I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 458 Isn't it just Xiaoqiang?

In the distant sky, Li Changhe and others let out a heartfelt exclamation.

"Seventh Young Master is indeed heavenly and powerful, and he can gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the ancient demon god!"

"Such an achievement at the age of less than a hundred years, and how amazing it was when he grew up over time?"

"As expected of the body of the fairy sword, I am afraid that no one in the same generation can compare with it except the eldest son and the sixth son?"

Hearing such emotional praise, Ji Yaoguang felt strange in his heart.

On the other side, Lin Fei and Fei Lian were also fighting to a fever pitch.

"Boy, I am an ancient demon god. How can you imagine all kinds of supernatural powers?!" Fei Lian was really fired. He never expected that he would be forced to such an extent by a young man, even his armor was covered with cracks. .

If the two are both in the realm of the void, he believes that the power of various laws he has mastered can instantly kill the young man in front of him who has not accumulated any accumulation.

But only in the realm of transforming gods, he had to forcibly work hard.

"Zifeng Sirius stab!" Fei Lian yelled violently, and the surging magic energy trembled and passed to his arm, and he handed out an extremely fierce spear.


When the spear came out of the hole, a demon wolf the size of a small mountain appeared.It roared ferociously, as if it wanted to tear Lin Fei into pieces and devour his flesh and blood.

"The jade pot is bright!" Lin Fei made a decisive decision and swapped positions with Fei Lian.

If Su Tianshuang and Lin Fei are facing each other, they must be on guard against this move.It's a pity that Fei Lian was fighting him for the first time, so he didn't expect such unpredictable moves.

His heart shook violently, and he saw that bloodthirsty demon wolf fiercely biting his head!

"Heaven and earth are useless!" Fei Lian swung his palm suddenly, with a strange aura of withering in it, and it has the power to turn magic into decay.


The bloodthirsty wolf was hit by this slap, and it collapsed invisible on the spot.

This was originally Fei Lian's trump card killer move, a means to defuse Lin Fei's offensive at the critical moment and win by surprise.But he didn't expect to encounter such an accident, so he revealed his hole card ahead of time.

In this way, Lin Fei must take precautions, and it will be difficult to catch him by surprise in the follow-up.

"Okay, very good, very good!" Fei Lian looked at Lin Fei, who was covered in blood, and gritted his teeth.Being forced to such a degree, he was completely berserk, forcibly squeezing the little devil blood left in his body, causing the power of qi and blood to roll to the sky.

Now that this hole card has been detected, there is no need to hide it.

He stretched out the demonic domain that was billowing with demonic energy, and fixed the space around him, preventing Lin Fei from having the chance to perform the strange and unpredictable "Jade Pot Light Turn".

Immediately, Fei Lian roared, and directly displayed the power of turning magic into decay, and violently killed Lin Fei.

This time, Lin Fei actually fell into a disadvantage.

The Yang Lei sword energy of "A Flash of Spring Thunder" melted instantly when it touched the spear in Fei Lian's hand.

Lin Fei changed his move in an instant, and a vision of a bright moon rising above the sea appeared behind him.

The azure blue ocean waves are rolling and turbulent, and even a strong man who has achieved cultivation will be annihilated in an instant if he is involved in it.

"Seventh Young Master has actually mastered the visions that various divine bodies can display in the legend!"

"It is rumored that as soon as the vision of the divine body appears, it sweeps away the monks of the same level. It is completely unilaterally crushed!"

"That's right, this is a bright moon growing on the sea. The brilliance emitted by that bright moon can immobilize the enemy, and the sea water can tear apart the strong in the same realm in an instant!"

"With such means, why worry that the seventh son can't defeat Fei Lian?"

The vision of the divine body is one of the weapons that these extraordinary physiques can sweep away monks of the same rank.

All the members of the Black Wind Society were shocked and excited. They didn't expect the seventh son to have such a miraculous method.

But Fei Lian sneered, and killed him without hesitation.

"Fix." Lin Fei muttered silently, and the bright moon behind him cast a bright light, trying to freeze Fei Lian's figure.

However, Fei Lian was unhindered, and even violently charged towards the sea waves.


"Why can he not be hindered by the vision of the divine body?"

"Is this the strength of the ancient demon god? It's really terrifying!"

Everyone suddenly changed their faces.

Fei Lian laughed wildly, and roared angrily: "Boy, I am an ancient demon god, your newly born vision of a divine body is useless to me!"

As the ultimate move of the ancient demon gods, the terrifying aspect of "Heaven and Earth is useless" that turns magic into decay can even be used to resist the power of visions!

Lin Fei was still as calm as water, and said lightly, "Really?"

Before he finished speaking, the bright moon behind him burst into brighter brilliance, during which even feathers turned into feathers fluttered and scattered, making everything look so dreamy and ethereal.

But Fei Lian was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery at all, his expression changed suddenly.

Because in the space shrouded in moonlight, the power of restraint suddenly increased dramatically, which made him feel unspeakable pressure.He was like a person in the mud, feeling stagnant all over his body, making it extremely difficult to move.

The berserk spear of Ling Tian Jedi also seemed to be in slow motion.As long as it can act normally, even a child can easily avoid it.

Lin Fei sat in the void, crazily consuming the real energy in his body, and let the waves beat towards Fei Lian violently again.


With a loud noise, Fei Lian immediately flew backwards, leaving the world shrouded in moonlight.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of blood, stepped down a few steps in the void, and made a huge sonic boom, only then was he able to stabilize his figure.

"Crack clap-"

All the armor on Fei Lian's body was shattered, showing a look of extreme horror.

On the other side, Lin Fei also appropriately showed a weak appearance, his face turned pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.The vision of the bright moon rising above the sea behind him also disappeared in an instant.

"The disciples of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace are really extraordinary. They master the sky-defying skills such as the Heavenly Demon Transformation, and they have the same posture..." Fei Lian panted violently, and evaluated Lin Fei as "weak" as before. The appearance is completely different.

He wiped the blood from his mouth, but then showed a sinister smile: "It's a pity that you are too young!"

After the words fell, Fei Lian let out a growl, and actually took the initiative to change out of his body.

He crawled in the void, and his whole body underwent a strange twist.


Fei Lian's arms turned into cold and sharp Senran saber feet, and they shot out directly.His entire reminder also changed drastically, turning into an ugly giant black cockroach.

There are ancient books.Feilian is "cockroach", which means cockroach.

"The source of my life is huge and vast. Even if I am seriously injured and dying, I can fight endlessly! Whether it is your Xuanxian Transformation or Heavenly Demon Transformation, the time limit is exhausted after all! How can you fight with me?" Fei Lian roared like thunder rolling .

"Isn't he Xiaoqiang who can only endure beatings? As for being so proud?" Lin Fei complained.

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