I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 476 Blood Race? 1 pot finished

Seeing that the blood race didn't intend to kill him, Brian felt complacent and triumphant, thinking that he had made the right choice.

In order to show his loyalty, he even reminded: "Three princes, don't underestimate this Lin Fei. He can summon meteorites to kill all our werewolves, he is definitely a real god!"

Horace's complexion changed immediately when he heard these words, cold sweat dripped from his brow, and he felt a burst of fear.He thought to himself that thanks to this Lin Fei being an idiot, he allowed himself to complete the summoning ceremony of the blood prince, otherwise all the blood clan present today would have died!

"A real god?" Hearing this, Bruch, holding the torture axe, suddenly showed an excited expression.

As the most brutal and ferocious blood prince, he was immediately full of fighting spirit, and he did not hide the greed on his face: "The blood of the gods is really exciting! Don't rob me of any of you, his blood is mine alone." human!"

Prince Ravono, who was holding a ghost lamp, looked like a ghost, his figure and words were light and light: "It will be wonderful if you die in his hands."

Bruch sneered, held the torture ax directly, and killed Lin Fei ferociously like a berserker.

The torture ax in his hand can greatly increase the strength of the user.For monks who are not strong, it is not a problem to directly increase by ten times.

And in the hands of Bruch, it can fully increase his strength by three times!

A true god can exert three times the power, which is a hair-raising thing...

Of course, the side effect of the torture ax was that Bruch's whole body was cracked like porcelain, and the blood flowed continuously.

It was another brutal move to kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred, but the vitality of the blood race was so strong that it was unimaginable, completely able to withstand this load.

Bruch shouted violently, and the torture ax in his hand slashed straight at Lin Feili.

That terrifying ax shadow even tore through the void, making people look pale, as if they wanted to split the world.

However, Lin Fei's expression remained the same, and he directly greeted him with a palm knife.

All the vampires present showed playful smiles, feeling that Lin Fei was looking for death beyond his control.

If you use your bare hands to harden the sacred weapon, the torture axe, you will surely cut it off with your hands!


Amidst a loud bang, something horrifying happened.

Something did break.

But it was not Lin Fei's hand that broke, but the torture ax in Bruch's hand!

Bruch's eyes were about to burst in an instant, and he stomped on his feet, causing the ground to collapse, spreading huge spider web-like cracks.

Not only was the punishment ax broken, Bruch, who had the blessing of the punishment ax, even lost to Lin Fei in the duel of strength!

The already pale faces of a group of vampires were so frightened that they couldn't see any blood, as if the word "fear" was written on their faces.

"Not good!" Assamai, who was holding the bone qin, finally lost his balance, and when he flicked the bone qin in his hand, he made a hoarse and piercing sound.

The moment they heard this voice, all the life forms below the True God Realm except Ji Yao felt extremely weak in an instant, and it was extremely difficult to even move their fingers!

This is one of the magic powers of the bone zither, which can make people fatigued and completely lose their combat effectiveness.

However, Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, and even slapped it down with his palm, causing Prince Bruch to burst into blood mist with a "poof"!

Such a vast amount of blood energy was accepted by Lin Fei with a porcelain bottle.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, and even the other two princes changed their faces instantly.

Sirius Bryan blew up again, his wolf eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Fei didn't want to waste any more time with them, his figure appeared in front of Prince Assamai in an instant, and was patted by another black light palm that crushed the void.

The bone zither in Prince Assamai's hand turned into a bone armor and attached to his body in an instant, trying to protect himself with the defensive power of the holy weapon.


There was another loud bang, the bone harp turned into ashes in an instant, and Prince Assamai was also annihilated in a scream!

"Run!" The only remaining prince wanted to slip away holding the ghost lamp, but he couldn't escape being blown away by a palm connected to the ghost lamp.

The purest crushing, the most direct instant kill!

Without the slightest suspense, the three princes died suddenly in Lin Fei's hands, and the blood was all poured into the porcelain bottle.

A group of vampires were frightened out of their wits in an instant, and immediately screamed again and again, turning into dense bats one by one, trying to fly away.

"Let there be light." Lin Fei said calmly.

In an instant, a blazing sun was cast under the sky, turning the night into day in an instant!


The bats all over the sky were instantly ignited by the flames, and turned into flying ash amidst the screams of screams.

The light disappeared in an instant, and the darkness in the night returned to the sky and the earth.

Only Brian, who was a werewolf, and Duke Horace, who could resist the sun, survived.


The two guys knelt down on the ground in unison, and kowtowed to Lin Fei, begging him to spare their lives.

Horace really wanted to kill this Sirius—you fucking bitch, your own death is not enough, do you have to lure this big demon king to Lao Tzu's blood clan!

But Bryan was so remorseful that he wished he could use his wolf claws to slap his two big ears——Lin Fei gave him a chance to live before, so why did he have to refuse him, or even attack him with words instead? !

"Bryan, what did you say earlier?" Lin Fei asked with a half-smile.

Brian's scalp went numb for a while, and he hurriedly said: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Lin Fei shook his head, just snapping his fingers.


Brian's figure instantly shattered, leaving only a bloody mist.

Lin Fei is a man who keeps his word - he said that if he was given a chance, there would be one and only one.

When Horace saw this scene, his whole body was trembling with fright, feeling extremely cold, almost foreseeing his own desolate death.

"The whereabouts of the blood spoon and Davidian," Lin Fei said calmly, "If you name one of them, I can consider letting you live."

Horace was about to cry, and hurriedly said: "The blood key is in David's hand, I can call him!"

But at this moment, Lin Fei's cell phone rang.

When he picked up the phone, he heard the anxious voice of the female demon: "Tianzun, I found David's whereabouts! He is in the lair of the undead, Ying Long and I dare not trespass, come quickly!"

Lin Fei let out a "huh" when he heard this, hung up the phone immediately, and looked at Horace in front of him: "You are useless."

"No!" Horace screamed in shock.

After all, it was inevitable that it would burst into a cloud of blood mist, which was also collected in the porcelain bottle.

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