I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 381 The Nascent Soul Powerhouse Who Makes Money by Taking Photos

In the face of absolute power, any struggle is futile.

Lin Fei has seen too many guys clamoring to control their own destiny, and they are often wiped out in the ruthless fate.

Zhang Xiaoling also pointed like a sword, pointing at Fang Yangping Zhidu Gongyin, and waved it casually.

He sighed softly, turned his head, and didn't look at the scene behind him again.


All the Taoists in Tianshi Mansion were crushed into fly ash under the Great Seal.

And with the incarnation of the dharma image behind Zhang Xiaoling dissipating, the seal of Yangping's capital rule also disappeared into nothingness.

"The descendants of the orthodoxy have not lived up to expectations, making Tianzun a joke." He looked at Lin Fei and said apologetically.

Lin Fei shook his head slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Tianzun, there are still many treasures in the world of dragon and tiger, please be sure to accept them." Zhang Xiaoling cupped his hands.

"Since it's your orthodoxy, you just keep it." Lin Fei said lightly.

Zhang Xiaoling also smiled wryly, and nodded: "Then thank the Heavenly Venerable first."

He immediately turned around, saluted Nuba and said, "Xiaodao has seen the Goddess of Drought."

The nun smiled and said, "You don't need to be too polite."

Only then did Zhang Xiaoling raise his head, and said with a smile: "Then Xiaodao will leave first and go to the Dragon and Tiger Realm."

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and with a flick of his hand, he and Nuba disappeared in place.

After he returned to Feiyun Villa, Ji Yaoguang immediately asked, "Why did you go?"

Lin Fei said casually: "It's nothing, it's just an orthodoxy."

Ji Yaoguang was speechless for a while, sighed and shook her head: "I see, people in this world should pray that you don't go out, and it's better to be an otaku at home. It's too scary to kill a Taoism every now and then."

Having said that, she was shocked to find a problem—she seemed to be too calm.

Like... used to it?

Thinking hard.

Lin Fei just laughed off her words.

But at this moment, Ying Long and Wu Moling suddenly looked at each other, and then laughed.

"Master, Jiang Qingyue is here." Wu Moling said.

Jiang Qingyue didn't hide her whereabouts, she could see clearly in her divine sense.

"What's he doing here?" Lin Fei looked extremely indifferent, obviously he didn't like seeing this wonderful disciple of himself very much.

However, other people in the villa seemed extremely happy, as if the source of happiness had come to their door.

Lin Fei shook his head, and didn't bother to say anything more.

This time when Jiang Qingyue appeared in front of everyone, Nuba couldn't help showing a strange look.

Because he was wearing the clothes of Japanese middle school students, which is the so-called jk uniform.Blue and white top and black skirt, white knee socks on her slender legs, and a pair of small leather shoes under her feet.

The key point is that he also tied a pair of ponytails, flicking them as he walked, looking very lively and cute.

But when she thought that this was a man, Nuba felt a chill in her heart.

With a murderous look, she looked at Jiang Qingyue covetously, and asked Lin Fei directly: "Tianzun, do you want me to kill him?"

Lin Fei glanced at Nuba and smiled slightly: "That's not necessary."

However, there was a woman who was not overwhelmed by this tycoon in women's clothing, which somewhat gave him some comfort.

Behind Jiang Qingyue, Wang Ping looked mysterious, with a mask covering half of his face, leaving only his eyebrows and eyes.

Although it looked extremely cold, in fact, he just felt that Jiang Qingyue was too shameful, which made him a little... shameless.

Jiang Qingyue first saluted Lin Fei and Ji Yaoguang respectfully, then looked at Xia Yue, and said with some embarrassment: "Sister Xia Yue, that... the mobile phone you gave me is broken."

Xia Yue was a little puzzled: "It's broken?"

"Yes." Jiang Qingyue looked more puzzled than she, and took out the almost shattered remains of the mobile phone, "Look."

"How could this be?" Xia Yue asked suspiciously.

Jiang Qingyue looked aggrieved: "I don't know either. You said that a mobile phone is a phone, so let me call you. Then I punched it. Who knew it was so fragile that it would be broken if it was broken. Couldn't get in touch with you..."

Everyone was dumbfounded immediately.

"You are such a little genius." Ji Yaoguang said in a low voice with a speechless face.

Lin Fei shook his head, took a sip of his hot tea, and didn't bother talking to Jiang Qingyue at all.

"Lin Fei, can you help him?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't stand it anymore, so she said to Lin Fei, "I'm afraid that he will be abducted one day, and I have to count the money."

It sounds like nonsense that a strong man in the late stage of Nascent Soul was abducted by someone.But it seems reasonable to put this kind of worry on Jiang Qingyue.

This realization made Wang Ping feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and he was speechless to the sky.

Nuba also just came to the modern society, but she is very familiar with everything, which is obviously different from Jiang Qingyue.

The reason lies in the spiritual imprint given by Lin Fei, which contains a lot of information.

"That's all." Lin Fei casually tapped out a flash of light, which entered Jiang Qingyue's mind.

Jiang Qingyue was instantly enlightened, her delicate little face flushed.

It turned out that the thing he gave Lin Fei was completely worthless, and it was called a "cotton machine"; it turned out that "calling" did not mean punching the phone, but dialing with a mobile phone...

"Long knowledge." Jiang Qingyue sighed sincerely, and then thanked Lin Feili.

"Well, master, look at me..." Wang Ping smiled shyly, with a flattering appearance, without the dignity of a strong man.

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Obviously, Jiang Qingyue led him further and further away.

Lin Fei glanced at him, and simply clicked a flash of light into his mind.

"Thank you, master!" Wang Ping was overjoyed, and felt that he was no longer an ignorant social idiot.

Well, the word "Xiaobai" is just learned.

"By the way, Shizu, the last time I gave you a cotton machine...I'm really sorry!" Jiang Qingyue said apologetically, "Do you think I should treat everyone to dinner?"

Lin Fei casually asked, "Are you rich?"

"Yes!" Jiang Qingyue replied very confidently, even a little high-spirited, with an appearance of "Praise me quickly, praise me quickly".

"You robbed a bank?" Lin Fei realized that it was unrealistic as soon as he said that.

This guy didn't know what a bank was before, and he wouldn't choose a place if he really wanted to rob. Even if he found a small store to grab a few hundred dollars in change, it was possible...

"No, I don't do this kind of conscienceless thing, I earned it myself!" Jiang Qingyue smiled brightly, and even used a sentence she just learned, "The working people are the most glorious!"

Lin Fei looked at him with a slightly strange look: "What do you do to make money?"

Two red clouds floated on Jiang Qingyue's face, she tugged at the corner of her skirt and said, "Take that...sexy photoshoot."

Ji Yaoguang almost spit out a sip of tea.

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