I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 383 The Incarnation

Ao Han stepped on the back of the black-robed man's head, and said lightly: "Only your dog is still useful."

Although the black-robed man has a low level of cultivation, he single-handedly contributed to the advent of sprites and the birth of the black flame fire phoenix demon corpse.

Faced with such humiliating words, the man in black swallowed his saliva, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Third Young Master, for your compliment!"

Aohan continued: "If you want to live, let me hear your next plan."

The man in black didn't dare to neglect, and immediately said: "I have already found out that Zhang Xiaoling in Qingcheng Mountain is the reincarnation of the immortal Zhang Daoling. He can replace Ji Yaoguang to form the power of heaven and form a part of reincarnation!"

"In addition, the sprites also pulled out the Earth Extinguishing Sword. I don't know how far their cultivation has reached."

Ao Han thoughtfully said: "Has he not done anything to Lin Fei yet?"

The black-robed man gritted his teeth and said, "The sprites have always acted cautiously. After that sword strike back then, I was afraid that I would be extremely afraid of Lin Fei and dare not act rashly."

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so it is reasonable for him to worry about Lin Fei's cards.

Aohan put his feet down, and said with a sneer: "Then release the news about Zhang Xiaoling. Isn't the sprite yearning for power now? The reincarnated body of a fairy is attractive enough, isn't it?"

The man in black hurriedly asked: "What does the third son mean, let them fight to the death, and let us reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

"No, you're wrong." Aohan took a deep look at him and corrected him, "I just want to lure snakes out of their holes and catch them all in one go."

The heart of the man in black couldn't stop beating wildly, and he couldn't hide his horror.

A Zhang Xiaoling and a monster are unimaginably terrifying existences!

Aohan actually wanted to deal with two people at the same time?

Even if he is the third son of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, this is too shocking.

Should it be said that he is arrogant and overconfident, or that he is a bold and talented person?

Aohan ignored the man in black robe's thoughts, turned his right hand, and a long sword surging with devilish energy appeared in his palm.

Around this long sword, even the space is twisting.

With a flick of his hand, he actually tore apart the void and opened up a passage.

Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword!

Ao Han's figure stepped into it, and the void channel suddenly disappeared, as if it had never been born.

But in the Phoenix Mountain Douque Palace, an unexpected guest ushered in.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ao Han, all the disciples of Dou Que Palace were confused.

"Who are you?!"

"How did you show up?"

"Why trespass on my Douque Palace?"

A group of disciples pulled out their swords one after another, and surrounded him, looking like their swords were on edge.

However, Ao Han turned a blind eye to it, and just asked indifferently: "Who is Su Caiwei?"

Su Caiwei frowned slightly, and had an ominous premonition in her heart, secretly thinking that the comer might not be good.

She unfolded a white shimmering seal symbol.

"No matter who you are, please leave Douque Palace quickly and don't force me to take action!" Su Caiwei said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Sealing Talisman?" Ao Han not only showed no nervousness, but even smiled, "It's interesting."

"Is it Princess Longji or Boy Biyun?" He looked calm and made a gesture of invitation.

There was an uproar in Dou Que Palace!

What is the background of this man?

Why was he not afraid at all when he clearly saw the seal talisman in the hands of the palace lord?

Are you kidding me, it is the incarnation of Biyun boy's ray of primordial spirit!

Su Caiwei's complexion changed, and she didn't dare to hesitate any more, and cut her finger with her nails.Immediately, she used her finger as a pen and blood as ink, and quickly wrote an ancient blood character on the seal talisman: Solution!

In an instant, this sealing talisman burned rapidly, jumping with strange white flames.Wisps of green smoke gathered together, distorting the space.

The sky suddenly darkened, with ten thousand leaden clouds hanging down.

The heavy snow like goose feathers is falling like a blanket, and the sky and the earth are vast.

Amidst the wind and snow, a figure formed by the condensed dim light gradually manifested.

It was boy Biyun.

"Su Caiwei of Douque Palace sees Boy Biyun, please take this boy down!" Accompanied by Su Caiwei taking the lead in kneeling and saluting, a large area of ​​Douque Palace fell to his knees.

The only ones who were still standing were the incarnation of Biyun Boy and Aohan whose face remained unchanged.

Boy Biyun's eyes were as cold as frost, and he looked at Aohan with a sneer: "I think I'm some kind of extraordinary existence, so I'm just an ant in the late stage of Nascent Soul."

As soon as he flicked his sleeves, there was an ice dragon roaring and rushing towards Aohan in front of him.The icy white mist spread vastly, and the ice dragon seemed to freeze people's souls.

Everyone in Dou Que Palace cheered up immediately, looking forward to the fact that this overreaching lunatic would be turned into ashes under the hands of Boy Biyun.

Aohan shook his head and slapped out a palm.


The demonic energy billowed, and a huge "seal" character condensed by black light shot directly at the ice dragon.

The ice dragon let out a roar of shock and anger in an instant, and its size shrank rapidly, before finally dissipating in the air.

Not only that, the huge "Feng" character illuminated by the magic light on the entire Phoenix Mountain remained undiminished, and it directly shot at Biyun Boy.

"Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art?!" Biyun boy let out a scream, his eyes were already tearing apart.His whole body was covered with black ice armor, and he suddenly resisted with the ice white palm.

He slapped both palms at the same time, and two blazing and icy divine lights as thick as a bucket tore apart the void in an instant.

Ordinary strong people in the late stage of Nascent Soul, as long as they are slightly hit, they can only be turned into ice sculptures on the spot, and then burst into pieces in an instant.

However, the Aohan in front of him was beyond everyone's imagination.

The word "Feng" moved forward relentlessly, annihilating the icy white cold air inch by inch, so much so that Boy Biyun roared angrily, and slammed his hands on it.


While the mountain was shaking and the ground was shaking, just the slightest fluctuations from it swept away the entire Phoenix Mountain crowd, looking in disarray.

"No!" Boy Biyun uttered an unwilling and aggrieved roar, and his figure shrank rapidly, and was directly photographed on the mountain wall by the word "Feng".


Biyun Boy, who was only the size of a palm, appeared on the mountain wall in the form of a carved pattern.Not only that, but there is also a "seal" character with magic light flowing on it to seal it.

The ups and downs of Phoenix Mountain were suddenly plunged into a terrified panic.

"how can that be?!"

"How could Boy Biyun's Yuanshen incarnation be sealed!"

"The boy said the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art earlier, could it be that he is from the Heavenly Demon Palace?!"

Su Caiwei's face was also pale, and she felt despair from the bottom of her heart.

"How did you do it?" She gritted her silver teeth and asked tremblingly.

"Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art restrains all primordial spirits, let alone just a wisp of primordial spirit incarnation?" Aohan put his hands behind his back, showing a sneering smile.

"How can you guess the formula created by the gods?"

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