I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 427: Broken Sword Silent

The clouds above the palace collapsed in an instant.

"Hiss!" Sect Master Huoyun gasped, deeply feeling the horror of the two.

Thanks to the fact that the two of them were fighting in the Heavenly Demon Arena, otherwise, this wave of fluctuations would affect many monks present, and it was hard to say how much it would be hurt.

In the eyes of everyone, the figures of the two looked like a battle between immortals and demons, earth-shattering.

Su Tianshuang's hair crown was already broken, and her long black hair danced violently in the wind.He exuded a tragic and terrifying aura, stepped on the void, and attacked one after another with the Heavenly Demon Fan in his hand.

Lin Fei, on the other hand, countered with the Sword of Immortal Execution, and when the blades intersected, they continuously emitted earth-shattering roars, making the void tremble endlessly.

Su Tianshuang was violent and fierce, while Lin Fei was calm and indifferent, forming a stark contrast.

"The light in the jade pot turns." Lin Fei muttered silently in his heart, and the surrounding space once again had strange distortions and fluctuations.

However, Su Tianshuang showed a strange smile, compressed and closed the demon domain, and instantly fixed the surrounding space, making the void as solid as an indestructible barrier!

"The same trick will not work against me the second time!" He yelled violently, and the demon fan in his hand cut out a crescent-shaped black lingtian demon light.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and blocked with his sword.


With a loud noise, his figure immediately flew backwards.

Su Tianshuang took advantage of the momentum and slapped Lin Fei. With a "boom", the devilish energy surged out, and a huge "Heaven" character slapped Lin Fei directly.

"A flash of spring thunder!" Lin Fei murmured again in his heart, and the purple thunder and lightning that was as thick as a bucket instantly wrapped around Zhu Xian in his hand, and came out like a mad dragon.


At the same time as the word shattered, everyone present let out an exclamation, and even Lin Fei showed a hint of surprise.

Because at Su Tianshuang's side, there are 99 black mad dragons circling and dancing.


The sound of the dragon's roar was densely integrated into one piece, which made people's eardrums hurt.

The 99 black flame dragons roared, staring at Lin Fei with majestic pupils.

The Heavenly Demon dances wildly!

Even Lin Fei didn't expect that Su Tianshuang in front of him could comprehend such a profound trick in "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art".

If Lin Fei showed his true strength, not to mention the realm of the Immortal Emperor, even at the early stage of transformation, he would be enough to crush Su Tianshuang.

But now he is playing "nameless".

Does Wuming have any tricks, can he break the sky demon mad dance?

"Wu Ming, it's still too late to admit defeat. I don't blame the past, as long as you pass on all the tricks you know to me after you enter the Demon Palace!" Su Tianshuang's eyes were burning, with the calmness and arrogance of a sure chance of victory, "It's comparable to "The Demon of Heaven" The succession of "Shen Gong" to fight for the hegemony, this is barely worthy of my son's talent!"

Su Tianshuang felt that he was extraordinarily kind.

After all, the other party hurt his face, which is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world.

It's not too much to ask him to hand over the inheritance as compensation, right?

"I'll talk after you win." Lin Fei smiled slightly and said.

Everyone present was stunned.

Could it be that he still has any means to fight against the Heavenly Demon Kuangyanwu?

You know, this is a terrifying killing technique that can destroy a sect in a single thought!Even if there are thousands of troops, they will be turned into ashes in an instant, let alone bear it by one person?

"Then you are courting death." Su Tianshuang sneered, but suddenly his expression changed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was also blood flowing out of his nose.

Even Su Tianshuang could hardly bear the backlash from the Heavenly Demon Transformation.

A look of determination flashed in his eyes, and it seemed that he was about to hold on to the final state of the Heavenly Demon to launch this fatal blow.

"Fifth Senior Sister!" Jiang Qingyue became anxious.

"No rush," Liu Meng narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, "Look at this nameless face."

Jiang Qingyue showed surprise, and found that "Wu Ming"'s expression was as calm as water, as if he still had some hole cards.

How can this be? !

"Heavenly Demon—"

Su Tianshuang gritted his teeth, blood seeped out from between his teeth, and stretched out a hand.

"Flame Dance!"

He clenched his palms tightly, and the 99 flaming dragons let out a terrifying roar, and attacked Lin Fei violently.

"It's over!"

"Nameless is doomed!"

"Why do you have to be so brave, that's the Heavenly Demon Furious Flame Dance in the state of Heavenly Demon Transformation!"

"Oh, it's a pity, the Chinese cultivation world has lost a peerless genius..."

Such thoughts flashed through everyone's minds.

And Lin Fei's reaction made everyone feel deeply desperate.

Because he actually put down his sword-holding hand, only smiled and looked at the terrifying killing move coming at him, his pupils reflected the ferocious figure of 99 flaming mad dragons.

It seems to be waiting for death calmly.

But at this moment, a strange and frightening change happened.

In the Heavenly Demon Arena, it seemed to be a vacuum, and no sound could be transmitted.

In Lin Fei's sight, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

Su Tianshuang maintained the momentary movement of drinking violently, all the veins on his neck were exposed, his Adam's apple was lifted up, but no sound came out;

The 99 wild dragons bared their teeth and danced their claws, making a roaring appearance, but they were also silent and silent;

The surrounding winds were surging enough to lift the mountains into the air, but there was not a whistling sound of the wind.

follow closely.

The 99 wild dragons were torn apart neatly, and if thousands of invisible sword qi exploded from the inside, they would almost be shattered into pieces in an instant!

Lin Fei's body-protecting sword gang also shattered in an instant, his body was covered with fine sword marks, and his clothes were torn, flying away like butterflies.Dense sword marks emerged, and blood flowed out.

Su Tianshuang's pupils contracted sharply, and he suffered injuries almost identical to Lin Fei's.As the person involved, he clearly felt that he seemed to have turned into a sword.

This is a very strange feeling.

Not only that, even the 99 mad dragons that were torn apart earlier also have a meaning like a sword.

It is obviously not a sword, but it is forcibly labeled with the attribute label of "sword", which is simply arrogant and unreasonable, and dominates the world!

And Lin Fei is the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, ordering the "swords" in the entire space to break apart, explode, and self-disintegrate and destroy!

The slow-motion images in Lin Fei's pupils disappeared in an instant, and Su Tianshuang spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew out backwards.


He fell hard on the square beside the palace, and the demon fan in his hand also came out, blood staining the tattered and tattered golden clothes red.

The word "magic" on the center of Su Tianshuang's eyebrows quickly dimmed and disappeared, and the wings on the back and the horns on the top of the head also turned into nothingness.

There was a sudden deathly silence.

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