After Lin Fei fell down abruptly, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became very strange.

"What's the situation? Didn't Wuming still have the upper hand just now, why did he suddenly fall down?"

"Su Tianshuang didn't even hit him!"

"This... I suspect that Wuming is playing a match-fixing match! He is obviously better than Su Tianshuang, and now it's just a step down for him."

"What Fellow Daoist said is true. Other than that, I really can't think of any other reason. It's just that his acting skills...cough, pardon the old man, it's too clumsy..."

A group of Nascent Soul powerhouses talked a lot, and they all felt dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a shocking battle to end in such a funny way.

Su Tianshuang was extremely embarrassed, but managed to laugh a few times, and said solemnly: "Wu Ming, you are worthy of the body of the fairy sword, and you are already a powerhouse that is hard to find in the world. It's a pity, you are still a little worse than this young master. "

Lin Fei looked at him amusedly, and even cooperated a little bit, and said with emotion: "I'm ashamed, the third son really deserves his reputation, and I'm willing to bow down."

The acting of the two of them was so clumsy that it made everyone present look stupid.

No, who do you think can't see that you are playing fake matches, what are you pretending for?

"Don't be ashamed," Su Tianshuang waved his hands and said with joy, "It's an honor for you to be able to push me to this point."

Ji Yaoguang almost laughed out loud, Su Tianshuang not only acted as the winner with a cheeky face, but also didn't forget to have a wave of "commercial mutual bragging"?This is too weird, right?

The corners of Liu Meng's mouth twitched slightly, she couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately swept her sleeves away.


Su Tianshuang and Lin Fei were immediately sent out of the Demon Arena under the black light.

Lin Fei stepped on the void calmly, where did he look weak and exhausted?

On the contrary, Su Tianshuang staggered when he returned to the front of the fourth team of the Black Wind Society.Hong Tu behind him calmly launched a soft force from the air, holding Su Tianshuang in mid-air, which prevented him from falling from the air.

After Su Tianshuang noticed this, he turned his head and looked deeply at Hong Tu, showing a smile.

The latter's face was still gloomy and stern, as if he had never done anything.

"Wu Ming, I think you are very talented, would you like to join my Heavenly Demon Palace?" Liu Meng looked straight at Lin Fei who was covered in blood, without hiding the expectation in her eyes.

Not only her, but almost all the members of the Heavenly Demon Palace showed such expressions.

The body of a fairy sword, with unique skills!

The genius of the sky, even defeated the Fourth Young Master who was in the state of the Heavenly Demon Transformation!

At this moment, all eyes were on Lin Fei.Especially the group of Nascent Soul powerhouses in the Huaxia cultivation world, everyone's hearts are hanging.

Obviously, "Wu Ming" is the mainstay of China's cultivation world.Looking at all the monks present, no one can compare with them in terms of personal strength regardless of their sect background!

What's more, he is only 99 years old and has a promising future.Although the road to becoming a god is difficult and dangerous, and too many monks who are called "geniuses" have been stopped, Wuming is definitely not included.

"Hmph! A group of evil spirits are doing crooked ways. Friends Wuming is an upright swordsman, how could he join forces with you?" Sect Master Huoyun said with a sneer.

No one calls Lin Fei a "boy" anymore. No matter where he is from a big sect, he is always a "dao friend" of the same generation.

"That's right, I think the nameless Taoist friend would rather be broken than broken, this is the integrity he should have!" Nangong Xuance also put on a righteous look, and directly put a high hat on Lin Fei's head.

His idea was simple.

Not to mention the world of comprehension, even in the secular society there are many people like this - they can't see the good of others.

Although Wuming is powerful, Su Tianshuang also showed how terrifying the direct disciples of Tianmo Palace are.

There is only one Wuming in the Chinese comprehension world, but there are six disciples in Tianmo Palace.

Naturally, Nanming Xuance didn't want to keep Wuming, and prop up a sky for the Chinese cultivation world.Even if Wuming really made such a decision, it would not change the overall situation of China's weak comprehension world.Instead, he lost an excellent opportunity, and even opposed the Heavenly Demon God Palace, and there was a possibility of falling.

Many Nascent Soul cultivators looked filled with righteous indignation, angrily denouncing the wishful thinking of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Facing the moral kidnapping of "Wu Ming" by a group of monks, Liu Meng remained unmoved and only looked at Lin Fei quietly.

She was very clear.

As long as you are a smart person, you should know how to choose.

"Wu Ming is willing to join the Heavenly Demon God Palace." When Lin Fei said this, he always felt a little weird.

The sect created by my apprentice, but I still want to join it as a disciple?

Forget it, the one who joined the Tianmo Palace is "No Name", so what does it have to do with me, Lin Fei?

Liu Meng immediately showed a satisfied smile, and many people in Tianmo Palace also smiled.

On the other hand, the Chinese comprehension world changed its expression instantly, and there was an uproar.

"Wu Ming, what is your intention to collude with the Demon Palace?"

"You don't know righteousness, you should be struck by thunder!"

"I misread you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. For your own selfish desires, you have disregarded the morality of the world. Let's follow your magic palace!"

A group of people stood on the moral high ground and began to bombard Lin Fei indiscriminately.

In this way, even the way they looked at Ji Yaoguang was not right.

Ji Yaoguang was not surprised, after all, this was Lin Fei's plan.He wanted to infiltrate the Heavenly Demon Palace, firstly to kill Aohan to avenge Su Caiwei, and secondly, to see who was giving orders in the Heavenly Demon Palace in an attempt to exploit the entire Chinese cultivation world.

But at this moment, Liu Meng's face suddenly turned cold, and a bone-piercing chill spread out invisible, making everyone's hearts tremble.

"If you dare to criticize my seventh junior brother again, don't blame this lady for being merciless and killing them all without mercy!" She was quite straightforward and decisive, and she directly released extremely domineering words, which made everyone's expressions change, and they dared not speak out.

After all, the absolute dominance of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace is reflected there. Doesn't fighting against them mean courting death?

In terms of the order of disciples, the person who presides over the overall situation here should be Su Tianshuang, the fourth disciple.But at this time Liu Meng stepped in to replace Zu, and said: "All the people who are practicing the sect here listen to me, and you must not make enemies with my Heavenly Demon God Palace after you go back."

"One season needs to pay a tribute to the practice resources of the Demon Palace here. As for the amount of tribute, it is tentatively set at one-tenth of the practice resources obtained by each sect in a quarter."

The faces of all the cultivators in the audience changed. Many people clenched their teeth and clenched their fists, but they dared not complain.

But at this moment, Liu Meng smiled playfully, and suddenly said: "By the way, it's not like there is no chance to get rid of the situation of paying tribute."

"The seventh unit of the Black Wind Society has not yet formed, I think you should understand."

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