"But it turned out to be an extremely rare body of a fairy sword," Fei Lian showed a greedy and crazy look, "God is helping me. If I swallow you all, I will return to the late stage of transformation!"

The more Li Changhe listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, and even the atmosphere of the seventh team of the Black Wind Society became a little flustered and uneasy.

This guy often returns to the middle or even late stage of the transformation of the gods. Could it be that he was some kind of extraordinary existence, and even now he is in the early stage of the transformation of the gods?

If this is the case, I don't know if the seventh son can handle it...

"Who the hell are you?" Li Changhe suppressed the panic in his heart and asked sharply.

"Fei Lian." Lin Fei answered calmly and took the lead.

After his words fell, the audience suddenly became terrified.

The ancient demon god, Fei Lian!

"You can recognize me? You're quite knowledgeable." Fei Lian chuckled and looked at Lin Fei, "It's a pity that your life is not good. Today is your death day!"

After the words fell, Fei Lian spread out a pair of magic wings behind him.

The black demonic energy billowed violently, rolling up behind him like a tidal wave.

The violent fluctuations emanated, and in an instant, with the loud "rumbling" sound, all the trees in the canyon were overturned and shredded.

"Everyone back down." Lin Fei pretended to be dignified, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Ji Yaoguang knew that he had started to play again, without any hesitation, she immediately retreated into the distant sky at the end of her vision.

But Li Changhe and the others still hesitated: "But, the seventh son..."

Lin Fei scolded: "Stand back! This is an order!"

"Aren't you his opponents, waiting to die here?"

Li Changhe gritted his teeth, and immediately said to the members of the Black Wind Society: "My lord has an order, step down with me!"

A group of members of the Black Wind Society also flew into the sky and hid far away.

Fei Lian didn't ask the earth to keep everyone behind, but just looked at Lin Fei with gloomy eyes, and hissed, "Heavenly Demon Transformation?"

Apparently, in the "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art" created by Lin Yuan, this move left a deep impression on him.

Being able to let a monk pass a great realm, even if it will bring an extremely terrible load and the time is limited, it is still against the sky.

Perhaps for others, the physical body can't bear it at all, even if they forcefully enter the state of demon transformation, they will instantly explode into blood mist.But for the disciples of Tianmo Palace, the situation is not the case.

"Wrong." Lin Fei said lightly, "It's the Xuanxian Transformation."

Fei Lian frowned suddenly, he had never heard of such methods!


The sound of swords ringing around Lin Fei's body was endless, presenting a forest of silver swords surrounding him.

Not only that, but his whole body burst out with extreme sword light, as if a hundred-foot fairy sword stood in the stand, surrounded by thousands of swords and stars.

The word "immortal" suddenly appeared between his brows, and his aura suddenly rose.

Under the gaze of Fei Lian's magic pupils, it was even more clear that the bones in Lin Fei's body suddenly became radiant, as crystal clear as jade bones.

"You Tianmo Bian has the same approach but the same effect, but it's just the opposite." Fei Lian's brows frowned even tighter, and this phenomenon made him feel too outrageous.

He reached out and held it in the void, and suddenly a magic light condensed into a battle spear.

"The nameless sword art, stab."

"A flash of spring thunder."

Lin Fei opened his mouth in a low voice, and the surrounding silver fairy swords with murderous intent were wrapped in blazing lightning rays in an instant.At first glance, he was surrounded by an ocean of thunder and lightning, and it looked like he was holding a bunch of Thor's blades in his hand.

Immediately, he carried a hundred and eight thousand swords, and relentlessly charged towards Fei Lian!

"Chi, chi, chi—"

One hundred and eight thousand sword lights, each handle is as thick as a bucket, and contains the destructive power of Yang Lei.In an instant, the mountain peaks on both sides of the canyon were smashed, and the huge stones were wiped out in the thunder.

Fei Lian snorted coldly, and using his supernatural powers, he split into hundreds of clones in an instant.

"When, when, when—"

These clones shattered the incoming sword light and made a series of metal and iron sounds.Even though everyone had already hid in the distant sky, the eardrums were still hurt by this terrible sound.

A Limang that bloomed with the utmost brilliance rushed past in an instant.


The spear in Fei Lian's hand was cut off, but he took the opportunity to slap Lin Fei hard.

The power of this palm is so powerful that the surging devil energy all around gathers like a tide, and the space is collapsed.


A muffled sound.

Relying on the strength of the Immortal Sword Body, Lin Fei just flew upside down for tens of meters, with a surge of energy and blood.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

In fact, this kind of ant-like attack was just a joke to him.

Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his left hand and shook it in the void.


In an instant, the hundred and eight thousand swords merged into one, turning into a world-stunning fairy sword that goes up to the sky and down to the ground.

"Kill!" Lin Fei yelled coldly, and the fairy sword slashed through the air, tearing apart the void, showing a terrifying black crack.

Fei Lian's complexion changed, and he immediately displayed his magic power amidst the roar.

Its indomitable and terrifying phantom, holding a spear to forcibly regret this fairy sword!


The terrifying energy storm swept across the mighty, turned into a shock wave and spread out, extremely smashing everything around.

"Death!" Fei Lian's qi and blood were berserk, even though there were some cracks on the phantom, he was extremely determined to kill Lin Fei.


Holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, Lin Fei fought with him from the ground to the sky.

The clouds collapsed, and the two were as frightening as a battle between immortals and demons.

But at this moment, a faint sigh came out.

Immediately afterwards, everything in this world became silent and fell into silence.

Everyone watching the battle from a distance was extremely excited, and naturally knew that this was the ultimate move of the Seventh Young Master - Broken Sword Silence!

As strong as the Fourth Young Master Su Tianshuang, he was also defeated by this move!

At this moment, Lin Fei's body was cracking silently, cracks spread all over like porcelain, blood stained the white clothes red.

On the other side, Fei Lian was also terrified.

Not only his body, but even the phantom transformed by the Dharma body and the spear in his hand are cracking!

However, the white-clothed swordsman in front of him was so fierce that he couldn't stop attacking him even though he was suffering from such a tragic injury!

"We have to retreat!" A thought flashed through Fei Lian's mind, and Dang even flew back abruptly.

His dharma body collapsed with a "click", and he spit out a mouthful of blood with a "poof", but he showed a surprised look.

Because he was able to make a sound, it meant that he had escaped from that weird field that could be said to be destroyed.

In that fatal field, he was forced to have a ridiculous idea like "I am a sword", which made people feel uneasy.

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