I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 478 Rakshasa magic, 4 absolute power

The nine blood princes looked at each other instantly, and they all saw the surprise on each other's faces.

The ancestor of the blood race, Adam's son "Cain", is about to wake up!

The life source of the blood clan comes from blood, and the blood energy contained in a prince's body is unimaginably vast.The immortal Cain was sleeping in a coffin of bones, and it was not surprising that he woke up after absorbing the blood energy of a blood prince.

The nine blood princes who were originally submissive suddenly swelled up, and they were no longer afraid of Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, human, you are dead!"

"Ancestor Cain is about to wake up, and the end of mankind is coming!"

"If you kneel down and surrender to Lord Cain, maybe he will give you the chance to become a noble blood."

"Kneel down to Patriarch Cain!"

They acted like a fox pretending to be a tiger, and they were nothing to fear.Cain's waking up made them feel that they saw the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

And at this moment, a haughty divine thought came from the bone coffin: "Hahaha! Tremble, mortals, the time for the blood race to unify the world has come."

"As for these mortals now, let you first become the sacrifices for the opening of the prosperous age of the blood race!"

The nine blood princes were shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect that just a divine thought from Cain would make them feel pain all over their bodies, and it was difficult for them to bear its terrible pressure.

Such a discovery made them even more excited, and they deeply admired Cain's strength.

However, Lin Fei's heart didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little, and he didn't bother to interrupt their narcissism at all.


The bone coffin board was kicked open, and Cain violently walked out of the coffin, stepped on the void, and said arrogantly: "Let me see, what kind of human being can—"

His voice stopped abruptly, and the moment he saw Lin Fei's face clearly, there was an emotion on his face that made the nine princes feel extremely uneasy.


Such a discovery almost suffocated the princes instantly.

Why did Cain, the patriarch of the blood race, show such a frightened expression when he saw this Chinese man?

Without giving them a chance to respond, Cain trembled all over, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes, sorry... Sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

As soon as the words fell, he picked up the coffin board under the astonished gazes of all the princes, and shut himself back in the coffin with a "bang", so frightened that he pretended to be dead!


"Why is that?"

"What is Patriarch Cain doing!"

They were about to go crazy, a chill came from the depths of their souls, and they couldn't help swallowing.

How could this Huaxia man in front of him make Cain so frightened?

Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with them at all, he just kicked him when he went up.


He kicked the whole coffin of bones to pieces, and then he lifted Cain out like a chicken.

This scene was so shocking that all the blood princes present widened their eyes, and almost fainted from fright on the spot!

"Forgive me! Wansheng Tianzun, please forgive me!"

"The villain just woke up, and I didn't have time to do any bad things—fu.ck! No, I didn't plan to do any bad things!" Cain was really panicked, even speaking incoherently, a blind man could see through him at a glance Fear to the bone emotion.

"Do you think I'm deaf?" Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Joke, it's purely a joke!" Cain said hastily, "I'm just joking, I don't really mean to harm the world!"

Lin Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all, he just slapped him when he went up.


With a loud noise, Cain shattered into a blood mist, his soul was annihilated, and only the blood was taken by Lin Fei.

At the same time, an extremely strange curse force attacked Lin Fei.

When Cain killed his brother Abel, he was exiled by the Lord and wandered on the earth.But he was worried that he would be killed, so he left a mark and a curse on him-but whoever kills Cain will suffer sevenfold retribution.

"Go away." Lin Fei only uttered one word, and the curse from Jehovah God disappeared in a flash, turning into nothingness in an instant!

He can even defy the will of heaven, let alone a mere Jehovah?


A blood prince was so frightened that his legs limp, and he knelt down in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves directly, turning them into fly ash in an instant.Many blood clan holy artifacts were also directly shattered into powder, completely disappearing from the long river of history.

Only the key that exudes a faint blood light was held in the palm of his hand.

He looked up, and saw that Ying Long had left the Long Yuan space, and even hiccupped, showing a bit of embarrassment.

Lin Fei smiled slightly, knowing that she had devoured all those bone dragons.

On the other side, Davidian was able to fight endlessly with the female demon, showing extremely terrifying strength.The breath of death spread wildly, intertwined into countless death lines in the air, and it would be entangled by death with a slight touch.

The nun's body was full of divine light, smashing the dense lines of death, and violently fought with Davidian.

"Tianzun, do you want me to help her?" Seeing this scene, Ying Long immediately asked Lin Fei.

"No need." Lin Fei said lightly, knowing that with his daughter-in-law's temper, he had to defeat David An himself.

"Nvba, I allow you to use the Four Uniques." He said suddenly.

Ji Yaoguang showed surprise on his face, not knowing what the so-called four unique things were.

But Ying Long's expression changed slightly, as if he knew how terrifying the "Four Uniques" were.

The Asura Clan, the Great Rakshasa Sect's "Rakshasa Divine Art", can be called the strongest killing technique of the Asura Clan!

It has four tyrants, two tyrants, and one extinction, and its power increases successively. It can be called killing gods and demons, and its power shakes the world.

But there is a problem that "Rakshasa Magic" is extremely destructive to itself.The stronger the trick, the harder it is for the user to load.

After hearing these words, Nuba was refreshed, and she was full of fighting spirit, as if she had been waiting for these words.

"Meteor shot!" She yelled violently and pointed her finger.

A bucket-thick sharp light was like a comet, dragging its gorgeous tail, instantly tearing through the void and attacking Davidian.

Davidian instantly felt the shadow of death entangled, his heart shuddered, and he immediately regretted the comet with the Death Scythe.


The death sickle unexpectedly shattered under this blow. He tried his best to dodge with a ghostly speed, but he still couldn't escape being scratched by the comet.


Davidian's body shield was shattered, and half of his body was turned into a blood mist. He let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, horrified: "What kind of trick is this?!"

The nun didn't pay attention to him at all, but clenched her fist and swung it out in the air.

"Firefly Boom!"

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