I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 479 Afraid of being GANK

Nuba swung her fist, and a fist of light the size of a millstone tore through the void and smashed ferociously at Davidian.


With a muffled sound, Davidian was directly shattered under this punch, and the ashes and blood mist were flying.

And Nuba's right index finger, which used the "Meteor Gun" earlier, was completely broken off, a bloody mess, and even the bones were shattered into powder.It's hard to imagine that she didn't blink her eyelids under such severe pain before, and even resolutely performed "Firefly Bomb".

The load brought by Yinghuo Bang's punch was even more terrifying. Nuba's entire arm drooped powerlessly, dripping with blood, and even broken bones could be seen.

But the terrible lethality it brought is also beyond doubt. In a battle that was still close to victory, Davidian was instantly killed with two moves from the "Four Uniques".

The threshold of "Rakshasa Divine Art" is extremely high, and one must match it to practice.It seems that only characters with destructive traits are suitable for its practice.

Even Yinglong, the God of Heavenly Dragons, was unable to practice, so Lin Fei only passed on this formula to Nuba.

Seeing this, Ying Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Si Jue has such supernatural power, how powerful will the second tyrant even be eliminated?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "Back then, the Suzerain made three limit breakthroughs and fought against a strong Immortal Emperor, but lost."

Ying Long naturally knew that the "suzerain" he mentioned here refers to the first suzerain of the Rakshasa sect.

"Losing?" Ying Long couldn't help asking.

"Both were seriously injured at the time. Unfortunately, the immortal emperor from the multiverse was scared. He didn't want to die, so he pushed the speed of time so that the suzerain's deadline came earlier, and he died with hatred."

"If we really want to fight to the end, the outcome is still unknown, but it is expected to be a scene of mutual death." Lin Fei mentioned this incident, unable to hide a trace of admiration and emotion for this junior Tianjiao.

Ying Long caught a point of information, and couldn't help feeling a little horrified: "The suzerain is already able to fight the emperor, why is his lifespan still exhausted?"

Lin Fei sighed and said, "It's easy to break after just passing. "The Rakshasa Magical Art" hurt the peace of heaven, and the suzerain broke through the limit three times, completely cutting off his own lifespan. Dot."

It's a pity that after all, he died of hatred.

"What about the immortal emperor from another universe?" Even Ji Yaoguang couldn't help being curious.

"Dead," Lin Fei paused, and added, "I killed it."

Ji Yaoguang was speechless, thinking to herself how tough she was to say lightly that she killed an immortal emperor...

Lin Fei didn't take care of Nuba's injuries, because the latter was stubbornly trying to regenerate his flesh and bones.

Regardless of size.As long as it is something she can handle by herself, she never seems to want to rely on others.

Seeing this scene, Ying Long couldn't bear it and said after all, "Nvba, don't use the "Rakshasa Magic Art" in the future. Just one of the four unique moves will lose ten years of life, who can bear it?"

The nun just smiled and said calmly, "I am."

Ying Long was speechless for a while, thinking that you are really a ruthless person.

Lin Fei wanted to directly use the blood spoon to open the passage to hell, but suddenly realized a question: "Where's Wu Moling?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only then did they realize that she... was missing.

"I'll give her a call!" Ji Yaoguang said and took out his mobile phone, but found that there was no signal.

"Leave this small world first." Lin Fei swept his sleeves away as he spoke, causing everyone to appear in the outside world out of thin air.

Ji Yaoguang just called Wu Moling, but found no one answered.

"I'm afraid it's a terrible gank!" Ying Long suddenly burst out a game term.

Ji Yaoguang's heart tightened suddenly, and his face turned pale.

"Look separately." Lin Fei said decisively.


New York Central Park.

"Pfft!" Wu Moling suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, as if he had been nailed to the ground by some invisible force, causing the surrounding tourists to panic and scream.

A blood hole appeared in her chest, and the blood flowed profusely.

"Folding flowers to the south of the Yangtze River, facing the spring breeze and red wax..." The phone rang suddenly, and Wu Moling wanted to answer the phone, but found that his right arm was also nailed to the ground, and there was a bleeding wound. Wound.

She was a little dazed at first, but she quickly came to her senses, gritted her teeth and said, "It must be that old witch!"

In fact, Wu Moling's judgment was extremely correct.

The runaway old hag is now hiding in a room with a voodoo doll on the table.It was stained with Wu Moling's blood, which was the medium of the curse - the old witch took away an iron nail stained with Wu Moling's blood before fleeing.

The voodoo doll was lying on the table, pierced by iron nails on its chest and arms, which was the same as Wu Moling's situation.

The old witch's face was full of resentment, "Destroy my witch group, and destroy my precious surrogate doll, I will torture you until you die!"

After she finished speaking, she went straight to twist the voodoo doll's left arm.


Wu Moling's left arm dislocated at the sound, and even twisted from behind to the front strangely. The pain was so painful that she was dying of pain, with cold sweat and tears rolling in her eyes.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound on her face, as if she had been slapped hard, her head was turned to one side.

The old witch laughed strangely at a very far away place, lit a match with a "cha", and then threw it on the voodoo doll.

While the voodoo doll was burning, Wu Moling in the distance was also burning with flames.

The panicked crowd had already called the police, but the police were also shocked when they saw this scene, and blurted out: "what the fu.ck?!"

Wu Moling let out a heart-piercing scream, and his whole body was bathed in the flames, even the body-protecting qi couldn't resist it.

Because under the effect of the curse, everything that the voodoo doll suffers directly feeds back on her.

Reverse the game!

It must be resolved with a witch spell!

Wu Moling was in a state of disquiet - in fact, his whole body was burning with flames, even if he cast a witch spell.

She became ruthless, and directly cursed herself for not living or dying, and becoming a living dead!

So although Wu Moling screamed and howled in the raging fire, his whole body was almost turned into coke, but he didn't die.

"What the hell?" The old witch was startled, realizing that the voodoo dolls had been burned to ashes, but the woman over there was still alive.

She is stunned!

It was the first time I encountered such a weird situation, far beyond my understanding.

"If it doesn't work once, then do it again!"

"The fire won't work, so let's smash the corpse into thousands of pieces!"

The old witch sneered, took out the second voodoo doll, stained it with Wu Moling's blood, and cast a spell.

After binding the voodoo doll to Wu Moling, she took out a sharp fruit knife with a cold light.

Hand up and down!

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