's more, it's Yaodao Muramasa!

Asaka Gong Wentai's complexion changed instantly, and he clearly felt that Muramasa's destructive sword energy was annihilated on the spot, and even the bright light dimmed and became ordinary.


With a crisp sound, Lin Fei directly snapped the famous sword handed down as easily as if pinching off the corner of Miaojiao.

He shook his head, and said lightly: "The spirit is second-rate? It's just juggling."

Asaka Gong Wentai almost suffocated on the spot!

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