I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 444 Pretending to be Lin Kunpeng

"By the way," Lin Fei said suddenly, "Ying Long, since Chen Longxiang is your half-disciple, you can bring him here to practice if you have nothing to do."

"There is also Bai Zhan, the spirit stone here is also for him to use at will."

Hearing his tone, it seemed that he didn't take these spirit stones to heart at all.It seems that what was sent out was not a mountain of spiritual stones, but a bunch of rotten cabbage gangs that were processed wholesale...

That is to say, everyone is used to him being so magnanimous to the people around him, and others would have been scared to death.

After Lin Fei finished all this, his figure disappeared in place again, using the law of space to return directly to the Unnamed Palace.Now, because he knows the spatial coordinates of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, he can go to and from it with ease, all within a single thought.

"How is it, is Aohan in the palace?" Ji Yaoguang immediately asked when he saw him come back.

"Not here," Lin Fei's eyes flashed a chill, "and he also obliterated Zhang Xiaoling's fairy soul, leaving only human soul in his hands, it should be some kind of good luck coveting him."

Ji Yaoguang's face changed slightly, she didn't expect Zhang Xiaoling to encounter such a catastrophe.Now that the matter has happened, the immediate priority is to find Ao Han.

One is to see if Zhang Xiaoling's soul is still saved, and the other is to kill Aohan, the scourge.

"But now Aohan has disappeared without a trace, how can we find him?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't help asking.

"Tianmo Xuanguang Mirror." Lin Fei said without hesitation.

Often when members of the Heavenly Demon Palace appear, he can feel a pair of eyes peeping from the dark, presumably it is caused by such magic weapons.

Lin Fei has already figured out whose hands the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror is in.

Because Su Tianshuang, Liu Meng, and Jiang Qingyue can be ruled out first.There is no other reason. When these three people appeared at the same time, there were still people secretly watching.As a result, there are very few people who can use this magic weapon to spy on these people without being discovered.

Lin Kunpeng, the deputy palace lord, is still closing the barrier of life and death, so the possibility of him is extremely slim.

On the contrary, the second disciple Mo Yunhan...

When he appeared with everyone, Lin Fei no longer felt like being secretly watched.

"I'll go back as soon as I go." After Lin Fei finished speaking, his figure disappeared again.

In Yunhan Palace.

Mo Yunhan had already fallen asleep, but suddenly opened his eyes.A pair of squinting eyes suddenly grew cold, and he slapped out with endless violent force with a sudden palm.


Amidst a thunderous muffled sound, a black figure lightly blocked the blow.

Mo Yunhan's expression changed immediately, and he saluted immediately: "See Master! I don't know that Master is here, so please forgive me for making rash moves!"

His heart was extremely shocked, and he clearly felt the terrifying aura that was dormant in his body like a demon god.

He is vaguely wandering between Huashen and Dongxu, and even has the meaning of communication and connection with this world!

Although he couldn't see his figure clearly because of the demonic energy, in Mo Yunhan's view, his identity was clearly revealed.After all, in the Heavenly Demon Palace, there is only Lin Kunpeng, the deputy palace master, who has such a cultivation level.

Mo Yunhan didn't know, but the person in front of him was not Lin Kunpeng.

It was Lin Fei.

"It's okay." Lin Fei said hoarsely, it sounded like his throat was broken.

"Master, your voice?" Mo Yunhan was a little surprised.

"There are some problems in the cultivation, don't worry about it." Lin Fei said lightly, skipping the problem directly, "Borrow the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror for use."

Lin Fei didn't even use any self-proclaimed names. The ghost knows whether Lin Kunpeng is used to calling himself "this seat", "I", "this deity" or "this palace", so there is no need to show more clues.

Mo Yunhan's heart trembled, he didn't expect the deputy palace lord to know that the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror was in his hands.

But as a smart person, he didn't have any excuses. When he flipped his right hand, an ancient Xuanguang mirror appeared.

It's just that Mo Yunhan was still very puzzled in his heart, and didn't understand why Master suddenly wanted to use the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror.

Lin Fei took the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror, and asked without any emotion in his voice: "What is Aohan planning?"

He knew that Aohan was seeking the power of the six realms of reincarnation, but he still needed to know more information.

If it is Aohan who wants to cultivate this power, then he has nothing to fear.But if he has mastered the means to revive the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, then once he succeeds, there will be big problems.

Mo Yunhan didn't dare to hide the slightest bit, and immediately said: "Report to Master, the third junior brother has the magic crystal of the Six Paths in his hand, and is going to collect the power of reincarnation of the Six Paths to revive the Demon Lord!"

Six magic crystals?Before Yuan Gu's fall, he still left such a backhand!

Lin Fei's eyes froze slightly, and immediately activated the Heavenly Demon Xuanguang Mirror, reflecting Aohan's whereabouts.

The Tianmo Xuanguang Mirror was originally not a magic weapon for information detection, but a real killer.The only point that can be used for detection is to be able to spy on the same target as the user's cultivation method without using spiritual consciousness.

It all depends on the induction of the same origin.

It is easy for Lin Fei to use the Heavenly Demon Divine Art to mobilize it.

On the mirror surface, a picture suddenly appeared.

On the cliff under the moon, Aohan stands with a sword.He stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright moon above his head, his clothes and long messy hair fluttering in the wind.

Behind Aohan, there were no members of the third team of the Black Wind Society, not even Zhao Xuanqing.

Mo Yunhan's face changed, as if he understood something, he immediately said: "Master, please take a look at Zhao Xuanqing's situation!"

Lin Fei let out a "huh", and the images in the mirror changed one after another, quickly locking onto Zhao Xuanqing's side.

But under the cliff, all the members of the third team of the Black Wind Society vomited blood and fell to the ground.And Zhao Xuanqing suddenly put his hands on their shoulders, followed by a crisp "crack".

These members let out heart-piercing screams, their bones shattered, and their bodies shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Heavenly Demon Bone-Bone Inhalation Technique!

Zhao Xuanqing was devouring the cultivation of these members of the Black Wind Society.

Mo Yunhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

It's not that he hasn't thought about using such means to improve his cultivation, but this is something prohibited by the order of the Heavenly Demon Palace.If there is any violation, even if it is his own direct disciple, Lin Kunpeng will still kill without mercy.

If this situation is not stopped, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace will have perished in the cannibalism, and there is no possibility of development and continuation.

Now that this scene is seen by the eyes of the master, how can Zhao Xuanqing and Aohan survive?

"Master, Zhao Xuanqing violated the prohibition of the shrine, and the third junior brother did not report the knowledge and indulged him, how should we deal with it?" Mo Yunhan asked in a deep voice.

A playful light flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and he looked at Mo Yunhan and said, "I will leave it to you."

Mo Yunhan was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists together: "The disciple takes orders!"

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