I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 382 Meeting Han Enci Again

Sexy... sexy... writing...really?

Everyone's faces turned weird, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Xia Yue looked up and down Jiang Qingyue with malicious intentions, as if she was already imagining what she looked like when she was taking photos.

"No, I'm going to have a nosebleed..." Xia Yue murmured.

"Xia Yue, you are a woman." Dong Xue reminded kindly.

"But Jiang Qingyue is a man!" Xia Yue replied very righteously.

Dongxue froze for a moment, and found himself speechless.

Wang Ping quietly moved back a few steps, trying to stay as far away from Jiang Qingyue as possible.

"Wouldn't you feel bad if you took out the money from selling your body to treat guests?" Even Lin Fei sighed and teased Jiang Qingyue.

"It's not selling myself for money," Jiang Qingyue argued with a blushing face, "I didn't sell myself!"

Lin Fei shook his head, feeling that this guy really lived without a bit of dignity.Even if I saw my old friend, I would be embarrassed to introduce him as my grandson. God knows what kind of eyes others will look at me.

Ji Yaoguang couldn't help asking: "That...doesn't the photographer know that you are a boy?"

Jiang Qingyue said hastily: "I said I was a boy, but he seemed even more excited when he heard that, and said, 'It's so cute, it must be a boy'."

Ji Yaoguang put his hand on his forehead, thinking of the scene felt terrible.

Lin Fei fell silent. It seemed that Jiang Qingyue had met a lover of women's clothing.

Xia Yue hurried forward and held Jiang Qingyue's hand: "Brother, you took some nice photos, can you show them to my sister?"

Jiang Qingyue was shy at first, but she couldn't bear her soft-heartedness, and finally took it out coyly.

"Wow!" Xia Yue let out an exaggerated exclamation, which immediately attracted a group of women to surround her.

A set of photos of a one-piece swimsuit, a set of photos of a bunny girl in black stockings, a set of photos of a Japanese high school student in uniform...

Swimming pool, indoor, school, three sets of different scenes, all shot extremely professionally.

If these photos are posted on the Internet, it may attract a group of lolicon fans, and even cause "don't look for it, just hit it here", "I'm done", "malnutrition", "front row for sale "Nutrition Express" and other ridiculous comments.

Wang Ping covered his face, leaned against the tree and sat down slowly.

Lin Fei couldn't stand it anymore, shook his head, stood up, and walked down the mountain slowly.

"Where are you going?" Ji Yaoguang asked quickly.

Lin Fei didn't turn his head back and said, "Didn't you say you're going to eat? If you're not in a hurry, let's drive there."

Jiang Qingyue was overjoyed immediately, she didn't expect that the master would really agree to have dinner with him, she waved her hands excitedly and shouted: "Thank you, master."

Lin Fei was too lazy to talk to him.

This little girl... this young man is not bad in nature, besides, he has a lot of connections with him.Although his personality and appearance disliked him, it didn't hurt.

A group of people set off in a mighty manner. At first glance, it seemed that there were only two men, Wang Ping and Lin Fei, and the rest were women.

The three of them drove to the Chunxi Road area, and it was still early.

So the women proposed to go shopping, and Jiang Qingyue quickly agreed: "Okay, okay."

Looking at him like that, he seemed to be more excited than the women.

"Don't get involved with them," Lin Fei tugged at his ears, as if he was educating the younger generation, "They just want to bring you down."

Jiang Qingyue yelled "Aiya, aiya", as if being wrung in pain.

Wang Ping's whole body was messed up in the wind, and he couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Sixth Young Master, you are a strong man in the late Yuanying period! The ancestor is useless, what's your name?"

Didn't you see the eyes of the people around you looking at this side?

I beg you to accept your supernatural powers and bypass us!

Jiang Qingyue suddenly realized: "That's right, it doesn't seem to hurt either."

Wang Ping almost suffocated on the spot, and even had the outrageous idea of ​​"or strangle the sixth son to death".

Lin Fei angrily tapped Jiang Qingyue's forehead which was as clean as jade, and it hurt, making his forehead turn red instantly, and tears welled up in his eyes.

As the grandmother, Ji Yaoguang finally softened her heart: "Don't cry, don't cry, the grandmother will take you to buy perfume."

Lin Fei glanced at her helplessly.

Originally, I wanted to educate this man, take him to see the man's clothes and see if he can be saved.

Didn't Ji Yaoguang lead him further and further down the wrong path?

Jiang Qingyue was immediately coaxed, and said happily: "Okay, okay!"

Lin Fei resisted the urge to kick him into the sky, and was too lazy to talk to him.

Forget it, he doesn't live up to himself, so I still care about him?

Ji Yaoguang was generous, and took Jiang Qingyue directly to the Chanel store, intending to let him pick out a few styles.

If Jiang Qingyue had difficulty choosing, it would be even easier - just buy all the styles.

What surprised Lin Fei was that he met an acquaintance here.

Han Enci.

Even though it had been a long time since I saw him, Lin Fei still had a deep impression on him.

As the general manager of Ji's Group, he once stood on the opposite side of Lin Fei and Ji Yaoguang, and at least it was the end of his family's decline.As a result, this guy firmly chose to stand on Lin Fei's side. He was once considered crazy, but later proved his unique vision.

His choice brought the Han family to glory, in stark contrast to the defeated Song family, and made people in the circle praise it.

Now the Song family has become a thing of the past, but the Han family is still a big deal in the business world.

Call it witty.

Han Enci was dressed extremely coquettishly, in a pink and white suit, and her hair was combed meticulously.A pair of shiny leather shoes, a pair of sunglasses on his face, and a Vacheron Constantin watch on his wrist.

The most important thing is that today, with the recovery of spiritual energy, he has also practiced to the level of Qi training.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Lin Fei, and then quickly took off his glasses, almost as excited as seeing his long-lost father: "Brother Fei! Oh no, Tianzun! Long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Lin Fei's prestige in the cultivation world is too great, it's hard for him not to know.In the past, he tried every means to establish a good relationship with him through Ji Yaoguang, but he was rejected.

"Give way." Lin Fei said lightly, obviously not interested in chatting with him.

Han Enshi stepped aside in embarrassment, but still followed them: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Qingyue thought he was a friend of her master, so she said, "Go buy perfume."

Han Enci subconsciously glanced at him.

Then the eyes looked straight, almost shining.


This skin, this face, this temperament, this dress, it's so fucking perfect!

"Well, little sister, can brother add you to WeChat?" Han Enci was like a wolf with a big tail, unable to hold back at all.

Ji Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, then whispered to Lin Fei and asked, "Shall we remind him?"

Lin Fei said casually, "No need."

Wait for him to toss.

Maybe Jiang Qingyue is bigger than him under her skirt.

Absolutely "surprise".

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