I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 384 Contact Tianzun!

Biyun boy's soul avatar is very strong.

Ao Han knew in his heart that if he met him head-on with his own cultivation, he would only end up being killed in a flash.

But it is a pity that although this incarnation of the primordial spirit is powerful, its existence itself is too weak.

Often it doesn't need to be dealt with by others, and it should disappear after one or two manifestations.

As long as you have the means to seal it, it will be easy to deal with it—just like it was imprisoned in the sealing talisman before.

It is precisely because they have searched all over the world, and it is difficult to find a means to seal the incarnation of the primordial spirit, that they are so powerful.It almost made contemporary monks tremble and despair, deeply feeling how terrible the background of "relationship households" is.

It's a pity that the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art is successful in practice, and this is the method.

Aohan's goal is not to destroy the incarnation of the primordial spirit, Boy Biyun, and he can't do it, but it doesn't affect him to seal this obstructive guy.

"Who are you?" Su Caiwei took a deep breath, accepted the reality, and looked at him fixedly.

"The third disciple of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, Ao Han." Ao Han said lightly, without concealing the pride in mentioning his identity.


There was an uproar in the audience, as if a pot had exploded.

A direct disciple of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, and the third oldest existence!

Rumor has it that all the disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Palace in the past are comparable to the suzerain of a party in the contemporary cultivation world, but they are strong men who can turn clouds and rain with one hand and stand tall in the cultivation world.There are even several cases where the suzerain of the blessed land of the cave died at the hands of the direct disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Palace!

No matter how many talents and talents there are in the Heavenly Demon Shrine, there are only seven people who can be accepted as personal disciples in the end!

Even if it is only a slight difference, ranking eighth will miss such a great opportunity.

"Palace Master, we will fight him!" Su Mingyue gritted her silver teeth and said decisively.

"Necessary? It's just a death for nothing." Ao Han shook his head and looked at Su Caiwei, "My target is not them, just die."

Everyone in Dou Que Palace immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, many of them even lowered their heads and stopped talking.

It is clear.

If Ao Han didn't kill them all, they were actually unwilling to force their way to death.

When Su Caiwei heard this, she let go of her tightly hanging heart, looked at Ao Han seriously and asked: "Is this true?"

Aohan said indifferently: "The weak did not question my rights."

Everyone felt extremely aggrieved and clenched their fists tightly.

Su Caiwei's status in their hearts is still very high, and she belongs to their respected teacher.Now this kind of scene where people are swords and I am fish, after all, they are very unwilling.

Unfortunately, they can't do anything.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Su Caiwei took a deep breath, and aimed the Shuiyun sword at the center of her eyebrows.

The point of the sword rested on the smooth and jade-like forehead, and the bright red blood flowed down like a small snake.

"I have one more question," she began.

"Say." Aohan became a little impatient.

"Aren't you afraid of Lin Fei?" Su Caiwei asked.

"If he hinders me, kill him too." Ao Han said decisively.

Su Caiwei smiled, but the meaning in it was a bit deep, which made him confused.


The Shuiyun sword pierced through Su Caiwei's forehead, revealing a blood-stained blade of ice soul from the back of her head.

Once the number one powerhouse in the ancient martial arts world.

The talent is unsurpassed in the contemporary era, and he can be called a human genius with luck in the ancient martial arts world.

In this way, the fragrance disappears and the jade dies.

"Palace Master!"


Everyone's mournful cries came from Douque Palace, and everyone surrounded the place where she fell to the ground, screaming.

"Although his strength is humble, he is still a hero among women." Ao Han nodded slightly, showing a hint of approval.

Su Qing lost his mind almost instantly, and immediately let out a roar: "I'll kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, she flew forward and stabbed Aohan's chest with a sword.

Aohan cast a sidelong glance at her, and stood motionless on the spot.

"Crack!" The Xuanbing long sword in Su Qing's hand unexpectedly shattered the moment it touched him, turning into pieces and shooting towards the air in all directions, making a sharp sound that hurt people's eardrums.

She turned pale as paper in an instant, realizing what a stupid thing she had done because of her anger.

Aohan stretched out two fingers, Su Qing was so frightened that he closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate, trembling all over.

"Don't!" Su Mingyue exclaimed in an instant, and begged on her knees, "She was just impulsive, and I beg senior to spare her life!"

Aohan tapped Su Qing's forehead lightly with two fingers, making the latter's mind go blank.

However, the imagined pain and death did not come.

Su Qing opened her eyes in shock, and saw Aohan cut out a space passage, leaving only her back.

"That's all. I promised Zhao Xuanqing that you can kill up to ten people a day, so you're lucky." Ao Han laughed and disappeared along with the space passage.

Su Qing's feet softened, and he sat down on the ground directly.

She didn't know who Zhao Xuanqing was, she only knew that she had saved her life.

But right now.

A space passage suddenly appeared in front of her, and Ao Han's frightening figure reappeared in front of everyone.

Su Qing, who had just relaxed, suddenly tightened the string in his heart, feeling like he was about to collapse in an instant.

"Third Young Master!" Su Mingyue was extremely flustered, and said in a trembling voice, "You promised Palace Master Su Caiwei to let me off from Douque Palace! Besides, didn't you say before that you can kill up to ten people a day?!"

Aohan smiled with great interest: "I promised Su Caiwei, but it's a pity that someone took the initiative to seek death."

"Also, I remembered. Su Caiwei died of suicide. I didn't take any action. I only killed nine people today."

"Including you," he looked at Su Qing, the smile on his face became more playful, "exactly ten."

After finishing the words, Aohan stretched out his finger and pointed out a black light.

It was as fast as lightning, and no one present could react!


Su Qing's protective qi shattered directly, a finger-thick blood hole appeared on his forehead, and he fell to the ground with a "plop".

Everyone in Dou Que Palace was horrified and terrified, dared not speak out.

Only then did Aohan cut out a space passage and left.

Su Mingyue trembled all over, looking at the two corpses on the ground, tears welled up in her eyes.

She pursed her lips, and finally spit out four words: "Contact Tianzun!"

With their strength, revenge is simply wishful thinking, and they can only rely on Lin Fei.

And the other side.

Aohan directly appeared in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and hexagonal crystals appeared in the palm of his hand.

Representing the "humane" side, there is Su Caiwei's fairy-like pattern, exuding a divine light.

Ao Han didn't know.

Right in the Heavenly Demon God Palace, there is a pair of eyes watching all this through the bronze profound light mirror.

The owner of those eyes had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes were narrowed into slits.

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