I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 443 Brand-new enchantment

Lin Fei's figure instantly disappeared into the night.

When it reappeared, it was already in Feiyun Villa outside Xiaotiandi.

The moonlight is hazy, and the sky and the earth seem to be covered with a layer of tulle.

Feiyun Villa seemed very quiet, and nothing tragic happened.

Lin Fei shook his head lightly, he didn't expect that this crazy Ao Han didn't seize the time to attack Wu Moling.

Is it because the information is not enough, I don't know that she has the mother of all spiders in her hand?Or... Ao Han discovered something that made him afraid?

"Does he know my cultivation level?" Lin Fei frowned slightly, feeling that there was no such reason.

Suddenly, he thought of Mo Yunhan, the smiling second disciple of Tianmo Palace.

It was after Ao Han came back from talking with him that he restrained his usual tough style.

Is he afraid of Mo Yunhan, worried that he will make a wedding dress for him?

Lin Fei put such thoughts behind him, went straight back to the hall, and turned on the lights.

For a moment, all the women in Feiyun Villa were startled.Seeing that it was Lin Fei, he relaxed, greeted him and asked why he suddenly thought of coming back.

"Wu Moling, someone is after your mother of all spiders." Lin Fei said.

Wu Moling showed surprise, and then said with a smile: "Master, don't worry. After the mother of all spiders devoured the soul of Yamata no Orochi, it has recovered by [-]% or [-]%. Anyone who wants to make trouble will be in front of it. There is only one dead end!"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "You think too simply."

The Mother of All Spiders is just an ordinary spider, and it's all a coincidence that she can get to where she is today.You must know that when he didn't devour Emperor Shun's flesh and blood, he was completely a small thing that could be shot to death with a shoehorn.

Wu Moling's face turned serious, and he guessed: "Could it be a direct disciple of the Heavenly Demon Palace?!"

Lin Fei nodded slightly.

The nun immediately frowned and clenched her fists secretly.She has seen the strength of the direct disciples of Tianmo Palace, which is not something she can fight now.

But it was just secretly annoyed that he couldn't help, and he didn't mean to worry.

Not only her, but everyone present.

"Tianzun, you are so confident, have you already thought of a countermeasure?" Ying Long couldn't help asking.

Lin Fei nodded and said with a smile, "I went to the cultivation market before, and bought some things."

After the words fell, he swept his sleeves away.

A white light blew past, and various things suddenly appeared on the table, exuding a faint brilliance.

Talisman paper made of cinnabar stone, angelica dahurica, spirit wine and spirit wood rich in spiritual energy.

In addition, there is a writing brush with a black light flowing from the tip, but the body of the brush has a purple shimmer, which is crystal clear and shimmers like a purple agate.

The tip of the pen is made of the hair of a wolf demon, and the body of the pen is also made of purple bamboo soaked in the aura of heaven and earth.

Although the highest grade material is the golden core material, it is a qualitative leap compared to the situation where you tore a piece of paper and wrote talismans with a signature pen.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference.

After all, using notebook paper and a signature pen to write enchantment symbols is simply unheard of. It seriously violates the law and makes the impossible possible.And the enchantment talisman written in this way can still have a defensive effect that is difficult for sprites to break through, which is unreasonable...

So what if the material is changed now?

Lin Fei asked Qiushui to fetch the inkstone, crushed the Angelica dahurica and cinnabar stones into powder and sprinkled them, then slowly poured spirit wine into it, stirred them into a paste, and mixed them thoroughly.

Immediately, he took the brush and turned it around in his hand. After soaking it in the mixture, he quickly wrote mysterious words on the talisman paper.

In an instant, the magic talisman he wrote was full of divine light, exuding an aura of sacred majesty.Even the blood-colored font above is shining, full of indescribable spirituality and Taoism.

For Lin Fei, this could barely be called an enchantment talisman.

He wrote several sheets in a row and let everyone use and wear them directly.

"Master, what kind of attack can this enchantment talisman withstand?" Wu Moling asked curiously.

"Below the realm of crossing the catastrophe, it can't hurt the wearer at all." Lin Fei said calmly.

Wu Moling's heart shook violently, and he carefully put away the brand new enchantment talisman.

Only those who are strong during the tribulation period can break through the defense!

In this way, let alone the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace, looking at the entire cultivation world today, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to break through such defenses, right?

Of course, this statement naturally excludes Lin Fei.

"By the way, I'm here to give you some things." Lin Fei said suddenly.

"What?" Wu Moling asked.

"Follow me." Lin Fei came to the backyard, and then the space ring swept out a white light.


In an instant, crystal clear white spirit stones piled up like a mountain.

He simply stunned all the women!

Not to mention Wu Moling and the four maids who "had never seen the world", even Ying Long and Nu Ba were instantly dumbfounded.

This is...too exaggerated!

Where is this pile of spiritual stones? It's simply a mountain of spiritual stones.

The secular world describes a person as rich, which can be ridiculed as "there is a mine at home".And put it here to Lin Fei, I am afraid that "there is a spiritual mountain at home."

"There are so many precious cultivation resources," Xia Yue's heart was beating wildly, feeling almost fainted by the sudden happiness, "Even a pig can cultivate into a spirit, right?"

Chunhua looked at her helplessly, and complained, "Your analogy is as bad as the strawberry pie made by an 80-year-old aunt."

Qiu Shui followed closely behind, and complained to Chunhua: "Is your analogy even more outrageous? I can't even understand it!"

There is no doubt that the spiritual stones piled up here alone are enough to make people with the worst cultivation talents break through to unimaginable realms.

Lin Fei seemed to be talking nonchalantly, and said immediately, "It's nothing. I'll go to Gao Tianyuan again in a while and collect their three major spiritual veins."

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

This is the rhythm of hollowing out Gao Tianyuan and gathering most of the spirit stones in the entire kingdom of God in Lin Fei's hands? !

Xia Yue was short of breath and felt that she was about to pass out.She quietly pinched her thigh and found it hurt.

It's not a dream!

"In another ten days or so, Jianmu will degenerate again, and the aura of heaven and earth will be filled to the limit." Lin Fei said calmly, "I think by that time, some monks who are stuck in the late stage of Nascent Soul will be able to break through to Transformed into a god."

Lin Fei didn't care at all whether those people's cultivation level improved or not.Anyway, whether Nascent Soul or Transformation God, they are just ants.

What he wants to see most is the coming of the western hell.

In order for the plane of hell to come, he even raised the level of the plane of the earth by a level.

If this is still unable to connect with the earth, then Satan is too disappointing.

"I guess Xiao Sa wouldn't be such a waste, would he?"

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