I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 477 Cain Awakens

Lin Fei has no sympathy for this kind of life that does a lot of evil and feeds on human blood.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even slapped the huge castle.

Lin Fei and Ji Yaoguang didn't stay here for a moment, and set off directly to the undead lair.

Surprisingly, the lair of the undead is also located in the small world.

Looking around, the mountains and plains are full of boneless ghouls, numbering in the tens of thousands.

The ranks of the undead are strict, and the queen of the ghouls is a monster made up of various corpses, called "abomination".Stitched with stitches, they reeked of the plague, with flies circling and maggots wriggling inside.

Necromancers, gargoyles, stone statues of ten wins, banshees, and even the icy burial ground deep in the lair, where a huge frost dragon can be vaguely seen.

With this posture, anyone who catches him will feel his scalp go numb.

However, Lin Fei didn't even bat an eyelid, and met Ying Longnvba directly, and only said three words: "Kill in."

No need for infiltration, no need for any plan, just crush and push over.

Lin Fei stepped on the top of Yinglong's body and directly broke into this small world.

In an instant, countless ghouls were boiling, full of violent killing intent, but they could only stare blankly at the few people in the air.

And the gargoyle statue peeled off its stone skin in an instant with a "click" sound, turning into a large piece of gargoyle, killing everyone like an overwhelming torrent.


Facing the crowd of enemies, Lin Fei lightly snapped his fingers.

Wind seven thunder.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the dense thunder almost flooded the entire world.All the undead creatures were smashed to ashes the moment they came into contact with the thunder light, leaving no armor left.

After the shrill screams fell, the sky and the earth suddenly became empty, only the endless black ash of catastrophe was flying all over the sky.

In the distance, a group of necromancers who were setting up a formation in front of the eleven coffins and chanting incantations were scared out of their wits almost instantly.

"How could there be eleven coffins?" Ji Yaoguang was a little puzzled.

The ten coffins are all made of obsidian, and they can be associated with the blood prince they have seen before at a glance.Three died in the blood clan territory, and it seems that the remaining ten are here.

Who is in the last bone coffin suspended in the air?

"I guess it's the origin of the blood race, Cain." Lin Fei said lightly, without frowning because of his existence.

David's eyes were also tearing apart instantly: "Lin Fei, Ying Long!"

He didn't expect that before he found trouble with these two guys, they would take the initiative to come to him first.Not only that, but the methods Lin Fei showed earlier made him extremely horrified, and made people doubt that he had the strength of a true god.

"Boss, what should we do?" A necromancer asked in horror.

"Continue with the summoning ceremony," Davyan clenched his fists tightly, his heart beating wildly, "Let the Frost Dragon resist first!"

After his words fell, a group of necromancers immediately recited a spell.


Dozens of skull dragons soared into the sky.

They can't see any flesh and blood, only white bones and bone wings. Apart from this, they belong to the typical image of western dragons.Not only that, there is even a white frosty air emitting from around the bone dragon's body.

Seeing this scene, Ying Long immediately made a displeased voice: "Dirty life is also worthy of being called a dragon?"

Lin Fei smiled slightly and said, "Then leave it to you."

After the words were finished, he led everyone to jump off Ying Long's back and landed on the ground.

In the air, Ying Long suddenly opened the "Dragon Abyss" space, pulled all the frost dragons into it, and had a duel among dragons.

"Tianzun, leave the rest to me!" Nvba volunteered, thinking that it was not necessary for Lin Fei to take care of such a trivial matter.

Lin Fei glanced at her and said with a smile, "Yes, but David can't die."

After the words fell, he stretched out a finger directly, and erased the seal on Nuba's forehead.


Terrible power swept across the vast undead lair in an instant, and the already barren land directly turned into a desert.Under the turbulent wind, yellow sand was flying all over the sky, setting off a terrible sandstorm.

The female demon exudes a fiery body-protecting god, which instantly changes the expressions of Davidian and others.

"Can't wait any longer!" Seeing that the situation was not good, David immediately entered the state of death transformation.

In an instant, the demon scorpion covering his body was raging violently, turning into a black cloak to cover his body, and a death sickle appeared in his hand.

The first thing Davidian did was not to fight the female demon, but to brazenly wave the death scythe at a group of necromancers.


A cold silver light exuding a strong breath of death suddenly appeared, causing a group of necromancers to fall to the ground in an instant, and their souls were harvested.

And after they died, the blood containing the magic power flowed into the crystal coffin on its own initiative, causing the breath of life to wake up from it.

The nun's pupils shrank slightly, and she was about to deal with these princes first, but Lin Fei said calmly: "Don't worry, you just need to take Davidian down."

"Yes!" The nun replied, and rushed towards David without hesitation, and began to fight against each other.

At the same time, ten coffins were opened suddenly, and princes holding holy artifacts reappeared in the world one by one.

"I finally woke up!"

"It's the breath of lowly human beings. This kind of weak creature is really a natural food..."

"Delicious blood is calling me, hehe, it seems that I can have a full meal—"


This guy's voice hadn't finished yet, and it turned into blood mist under Lin Fei's slap.

This scene frightened the other princes in an instant!

What's the matter?

I just came out, ready to absorb blood unscrupulously, why did the prince get killed instantly?

Damn, is the earth so scary now, a human being can slap a blood prince to death? !

"and many more!"

"Yes, yes, please speak up if you have something to say, don't touch your hands!"

"Yes, blood races and humans should live in harmony!"

These princes made a 180-degree turn in an instant, and previously regarded human beings as inferior life, only as food.But now, with a shy face, he said with a smile that he wanted to live in harmony. In fact, he also likes humans very much.

This funny scene once made Ji Yaoguang dumbfounded.

And at this moment, the blood mist left by the prince who died earlier gathered in the bone coffin.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying breath came out, as if a demon god was about to wake up.

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