I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 393 Brother Shimada

Everyone was terrified, and immediately thought of the previous vision of heaven and earth sharing sorrow.

Earlier, someone bit the bullet and speculated whether it might be the fall of the sprite ancestor.As a result, it naturally attracted glaring gazes, and was scolded and scolded so hard that he couldn't lift his head up.

But no matter what, everyone has such worries in their hearts.

And when the matter was confirmed, they still felt heavy in their hearts, and also found it hard to imagine that the sprite ancestor would make such a choice.

"Why, you didn't respond, are you questioning me?" Lin Xinyu said coldly, and the entire hall was filled with terrifying killing intent.

Everyone was terrified, and even felt pain like a knife cutting through their bodies.

Mandala was the first to react, kowtowed again and said loudly: "See the suzerain!"

A group of Shadow Sect members followed closely and shouted in unison: "See the Sect Master!"

At the same time, above the East China Sea, where Lin Xinyu stayed before.

The two Japanese ninjas arrived first, and Dang even frowned.

"It's a step late." As the younger brother, Shimada Ichiken said in a deep voice.

"Since you missed it, don't get too entangled." Brother Shimada said resolutely, "Going to Huaxia to kill Lin Fei is the business."

Inada Yijian let out a "hmm".

Two huge dragon souls, one black and one white, suddenly appeared under the two of them, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the world.

But just after the two flew not far away, they met a group of Huaxia monks.

This group of Huaxia monks are practitioners of the Shushan Sword Sect, most of whom are disciples of the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core Realm, and accompanied the head "Xuanguang Daoist" to go out to sea to experience demons.As a result, they saw an astonishing vision in the East China Sea, and everyone planned to go to find out.

When Master Xuanguang and the Shimada brothers met, they were both slightly startled, somewhat surprised.

The Shimada brothers used the secret ninja method to hide their aura, and Xuanguang Zhenren hadn't seen it in his spiritual consciousness before, so he was naturally a little surprised this time, knowing that he had met a master.

And looking at the appearance of the two Japanese ninjas, riding a dragon soul underneath them, I was even more surprised.

The Shimada brothers had long been aware of the existence of the Shushan Sword Sect group, but it was only after they met that they found out that there was also a real person named Xuanguang.The two brothers obtained the Dragon Soul this time because of their arrogance and arrogance. They didn't expect that there would be a strong man in Huaxia who could not be noticed by their divine sense.

"Master, why are these two Japanese people riding Dragon Soul?!"

"Yeah, isn't that the soul of our Chinese beast?"

The disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect were extremely shocked, and there was an uproar at once.

"Quiet!" Daoist Xuanguang has white beard, white eyebrows and white hair, wearing a white robe, with a bone-like demeanor, and his whole person has a sense of calm and prestige.

As soon as he opened his mouth this time, all the Shushan disciples immediately fell silent.

"Dare to ask the two fellow Taoists, have you ever seen the person who created the previous vision?" Master Xuanguang's lips did not move, but the meaning of divine thoughts resounded through the world.His eyes were serious, and he didn't dare to relax in the slightest when facing the two of them.

Shimada Isshin, who was carrying a longbow, also did not move his lips, just smiled and sent out a divine thought: "We two brothers are also late, we have never seen each other."

Master Xuanguang once again asked in a deep voice with his spiritual thoughts: "The two fellow Taoists are in such a hurry, what is the matter?"

His thoughts are very straightforward.That is, if the two of them have plans for Huaxia, then he will kill them.

Shimada Yijian sneered, and was about to go to Huaxia to kill Lin Fei, but he heard his brother continue to laugh and say: "There is nothing else, but to visit a friend in Huaxia."

Shimada Yijian seemed to understand his brother Shimada Isshin's thoughts, and suddenly fell silent.

"Oh?" Daoist Xuanguang refused to let go, his face was still full of doubts, "Which fellow Taoist would you like to call on, can you tell me?"

Shimada Yixin said without hesitation: "Lin Fei."

Master Xuanguang's heart was shocked, and he looked at the two in surprise.

Two Dongying people actually went to pay a visit to Wansheng Tianzun?However, Wansheng Tianzun has traveled all over the world, and it seems that it is not surprising that there are disciples and descendants anywhere.

"So that's it. I'm also going to pay my respects to the Ten Thousand Saints. Can fellow Taoists go with me?" Master Xuanguang didn't know whether the words of the two people were true or not, so he decided to follow them.

Once the two of them do anything wrong, they will kill them!

"Master?" Shushan disciple asked in surprise, but was interrupted by his solemn eyes.

"It's my wish to be with seniors." Shimada Yixin said.

Master Xuanguang responded, and then ordered all the disciples to return to Mount Shu immediately without any mistakes.

However, at this moment, the Shimada brothers gave each other a wink.

Then, one left and one right, brazenly launched an attack on Master Xuanguang with the momentum of thunder!

The two dragon souls roared, and the mighty dragon power swept across.A group of disciples in the Foundation Establishment Realm immediately screamed and exploded into blood mist.

And the disciples in the Golden Core Realm also turned pale, and they fell from the sky together with a flying sword.

"Evil animal! If I knew you had evil intentions, I will act for the heavens today!" Master Xuanguang yelled violently, his whole body was full of swords, like a sword of heaven and man covering his whole body.

The members of the Shushan Sword Sect cheered up immediately, feeling that the sect leader was like an immortal, who would definitely kill the two Japanese ninjas.

Master Xuanguang held the Xuanguang mirror in his left hand to shine on the black dragon, and the flying sword in his right hand came out, turning into a streamer and attacking the white dragon.


A white aura as thick as a bucket burst out from the Xuanguang Mirror, which actually caused the black dragon to let out a roar of surprise and anger.It made a "chi chi" sound all over its body, twisting its body in pain, wanting to retreat.

But the flying sword was firmly grasped by the white dragon with sharp claws, and then burst into pieces with a "click".

Master Xuanguang's flying sword was destroyed, and a mouthful of blood protruded suddenly, and he staggered in the air, his face showing pain.

"Master!" Everyone in Shushan panicked.

"Brother, be careful of the mirror in his hand, it's an extraordinary treasure!" Shimada Yixin said.

After his words fell, Master Xuanguang shouted angrily, held the Xuanguang mirror with both hands, and shined on Bailong again.

Shimada Yijian was prepared, and immediately ordered Bailong to retreat.

After some confrontation, Master Xuanguang was finally no match for the two teaming up, and soon the body guard's sword shattered, and his body was covered in blood.

He gasped violently, bit his tongue immediately, and spit blood on the mirror.

Blood from the tip of the tongue is equivalent to blood from the heart.

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that Master Xuanguang is going to use the ruthless move of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

However, at this moment, Shimada's sword appeared beside him, and the sword in his hand chopped off.


Blood spurted.

Xuanguang's left arm was connected to the Xuanguang mirror and fell towards the sea.


Amid the terrified shouts of Shushan disciples, the black dragon swallowed Master Xuanguang in one gulp.

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