I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 428 The Nameless Fighting "Fake Match"

Lin Fei's acting skills are too realistic, and there is a feeling of "I was too involved in the play".

He even showed pain on his face, and spit out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

Everyone saw the nameless foot stagger, and then knelt down on one knee, and stood upright on the top of the palace with a "clang" sound of the long sword in his hand, supporting his crumbling injured body.

Until now, everyone realized belatedly that there was a voice in the Demon Arena.

Lin Fei seemed to be unable to support the state of "Xuanxian Transformation" anymore, the word "Xian" between his eyebrows dimmed and dissipated, and the terrifying and vast sword field around him also collapsed.

Even so, it was enough to make people startled.

One is still on the top of the palace, and can even hold on without falling to the ground.And the other one had already flown upside down, lying in a pool of blood, life or death unknown.

In an instant, the judgment was decided.

After a short period of silence, the group of monks, whose hearts were filled with turbulent waves, couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately burst into boiling exclamations.

"What kind of trick was that earlier, and why was it so terrifying that it defeated the Heavenly Demon Kuangyan Dance of the third disciple of the Heavenly Demon Palace!"

"Did you feel it? I don't know why, but everything in the arena just now gave me the illusion of 'this is a sword' for no reason!"

"Sect Master Huoyun also feels this way? Hiss...what a terrifying killer move this is!"

"Unimaginable, impossible to guard against!"

Amidst everyone's shock and emotion, Ji Yaoguang looked at Lin Fei's "scarred" body and felt dumbfounded.

Do you want to act so realistically?

Alas, even if he pretended to be "nameless" and shocked all the powerhouses in the cultivation world, how about showing his true strength?

Looking at the figure standing with a sword, with long hair and tattered clothes flying in the wind, Liu Meng's gaze became even brighter.

The nameless in her eyes, behind her was a round of sunlight, which coated the blood-stained figure with a layer of golden brilliance.The still calm face after the war, filled with the demeanor of a strong man who is not arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat, makes one's heart sway.

The moment when Lin Fei defeated Su Tianshuang with his unpredictable killing move earlier, her heart trembled. She never expected such a result.

"It's very interesting." Liu Meng murmured, and then she showed a strange smile, stretched out her pink tongue, and licked her dry red lips.

"What's so interesting?" Jiang Qingyue was dumbfounded, and said hastily, "Fifth Senior Sister, let's see how Fourth Senior Brother is doing!"

Wang Ping also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and felt his scalp go numb.

The third young master might be dead, and the fourth young lady seemed to be interested in that man, what's the matter?

Superficial brothers and sisters?Plastic fraternity?

It's so heartbreaking!

Hong Tu frowned even more, looking at Liu Meng with a somewhat unkind expression.

Only then did Liu Meng come back to her senses, and said, "The victory and defeat have been decided, Su Tianshuang lost—"

As soon as she said this, she heard a growling and angry voice from the arena: "My son... didn't lose!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and they looked over in unison.

However, Su Tianshuang almost forced himself to stand up, holding the Heavenly Demon Fan that had turned into a paper fan.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up straight with difficulty.

Su Tianshuang's face was full of persistence, like an old man in the twilight, he stepped on the void with difficulty, and volleyed up step by step while supporting his injured body.

"How could I lose!" His voice almost came from between his teeth. Even though his figure was staggering and blood dripped from the air to the ground, he never stopped.

Liu Mengxiu frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Su Tianshuang, don't be brave, you will die!"

Su Tianshuang turned a deaf ear and continued to walk towards the top of the hall with difficulty.

Before starting the battle, he had already thought about how to surpass Wuming gracefully, and let the monks all over the world see how awesome and strong he was.Then tell Wuming with the victor's attitude, although I admire you very much, you can also be called a top genius, but it's a pity that your opponent is me.

The worst that Su Tianshuang can accept is a tie.


That would embarrass him, Su Tianshuang couldn't accept it!

All the monks present were deeply shocked by the two men in the arena.

Some people think that Su Tianshuang is overconfident and unable to see the situation clearly.There are also people who think that he has an extraordinary bearing, which is why he has the mental capital to forge ahead on the immortal road.

But no matter what, Su Tianshuang finally reached the top of the palace.

This bloody guy was in so much pain that his bones and flesh were torn apart, but he grinned and said, "What was that move earlier?"

Lin Fei looked at him solemnly, and said, "Broken Sword is silent."

"Okay," Su Tianshuang grinned, trying to maintain a graceful posture, and shook the paper fan with difficulty, "Very good, very good!"

"Now I don't have the Heavenly Demon Transformation, and you don't have the Xuanxian Transformation—come again?!"

Lin Fei sighed softly, and returned Zhu Xian's sword into the sheath with a "clang" sound: "Don't borrow weapons, just fight yourself?"

"Okay, refreshing!" Su Tianshuang snapped the paper fan together, and put it into the interspatial ring in an instant.


Almost at the same time, the person stepped on his feet, ejected violently, and launched an attack.

Lin Fei's blood was burning, and he punched Su Tianshuang fiercely.His whole body is full of sword intent, frightening and terrifying, and his majesty moves the earth!

Unstoppable, Lin Feiyong blasted Su Tianshuang several meters away, making his body that was burning with demonic blood tremble, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Seeing Lin Fei chasing after the victory, Su Tianshuang's pupils contracted sharply, and she even said in a voice transmission in a panic: "Can you save face! If you enter the magic palace like this, how will you get along with brothers?!"

"This son is such a perfect and peerless son, how embarrassing it is to lose in front of so many people!"

Lin Fei was speechless.

Emotions are so strong that they feel that losing is disrespectful and embarrassing?

Forget it, let him go.

Such a thought flashed through Lin Fei's mind, and suddenly a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.As if being injured, he showed pain on his face, and suddenly knelt down on one knee, and slapped the ground with a "slap".

Su Tianshuang was overjoyed in an instant, and secretly said, "You're a smart boy, you're pretty good at it!"

Immediately, he continued to transmit voice to Lin Fei, saying: "I will make a random move later, just pretend to be defeated by me!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Tianshuang slapped out suddenly. It seemed that the magic power was violent, but in fact it was just an empty shell-he was at the end of his strength and could only pretend.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Fei covered his chest and fell straight backwards: "Third Young Master really deserves his reputation, I'm willing to bow down!"

The whole place was stunned.

Su Tianshuang was also dumbfounded.

No, my brother, you don't play like this in fake games, do you?

I haven't hit you yet, bastard!

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