I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 367 No matter how handsome he is, he will die in one second

The supreme swordsmanship of Dongying, the supreme capital that Chaoxiang Palace Sword Masters are proud of, in Lin Fei's mouth, unexpectedly ended up with the evaluation of "juggling"?

If it were someone else who spoke like this, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai would have taken his life in a fit of anger.

But the person who said this was Lin Fei, the existence who easily received the Yan Returning Technique with two fingers and broke the Yaodao Muramasa.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was horrified.Before he could react in time, he felt an invisible repulsive force burst out instantly, knocking him out.

"Pfft!" Chaoxiang Gong Wentai flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and immediately coughed up a big mouthful of blood, his eye sockets almost burst open.

His blazing and bright body-protecting qi shattered directly, even his chest collapsed, his sternum was completely shattered, and he was already on the verge of death.

"How is this possible!" Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was so horrified that he collapsed almost instantly.

Are you kidding, this is the character they want to deal with?It's simply sending you to death!

"Is there any other juggling?" Lin Fei looked sternly, looking at him like looking down on an ant.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai clenched his teeth tightly, his heart beating wildly.He knew in his heart that this was already a fatal situation, so he immediately said with hatred: "Lin Fei, don't be presumptuous! If you really push me into a hurry, at worst, we will all die together."

It seems that he has learned Huaxia language quite well. Not only can he communicate very fluently, he even knows a lot of idioms.

"Is it to burn your own blood, and use the method of sacrifice to invite the first generation of Dongying Sword Master to show his spirit?" Zhong Tianya seemed to understand it very well, and Dang even gloated and said, "Come on, just work hard, if Tianzun frowns, I will lose All right?"

This method is actually a bit similar to the Taoist method of inviting the ancestors to the upper body, but the price is too heavy.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

This guy clearly knows that he has such a great hole card ultimate move, why is he not afraid at all, and even looks forward to making such a move?It's totally illogical!

"Could it be that he believes in this Lin Fei and thinks that even my ancestor Chaoxiang Palace is not his opponent?" Chaoxiang Gong Wentai had a horrified guess in his heart, and then categorically denied it.


"Aren't you going to die with me?" Lin Fei said indifferently, gradually losing patience, "If you don't do anything, I will crush you to death."

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was shocked, and immediately gritted his teeth, his face distorted and said: "Lin Fei, see you and me in Jiuquan!"

Accompanied by a roar, his clothes shattered and flew on the spot with a "hissing", and his blood began to burn irreversibly: "Wen Tai, the descendant of Chaoxiang Palace, is willing to sacrifice his life to ask the ancestor Chaoxiang Palace to show his spirit! May the ancestors kill you!" The great enemy of our clan, bless Chaoxiang Palace for safety!"

In an instant, his eyebrows were cracked.


Cracks appeared one after another, from which an extremely bright light burst out.


These rays of light converged into one piece, unexpectedly forming the shape of a sword.

No, that's not a sword.

It was a swordsman wearing an ancient Japanese costume.

But his figure was extremely strange in the eyes of everyone. One moment he was still a sword, and the next moment he turned into a human.Alternate between the two, disillusionment.It seems that the existence of this person is already inseparable from the sword, completely integrated into one!

Not only that, the space around Chaoxiang Gongzhai is distorting, flashing shocking images.

There is a scene where he transforms himself into a sword, smashes the real dragon with an aurora force, and the blood is like a rainstorm, and the sea is dyed red!

There is a scene where he sits on the throne on the 99-story stone steps, and a group of warriors exuding a terrifying aura bow their heads to worship!

The sword intent soared to the clouds, as if it wanted to tear the entire world apart, filled with the terrifying and chilling intent of destroying the world.

Zhong Yuting's face turned pale immediately, if Lin Fei hadn't tapped a flash of spiritual light to envelop her, she might have fallen to the ground on the spot.

Looking at such a scene, Zhong Tianya seemed to be a little bit emotional, but he was not afraid.

Lin Fei's expression was as calm as water, so calm that he couldn't even make a ripple.

When Chaoxiang Gong Wentai saw this figure manifest, he almost went crazy.Although he could clearly feel the rapid passing of his life, he temporarily forgot the fear of death, and immediately shouted: "Old Ancestor, please kill this group of Chinese people and avenge my shame in the Shang Palace!"

The ancestors showed their spirits, and these self-righteous ants will all have to be turned into ashes!

Lin Fei, this is the price you paid me for driving me to a dead end, go to hell with me!

He looked at Lin Fei at the phantom of Chaoxiang Gongzhai, but his expression changed in an instant.

The monstrous sword intent dissipated without a trace in an instant, without even thinking about it, he knelt down in front of Lin Fei in fear and fear: "Disciple Sun Xiaozhai, please see Wansheng Tianzun!"


The moment he heard this, Chaoxiang Gong Wentai trembled all over, his legs softened in an instant, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

He couldn't believe what he saw and heard, he just felt that a thunderbolt exploded in his mind, tearing his sanity to pieces almost instantly.

Zhong Yuting's beautiful eyes widened in an instant, her mouth seemed to be able to hold an egg, and she felt her heart trembling as she stared blankly at Lin Fei.

"Disciple? Are you worthy?" Lin Fei ignored everyone, but sneered and asked Chaoxiang Gongzhai.

Chaoxiang Gongzhai bowed his head deeply, and said in a trembling voice: "Everything Xiao Zhai has learned comes from Duan Sangtian, the Bashu Sword Master. Tracing back to the source, Chaoxiang Gong's lineage should also be regarded as your orthodoxy..."

Zhong Tianya almost laughed out loud, and even wanted to tease: Although you looked embarrassed when you were cautiously trying to build a relationship, the moment you came out and pretended to be aggressive... you are really handsome!

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split apart almost instantly, he immediately clutched his collapsed chest tightly, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground directly.

His eyes had lost their focus, only despair and fear that were so intense that they couldn't be dissipated.

It turned out that Lin Fei said that Duan Sangtian was his disciple earlier, it was not false, everything was true...

Lin Fei glanced at Chaoxiang Gongzhai with disgust, and said directly: "A group of mobs are also worthy of being called my orthodoxy?"

Chaoxiang Gongzhai felt the sharp and piercing killing intent, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Tianzun, you can't—"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fei grabbed his neck.


Chaoxiang Gongzhai exploded into dots of light all over the sky on the spot, flying in the wind and disappearing, never to be seen again.

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai was already on the verge of death, but he trembled all over when he saw this scene, and he didn't come up in one breath, he was so frightened to death on the spot!

And Zhong Yuting was instantly dumbfounded.

Chaoxiang Gongzhai, who appeared on the stage so frantically and ecstatically, and the majestic first-generation sword master of Dongying appeared, and was just... crushed to death?

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