I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 394 Shimada Castle


Seeing Master Xuanguang's defeat and demise, the expressions of all Shushan disciples changed drastically, and they fell into panic.

Shimada Yixin shook his head, and said lightly: "I thought I had bumped into some kind of powerful person, but it turned out to be so vulnerable. He's just a useless trash."

A Shushan disciple was emotionally agitated, and immediately retorted angrily: "Killing people is nothing more than a nod, and you insult my head with more victories than less, what kind of heroes are you?"

"Yes," someone echoed with righteous indignation, "Master Xuanguang is the head of my Shushan Sword Sect, and he is a first-class powerhouse even in the Chinese cultivation world. If you fight alone, you are no match for the head!"

Shimada Yixin smiled: "Shushan Sword Sect? Haha, so he is the head of Shushan Sword Sect? I have heard of Shushan Sword Immortals, and they are known as one of the strongest sects in China. I really didn't expect that this is the sect of China. The strongest?"

Shimada Yijian even disdainfully said: "It turns out that the Chinese cultivation world is nothing more than that, it's a bunch of trash! If we think about it, the two of us join forces, and it will be easy to level your Chinese cultivation world!"

"Such pigs actually occupy a land with such abundant spiritual energy resources, I think it's better to kill them all!"

All the Shushan disciples' expressions changed drastically when they heard this, and they didn't care about whether they were dead or not, so they cursed out of embarrassment.

"How can I be underestimated by mere two frogs in a well?"

"As long as a hermit powerhouse jumps out of a blessed place, you will be wiped out!"

Shimada Yijian sneered, looked down at them and said, "Zhuyi should have the consciousness of being slaughtered, and dare to make noise in front of me?"

A handsome female disciple gritted her teeth tightly and said angrily, "If you want to be fierce in China, you will surely bring disaster to Dongpu beyond redemption! With Master Lin Fei here, you are looking for your own death!"

Shimada put his hands behind his back, and said contemptuously: "Wansheng Tianzun? Haha, what a big name! Now what kind of cat or dog dares to call himself Tianzun? I think you Chinese people are always arrogant and arrogant, and you can't figure out the situation at all. .”

After his words fell, everyone in the Shushan Sword Sect was dumbfounded.

This Dongying person... seems to have no idea what Wansheng Tianzun really means, but he thinks it is a self-proclaimed title by an ordinary monk?

"It seems that you guys really believe in this Lin Fei," Shimada Yijian sneered, "Coincidentally, we are about to kill him. It's a pity, you pigs, I'm afraid you will die to see all this!"

After his words fell, the white dragon behind him roared suddenly, opened its huge mouth and sucked in.


The sea water set off huge waves, and the space seemed to be distorted under the strong attraction.The clouds in the sky and the surging sea water were sucked into the white dragon's mouth in a spiral shape, as if forming a vortex.

Amidst the screams of these Shushan disciples, they were all swallowed up by the white dragon, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

Shimada Yixin stretched out his hand to hold it in the void, and immediately took the Xuanguang Mirror into his hand.The magic weapon of the mirror has long been recognized by Master Xuanguang with a drop of blood, but Shimada mobilized the power of the dragon soul wholeheartedly, and even erased the restriction of Master Xuanguang casually.

Then he bit his index finger and dripped blood on the mirror, making it shine again.

"This mirror is a good thing, but it's a pity that it fell into the hands of that kind of pig. It's a waste of money." Shimada Yixin sneered and put it away.

Shimada Yijian's eyes were burning, and greedy light shone in his eyes: "Senior brother, there are many such treasures in China. There are many panaceas among all kinds of paradise..."

Shimada Yixin burst out laughing, and said happily, "God will not take it, but take the blame instead. Since the Huaxia cultivation world is just a bunch of mobs, then these things naturally belong to you and my brother!"

"It's just a matter of priority, you and I still need to deal with that Lin Fei first."

"That's right," Shimada Yijian nodded and said, "He has the God of Heavenly Dragon beside him, if he can swallow it, then..."

The two brothers looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

At this moment, the two arrogant brothers have already regarded the Huaxia cultivation world as a pig farm.

Now, it's time to kill the pig for the meat.


The two Shimada brothers made too much noise, they rushed across the sky of Huaxia as if entering no one's land, and on the way they even drove the dragon soul to destroy a practice sect.

Even the head of the Shushan Sword School in the late Yuanying period, holding the Xuanguang mirror, was instantly killed in the hands of the two, let alone others?

After the two brothers came to Feiyun Villa, Shimada Yijian sat on the dragon soul, and immediately shouted arrogantly: "Lin Fei, Ying Long, come out quickly and die!"

Shimada Yixin frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled: "It's enough to release the dragon soul to annex this mountain, why bother?"

Shimada Ichiken laughed, and said with great interest: "Brother, how boring is that? Don't you think it would be interesting to see him get frightened and kneel down to beg for mercy?"

Shimada shook his head wholeheartedly, but didn't refute anything.

Lin Fei flew up into the air, and when he saw the two of them, he showed a hint of disgust, and sneered, "It's not enough for the two waves of intruders, Chaoxiang Palace and Abe, to die. You Shimada family also want to come and die?"

Shimada Yijian laughed, and said disapprovingly: "Asaka Gong Wentai and Abe Xincun? What are they, and they deserve to be compared with our brothers? Speaking of this, I have to thank you for helping us solve this group of waste. A lot of work."

"Now the two of us brothers have dragon souls, let alone you, I don't even care about the entire Chinese cultivation world!"

Ji Yaoguang showed a look of astonishment, and blinked her bright eyes, wondering whether these two guys had something wrong with their brains.

Or to put it bluntly, this style of clamoring to die is a bit...retarded.

"I'm too lazy to have the same knowledge as you in the cultivation world of Japan." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a coldness like the ice of the extreme north flashed in his eyes, "but since you are stubborn and want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Shimada Yijian was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he burst out laughing, thinking that Lin Fei didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and dared to speak nonsense when he was about to die.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped laughing, his eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of shock.


The surrounding scenes were changing rapidly, and when the Shimada brothers reacted, their hearts were beating wildly.

This is a place full of cherry trees, and people in ninja costumes can be seen everywhere.

Shimada Castle.

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